
Leon Golub and Jay M Pasachoff, Nearest Star: The Surprising Science of Our Sun, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2014. In this book two distinguished American solar astronomers discuss what we know about the Sun, the only star we can study from close up.

John Goldsmith (ed), The Universe: Yours to Discover, Celestial Visions, Perth, 2015. With a foreword by famous astrophotographer David Malin, this book is a beautifully printed collection of photographs of the southern sky selected from those exhibited at the Western Australian Astrofest photography exhibitions 2009–14.

Phil Hart, Shooting Stars: How to Photograph the Moon and Stars with your DSLR, philhart.com, Melbourne, 2015. This ebook, from one of the best known and most successful Australian astrophotographers, is a valuable guide to how to take spectacular photographs of the night sky.


Australian Sky & Telescope, Odysseus Publishing. Local and international articles on astronomy for all skywatchers. Available online at austskyandtel.com.au.


planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov — the latest information on exoplanets, planets that circle around stars other than the Sun.

rasnz.org.nz — a guide to astronomy in New Zealand, maintained by the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand.

sydneyobservatory.com.au/observations-blog — regular updates on the latest astronomy news.


Find and identify stars and planets in the sky: SkySafari 4, Stellarium Mobile, Distant Suns (max) — iPhone and iPad; SkySafari 4, Stellarium Mobile, Distant Suns (max), Google Sky Map — Android

Identify craters and other features on the Moon: Moon Globe — iPhone and iPad; LunarMap HD — Android

Find the phase of the Moon: Moon Calendar — iPhone and iPad; Moon Phase Pro — Android