Icouldn’t have written this book without the help of a number of people who generously shared their expertise with me.

Heartfelt thanks are due to the following (I should add that they have saved me from many a blunder, but any that remain are all my own):

Dr John Olsen, scientific advisor and friend, who discussed how Claudia’s research could be carried out and how Katie could discover if it were fraudulent. Our conversations and his helpful comments on a draft of the novel improved it no end.

Dr Gareth Lycett at the School of Tropical Medicine, where I spent a fascinating afternoon visiting an insectary and learning how a Category 3 lab works. Gareth was endlessly patient in answering my subsequent questions and commented on a draft of the novel. He also provided me with a good joke, which I managed to include.

Russell Dacombe at the School of Tropical Medicine, for sparing time for a number of conversations that helped me to understand how a Category 3 lab works and for arranging for me to visit the school.

Dr Paula Bolton-Maggs, haematologist and lovely sister-in-law, who gave me medical advice and put me in touch with Professor Irene Roberts.

Professor Irene Roberts, for kindly providing information about transplants for children with DBA.

Dr Sandrine Soubes, for a very useful discussion about my fictional research centre.

Dr Helen Crimlist, for putting me in touch with Dr Emma Aarons.

Dr Emma Aarons, for an illuminating conversation about which category of lab would best suit my nefarious purposes.

Lisanne Radice, for helping me to hammer out my plot.

Everyone at Lion Fiction, especially my endlessly supportive editor, Jessica Gladwell, and a special mention for my scrupulous copy-editor, Rachel Ashley-Pain.

Last, but very far from least, Sue Hepworth, cherished friend, whose support goes far beyond reading my drafts.

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A final word: every thirty seconds a child dies of malaria. As a thank you to the School of Tropical Medicine I have made a donation to the Against Malaria Foundation, which provides long-lasting insecticidal nets to populations at high risk of malaria.