In December 2009, I came to the conclusion that my business was about to fail. I turned to the Internet to see if I could prepare for the experience of closing my doors, and found no useful information. I wrote to Loren Feldman, then an editor at The New York Times, and offered to document my experience. His invitation to write for the Times started my second career as a writer. I’d like to thank him for his guidance, support, and friendship.
This book would not exist without encouragement from Paul Lucas, my agent. In September 2012, he asked me whether I had ever considered writing a book. Not really, I replied, but I would be happy to give it a shot. I don’t think he was picturing the story you just read, but he patiently helped me complete my first draft, and has been my champion in the publishing world.
My business would never have survived its early years without the unflagging support of my father, Anthony Downs, and my brother, Tony Downs.
And I’d like to conclude with thanks to my wife, Nancy Bea Miller, and my children, Hugh, Henry, and Peter. Even when I exposed our private lives and finances to the world, they have stood with me.