Claudia Dalton’s Cell Phone | Friday, July 17, 2015, 9:40 p.m.
Kate: What?! You found him?
Claudia: Yeah. Mom, Papa, and I are going to drive up and talk to him in the morning.
Kate: Does he know you’re coming?
Claudia: No. Mom thought it would be better as a surprise. I think she’s afraid he might try to run again.
Kate: Wow! Hope it goes well.
Claudia: Me too! How are you? Did your mom have the baby yet?
Kate: No.
Claudia: It’s been like eight hours! How long does it take?!
Kate: We’re still at the hospital. Her blood pressure is really high. She might need a C-section.
Claudia: Oh. Is she okay?
Kate: Yeah.
Claudia: Are you okay?
Kate: I think so. I’m just . . . a little worried. Women die during labor sometimes.
Claudia: Not often. Not if they’re in the hospital.
Kate: I know, I know. It’s just . . . I hate being here alone.
Claudia: You’re not alone. Isn’t your dad there?
Kate: Yeah, but I can’t talk to him.
Claudia: Yes, you can.
Kate: Nah.
Claudia: I’m going to talk to mine.
Kate: Well, yours is a lot easier to talk to.
Claudia: Kate, he’s two states away!
Kate: He cares about you. He spends time with you.
Claudia: Cares about me?! He ran away! Your dad is still there!
Kate: Claudia!
Claudia: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t yell. I’m just worried too.
Kate: Of course you are. [SIGHS] Mom’s sleeping now. They just gave her an epidural. Said it will still be a while. I guess I could ask my dad to get a snack in the cafeteria.
Claudia: Yes!
Kate: I don’t know what to say to him.
Claudia: Me either. Guess we’ll just have to hope we figure it out.
Kate: You were right about one thing.
Claudia: What’s that?
Kate: I’m glad I’m here. Instead of sitting at home alone.
Claudia: That was all Luis, not me.
Kate: Hmm. This Luis. He’s a smart guy?
Claudia: Yes, he is.
Kate: Well, I hope to meet him someday. He sounds like he’s become a good friend.
Claudia: He has. Not better than you, but . . .
Kate: “There’s enough love to go around.” That’s what my mom keeps saying.
Claudia: [LAUGHING] Maybe it’s true.
Kate: We’ll see.
Claudia: I better go. Good luck!
Kate: You too.