Human behavior is learned and influenced by those around us. Simply being around others leads to changes in behavior from how we act when alone. Pressure from others can also lead to changes in behavior as we crave acceptance: inclusion in a group can lead to changes in thought processes and decision making. Social norms, which are learned through experience and observation, can be rejected by individuals, leading to deviance and stigmatization. However, the need to fit in can lead to conformity, compliance, and obedience. Attitudes are also developed through observations, experiences, and interactions with others, and there are multiple theories explaining their specific methods of formation.
This chapter focused primarily on how groups influence an individual’s behavior. In the next chapter, we’ll look at the structure of these groups and how we present ourselves to the larger society. We’ll explore methods of communication between individuals—both verbal and nonverbal—and consider how we encourage others to gain certain impressions about us.