For several decades, the US intelligence community and the Army secretly developed and utilized a technique called “remote viewing” as a means of obtaining critical national security data on the activities of our enemies.
Thus it is not farfetched to use this tool in an effort to look at 9/11 from an entirely different point of view. Several experienced remote viewers were commissioned by this author to make a remote viewing study of the people and circumstances surrounding the 9/11 attacks.
One of the viewers who agreed to participate in this study was Lyn Buchanan, formerly the trainer of the US Army's then-Top Secret GRILL FLAME and STARGATE remote viewing programs. This technique for viewing persons, places and things by means other than the normal five senses has been known in the past as clairvoyance. The term “remote viewing” was substituted to avoid the ongoing arguments over psychic phenomena and is used to describe the controlled use of psychic abilities.
Remote viewing was extensively studied in the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s first by the CIA, then by the US Army, Defense Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency. Many believe this approach to be a valid means for getting at the truth as this once-secret program was funded through six administrations, both Republican and Democrat, for more than a quarter of a century.
The use of this faculty of the mind has been pervasive in all of the world's religions, from the Bible to the Koran to Oriental mysticism. Most spiritual traditions contain a wealth of stories involving prophecy, visions, shamanic “journeying,” and spiritual instruction. And all seem to involve visual input.
The Biblical book of Isaiah, for example, opens with the statement, “These are the messages that came to Isaiah, son of Amoz, in the visions he saw during the reigns of King Uzziah, King Jotham, King Ahaz and King Hezakiah—all kings of Judah.”
Biblical prophecy was not limited to men. In the Old Testament book of Judges, we find that a “prophetess” named Deborah provided the Israelite leader Barak with information about the military disposition of Sisera, the commander of the forces of Jabin, the King of Canaan. Sisera's forces were routed and thus Deborah, using psychic intelligence, played a pivotal role in the conquest of the Promised Land. She might rightly be called the world's first military remote viewer.
Even in the New Testament, prophesy and visions played an important role as the messianic plan unfolded. St. Paul offered some advice on remote viewing that modern people might well take to heart. “Do not scoff at those who prophesy, but test everything that is said to be sure if it is true, and if it is, then accept it,” he wrote to church members in Thessalonica.
Throughout the ages, men and women have practiced “spiritualism,” to include versions of remote viewing but it was never accepted by the mainstream public because modern science, while able to demonstrate that some phenomenon was occurring in laboratory experiments, could never quite get a handle on the how and why of it.
But after reports leaked out from behind the Iron Curtain in the early 1970s that Soviet Russia and its Eastern European allies were experimenting with psychics, the American intelligence establishment felt the need to join in the pursuit of psychic spies. Beginning in 1972, the CIA began funding scientific studies into psychic phenomena at California's Stanford Research Institute (SRI). According to former investigator Jack Anderson and author Ron McRae, it was “the most severely monitored scientific experiment in history.” And it got results. By 1976, the remote viewing program had left the CIA and by 1977 was under the US Army's newly-formed Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). Soon a full-time operational unit, code named GRILL FLAME, was underway and producing remarkable results from about a dozen remote viewers. In 1985, the unit was placed within the secretive Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
Some people have argued that the use of psychic spies by both sides may have ended the Cold War, which was based primarily on secrecy. Once this secrecy was penetrated by remote viewers, the impasse between the USA and Russia fell apart. In 1995, the story of remote viewing broke in the
Washington Post and the
New York Times after the CIA issued a press release acknowledging the psychic program. The story never really reached the American heartland and many people are still unaware of this most significant issue.
According to several sources, remote viewing continues to be used within both the military and intelligence communities. Most recently, according to some sources, military-trained remote viewers have been used in the search for Osama bin Laden. Viewers were also used to help identify and locate the sniper around Washington in October 2002, according to several news reports.
In this specially commissioned study, eleven remote viewers with extensive track records took a psychic look at the events of September 11, 2001. Several of the viewers involved asked not to be identified. Among those who agreed to be identified were Lyn Buchanan, who now heads up Problems Solutions Innovations of Alamogordo, NM, and Gail Ferguson, author of Cracking the Intuition Code.
These eleven viewers gave yes-or-no answers to questions. The answers below reflect the majority of the viewers’ responses:
1. Did President George Bush have foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks? No.
2. Did George Bush, Sr. have foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks? Yes.
3. Did Dick Cheney have foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks? Yes.
4. Did the Israeli Mossad have foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks? Possibly.
5. Did Osama bin Laden have foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks? Yes.
6. . Were the planes that crashed into the WTC controlled from the planes’ cockpits? No.
7. Was the collapse of the WTC towers caused only by the planes striking the buildings? Equally divided.
8. Was any US intelligence agency involved in the 9/11 attacks?
9. Were any members of The Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations or Bilderberger group responsible of the 9/11 attacks? Yes.
10. Was United Airlines Flight 93 shot down? Yes.
Since the answers to most of these questions would seem provocative to many people, it should be pointed out that remote viewing, despite extensive and careful laboratory experiments, is more of an art than a science. It also should be noted that none of the remote viewers knew the questions before their session.
They were simply given a 10-digit set of numbers that represented each question. It was discovered in the research of remote viewing that these numbers somehow directed the viewer's mental attention to the object of the query on a subconscious level. The viewer picked up the question of the tasker.
For example, the question concerning President Bush was “48965- 74123.” Those numerals were the extent of information given to the viewers, yet there was a certain consistency in their answers with the exception of one question that was nearly a tie. Some of the answers were obvious. For example, the question of whether or not the WTC planes were controlled from the cockpits of the craft resulted in seven “no's,” only three “yes's” and one “no answer.” “No answer” responses resulted from either no data returned or no answer given due to an inconclusive session.
Other answers were much closer. The question concerning the involvement of the Israeli Mossad prompted an almost even split, with six “yes's” compared to five “no's.” The question regarding President Bush's foreknowledge yielded seven “no's” to four “yes's” while the same question regarding his father resulted in the opposite, seven “yes's” to three “no's” with one “no answer.”
Another near tie was the question that asked if the planes alone were responsible for the collapse of the WTC towers. This query brought five “yes” responses to four “no's” with two “no answer's.” The question regarding the involvement of secret society members also was a near tie, with five answering “yes,” four “no” and two “no answer.”
While this one small remote viewing study cannot be taken by anyone as ground truth, based on the remarkable track record of the US government's operational use of this mental technology, it certainly should be the cause for sober reflection and further investigation.
If even half of the information outlined in this remote viewing section as well as the preceding sections is proven in error, the balance remains a damning indictment of official malfeasance. It's much worse than what Newsweek termed “a whole summer of missed clues.”
The totality of the information available today can only lead to two inescapable conclusions: either the highest leadership of the United States is composed of imbeciles and incompetent blunderers or they are criminally negligent accessories to the crimes, if not worse.
Researchers who believe the latter thesis will want to test their evidence and arguments against the chief bulwark of the official “incompetence” theory, The 9/11 Commission Report, the product of the only major investigation of the 9/11 attacks, as well as the long-awaited Commission that produced it.