Feng Shui Basics

Here are a few things Cealie learned from her cousin, Stevie.

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of improving your life by enhancing the harmony and energy flow between you and your physical surroundings. Feng means wind and shui means water.

Wind (or air) and water are natural elements that circulate everywhere on Earth and are basic for human survival.

Following Feng Shui principles in the home and office can help you design working and living environments that allow more energy to flow through your whole being.

Feng Shui should provide comfort, safety, and living with things you love. You can Feng Shui your home, office, and even your desk. Change is good!

Ask yourself these questions about items in your home:

Why do I have this?

Do I need this?

Do I love this?

Does it help me?

If I moved tomorrow, would I take it?

Does each thing in each area feel like the right anchor for a fantastic now for you, or an amazing future? Identify things that deplete or drain your energy and those that make you feel happy and alive. Keep only the good things.

Everything in your environment is considered alive. Wind chimes bring in energy. Take them inside. Store nothing just because.

A Feng Shui Octagon divides a floor plan into life areas that hold different energy. Use it with your house or your office. Pay special attention to any area you want to improve: Career is located in the center front. Family is located in the center left. Helpful People in the right front. Knowledge in the left front. Wealth is the back left. Fame or Reputation in the back center. Marriage or Partnership is the back right. Children in the center right. Health in the center of the octagon. Colors and shapes are important in these areas.

As with everything else Cealie learns, she figures she doesn’t have to actually use her knowledge, especially since she seldom stays home.