Consecration of Tools
For all the rhetorician’s rules
Teach nothing but to name his tools.
—Samuel Butler (1600–1680), Hudibras, Part I, Canto I
Two items that are not really “tools” in themselves, but are always present on a Witch altar, are a dish of water and a dish of salt. These are the ingredients of consecration. Salt represents life (it actually symbolizes semen, the essence of life), and has through countless ages and locations. Water, of course, is essential to life. Along with these two items, you will need to have incense burning in order to consecrate anything.
To consecrate an item, in the circle first place some of the salt into the water and mix it. As you do this, ask the gods to purify the salt and water, making them the objects of their (the gods’) blessings and instruments to purify and cleanse any and all other objects on which they may be used. You can do this in your own words, out loud or in your head. Sprinkle the object (athamé, wand, talisman, or whatever) with the salted water, making sure to cover all sides and angles. If you’d prefer, you can dip your finger into the salted water and then rub it all over the object. As you do this, see the negativity going out of it and being replaced by white, positive energy. Hold the object in the smoke of the incense, turning it so that all facets get censed, and see the positivity being sealed in. Now, either hold the object between the palms of your hands or hold it flat to your body over the heart. Concentrate your thoughts on the purpose of the item: If it is a working tool then see it as a powerful, effective tool to aid in your work; if it’s a talisman, for protection for example, then see it as a powerful protector. Ask the gods to bless it and help it work for and with you.
When you’ve initially consecrated your first working tools, wrap them in a piece of white linen or silk and carefully put them away until you are ready to start working with them. Do not let anyone else handle them. These are
your ritual tools; they are sacred and special.