Did you love Best Frenemies: Enemies to Lovers? Then you should read Beautiful Mess by S. Cinders!

Beautiful Mess

Olivia's not so one-night stand.Olivia is the queen of the slam bam thank you, m'am. Hiding from her past, she thinks she is happy bringing home a different mister every weekend. Her roommate Abbey believes that she is selling herself short, but Olivia does not want to think about that. Life is short, and Olivia is all about living it to its fullest. At least she was until everything comes to a screeching halt. When last night's one-night stand shows up at her work the next morning, Olivia's world is thrown of its axis. She has a new boss, one that might have rocked her world and called her "babe" before kicking her to the curb. 

What she would not give to wipe that smirk off his face! "Made the mistake of reading Undercover Billionaire while visiting a public library. I caution you before you make the same mistake. I burst out laughing in so many places! You won't rest but a moment or two, before slipping and bust out laughing again."-Amazon Reviewer