21 Gun Salute Suit

I want a robber baron on the toot suit

Beef steak en croute forsook and streamlined round the glute suit

A pick-me-up en route suit

Soft shoulders, nothing zoot

A man of some repute suit

A 21 Gun Salute suit

I want an ornery galoot suit

A no-good owlhoot suit

A one funny move and I shoot suit

Some tickety tackety boots

A shirt the colour of pastel fruit

An “oo you brute” suit

You know a 21 Gun Salute suit

A rather dissolute but not yet destitute suit

Dégagé all the way, I like it when I start to fray

I ain’t some pimped up popinjay

And I ain’t prepared to pay

I want a coat, some pants, and a vest to boot

Devoid of any tell-tale roots

With a kind of cultivated snoot

And creditors in hot pursuit

A sort of social parachute

A 21 Gun Salute suit