Dear Parents of 7th Grade Students at George Washington Junior High:
All 7th grade science classes will be taking a field trip to the Air and Space Museum on Friday, September 26, 1986. Buses will leave the school promptly at 9:00 a.m. and return by 1:30 p.m.
The groups for Mrs. Johnson’s class are as follows:
Group 1
Latonya Gayles, Carla Gray, Amanda Vanderweele, Tracey Harper
Group 2
Paul Craven, Tony Palmer, Sean McQueen, James Fitch
Group 3
Jeff Dalton, Brian Tuckerman, Dwight Griffin, Jason Lewis
Group 4
Steve Dunlow, Keith Poretz, Jerome McDonald, Thomas Sharpe
Group 5
Karen Rivers, Suzanne Evans, Elizabeth Ferguson, Anne White
Group 6
Sara Wyatt, Brandon Cooper, Darrell Carter, Crystal Holmes