First and foremost, thanks to my husband, Bill, for believing in me and helping to create the time and space I needed to write this novel. Thank you as well to my daughters, Audrey and Julia, for being equal parts inspiration and distraction and for never letting me forget the importance of living in the present.
I am forever grateful to Christina Keller, Emmy Nicklin, Julia Rocchi, and Jennifer Ryan, the members of my writing group. These fabulous writers and friends read and reread many versions of this manuscript, and each time, they offered fresh insights and encouragement. Without them, this work truly would not have been possible.
I had the encouragement of many other friends and family members, who shared their excitement about this book and kept me enthusiastic and hopeful about the work I was doing. Thank you, in particular, to Amy Dacey for being an early reader and to Mary Kubisch for being the last reader before I submitted this manuscript for publication.
The characters in this book first came to life during the MA program I attended at Johns Hopkins University, where the support and guidance of my fellow students and professors helped me become a better and more prolific writer.
I would also like to thank Lynn McNamee at Red Adept Publishing for taking a chance on this book and the wonderful editors there who helped me shape it into a better and stronger story.
Last but never least, thanks to the readers of this published novel. I very much appreciate the opportunity to share these characters and their world with you.