
Are humans better than other life forms


People who believe we are better than other life forms say that we are very intelligent, we are the ones who follow god and we pray, we have the most perfect body in the world, we have imagination, we have agriculture, we have domesticated other animals etc. But when we look at these arguments we can see that they are a mixture of facts, assumptions and baseless claims along with faulty conclusions.

We may be more intelligent but we cannot say intelligence is the single most important trait of the most successful organism. If say the room temperature of our planet increases to a hundred degree Celsius for some years then we may not be around for long, but there are microorganisms that can survive in such temperatures and they are likely to thrive. We can say there is a kind of intelligence the body has apart from abstract thinking kind of intelligence, that is, its ability to adjust to its surrounding's temperature, pressure etc. We are nowhere near the top when it comes to intelligence of the body. If we want to improve in that regard then it requires knowledge about the numerous chemical processes happening in living organisms and how we can transfer that bodily intelligence from one organism to the other. There are microorganisms with no extensive mind like us or a minute mind when compared to us and some have been around for millions of years. They don't have our kind of mind but they have good intelligence of the body. Intelligence of the mind cannot be the most important factor in life. We can only believe we are more intelligent and hence better by turning a blind eye towards other forms of life and their abilities. 

It is surprising that out of all the organisms that lived on our planet, we and our cousins are probably the only ones with gods and prayers. Some people attribute it to god's love for humans, and so the intelligence and hence the ability to understand god. The people who say it are not exactly sure if there is a god who cares. They don’t have any proof, but they believe it. And it goes beyond that, they are ready to accept an idea built on top of an unsure one. It is strange when we have such kind of thinking in our lives and we believe us to be the most intelligent creature with supreme logical abilities. The kind of thinking that results in such conclusions show us the extent of our abstract thinking capabilities and limitations to our logical thinking. Studies about our logic has revealed to us the cognitive biases that can cloud our rationality. Both the decisions that we believe are the turning points in our life and many minor decisions that we take, can be biased. This knowledge is huge because knowing our limitations is a major step towards self-realization and accepting mistakes. We think about god and we pray not because we are better but because our abstract thinking has taken us places disconnected from reality. 

Our bodies are amazing. We can move, we can eat, we can think, and we can do a lot of things. Some people believe we have the most perfect body in the world. They say we have legs, hands, big brains, we can walk upright etc. The list is big but in short it includes every feature of our bodies. If we ask them about whales with has the biggest brains, they may tell they cannot walk like us so they are not as good as us. If we ask them about lions, one of the strongest predators they may tell they are not as intelligent as us so we are better. These conclusions are based on a scale where human abilities have much higher points than the abilities of other life forms. There are so many amazing abilities organisms have. Frogs can jump many times their own length. Ants can lift many times their body weight. Plants can take water from the soil. Humans have more intelligence. Fish can breathe in water. Birds can fly. Flies can see UV rays. All life forms have their own ways of survival and propagation and they must excel in some way or the other if they have to survive. We have hands, legs, nose etc, an amoeba doesn't have any of this, but both are doing the same thing, survive and propagate. And amoeba lacking legs and we having it doesn't make us better. It just shows that we evolved legs and amoeba didn't and it survive because it excel in some other way. 

It is true that we have a good imagination. We may think we are better than other life forms, we may think there is a caring god, we may think this world is made exclusively for us, we may think we should love everybody etc. But it is not yet time to tell if we are going to be happier or if our species is going to survive longer because of our imaginations. It is possible that we may kill each other in the name of country or race or religion, or we may change our surroundings to a degree that our planet may become inhospitable for us. Or all of this can be for the better. But we can't really tell. We can't tell we are better because we have imagination. 

We are part of a web of interactions involving both living and nonliving things. Every node on this web is connected and maybe dependent on some other node, and we are no different. There can be many reasons which people may tell to believe we are better. These reasons don't have much in it other than ignorance, pride or selfishness. They are either exaggerated or false and draw a baseless conclusion. There is nothing extraordinary about us. We are just one among the many different nodes.