Chapter 22
January 8, 1974
“I don’t know why we keep meeting like this. I can’t see any future in it for either of us. Two married people meeting on the sly is so cliché.”
“Come on now, we’re like Adam and Eve. What could be more natural? It’s biblical, right?” He propped himself up on his elbows and gazed into her eyes. “Have I ever told you that you have such beautiful green eyes?”
“Don’t change the subject, Adam. I know the sex is great, but I hate sneaking around on Peter, even though I know he’s banging that waitress at the club. I still feel very uncomfortable doing it my own house and in our own bed.”
“Hell, if it wasn’t for me there wouldn’t be any action on this mattress. How long did you say it was since you two got it on? Four months, I think you said.
“That’s beside the point. There’s also your wife to consider. I know Peter wouldn’t care, but your wife is a different story. What if she finds out about us, Adam?”
Evelyn got up and slipped on a robe. She had just turned thirty-five. Her measurements hadn’t changed in twenty years.
Peter was her second husband; a rebound mistake if there ever was one. It didn’t take her too long to discover that he wasn’t the faithful kind, so when the opportunity to sleep with Adam Hampton II, the richest man in town, came around, she jumped at it. He was attentive, good looking, a damn good lover and there were no strings attached. Then there was the fascination of the “Adam and Eve” thing.
“How’s she going to find out? She’s so busy spending my money, she has no time to think about what I‘m up to. She thinks I’m busy at the office. Anyway, she seems to have lost her interest in sex. It’s been at least five months since I boinked her.”
“Don’t be so crude, Adam.”
He reached out and tried to grab her robe, but she gathered it tight and evaded his reach. “I’ll show you what crude is. Come on, you know you want it. Now, spread ‘em.”
She gave in and she wasn’t disappointed with the results. She never was. Adam Hampton II had many faults, but his lovemaking was the best she had ever had.
February 18, 1974
“How could you let this happen? I thought you were on the pill.”
“I started the day after our first time. I guess it happened then.”
“You should have told me,” he shouted. “I would have used something if I had known.”
“Don’t yell. When I met you, I didn’t know we were going to land up in bed. We were all over each other before I knew what happened.”
“Get rid of it.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know for sure. It just doesn’t seem right to me.”
“How long have you known that you were knocked up?”
“About two weeks.”
“Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“Because I was afraid you’d act like this.”
Adam glowered at her. “Let me tell you something, Evelyn. I want nothing to do with this mistake of yours. That was never a part of our arrangement. I don’t care what you do; just leave me out of it. When I leave here today, it’s over. I don’t ever want to see you again. As far as I’m concerned the last six weeks never happened. If you try to involve me in any way, I’ll destroy you and your reputation. Do you understand?”
“How can you be so cold. This is your own flesh and blood we’re talking about.”
He ignored her question. “I’ll have my lawyer contact you about your expenses. If you insist on having that baby, you will have to take full responsibility. My conscience is clear about this. Goodbye, Evelyn.”
Adam walked out of her house and out of her life.
Eight months later, on October 6, 1974, Evelyn had a baby boy. She named him Kane. A nurse came to her while she was in a semi-sleep state and asked if the baby’s father was Peter Masterson. She said yes without giving it any thought. Peter had fled the scene months earlier with his waitress friend. That was the last time she heard from him.