Universe is constantly changing. It is transforming according to the universal laws. Solar system, earth, water, life, us are all a result of these transformations. Life forms evolved in many possible ways. The ones better suited to its surroundings has better chances of survival and reproduction. Some life evolved to have specialized tissues and hence organs for digestion, reproduction etc developed. Their reproductive system either produced a single kind of reproductive cell or it produced two or more kinds of reproductive cells. Due to further specialization separate male and female reproductive organs evolved. Later some organisms evolved to have only one among those organs in their bodies. It led to a separation of sexes with each having their separate parts to play. Then their bodies evolved to better accommodate their reproductive organs. Hence sex specific bodies and strategies developed. Females preferred males with certain qualities and males preferred females with certain qualities. In the process males and females shape each other. But basically both are life, both try to survive and reproduce, both have lungs, brains, stomach etc. The basic emotions, motivations etc are the same for the both of them. But we may feel there are so many differences because there are differences when it comes to reproduction and since it is one of the major theme in our lives, it gets highlighted. We can easily see such an effect by looking at the behavior of other animals, comparing the ones which has its reproduction or something related to it bother us and the ones which doesn't. That is why we might find many similarities between the behaviors of male and female of a goldfish, a grasshopper etc, but it might not be the case for, say cattle or sheep.
Some men or women feel they are entitled to special treatment because they think they are superior. There is no real metric by which they can actually say it but they believe in it. They may justify it by telling there is more value to their abilities compared to that of their opposite sex. But it is a baseless comparison. If we as a species has to survive then it needs both men and women.
Some believe women are less able and need to be taken care of by men. But if there were only females, with no males at all, they would survive. They have all the abilities men have except the ability to produce male reproductive cells and associated hormones. Similarly if there were only males, they would also survive. They also have all the abilities women have except the ability to produce female reproductive cells and associated hormones, to give birth or to nurture. But as a species both these cases will be disastrous. Evolution has shaped men and women to seek each other out, weeding out the ones not doing so or the ones bad at it. So we seek each other out and depend on each other. So either of them treating the other as lesser, or men killing off women or the other way around, or men and women isolating each other is not going to make their life better, it is going to make life difficult for both of them or it is going to be the end of our species.
We would get along well if both males and females think they are equal in value, but not if one thinks they are superior and the other doesn't agree with it. It would also go well if both thinks one of them is superior and the other inferior. But there is no valid reason by which any of them can think they are superior. Suppose if men think they are superior. Then they may say they deserve more and start treating women as lesser to them. Women on the other hand probably think they are either equal or superior to men and the way they get treated is against their wishes. So they will probably treat men in a similar way. It is against both their expectations. They are going to get frustrated because the other is not treating them the way they wish to be treated. Men may blame women for it and if they can get their way, they may try to force respect out of women or force them to conduct themselves in certain ways. But it is only making the problem bigger. Women will feel more disrespected or neglected and they will want to treat men in a similar way to teach them a lesson in mutual respect and cooperation. It will make things worse.
It will be good for everybody if they think men and women are equal and try to treat each other as equals. Understand we are like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. There are differences but we need each other. We have to cooperate and the smartest option is to make it a good experiences. Understand each other, accept each other, respect each other, help each other and cooperate with each other. Nobody is superior or inferior. Women are not inferior to men or the other way around.