Chapter 20

Parker and I had made love, several times, over the course of the day and night, pausing only for occasional food and toilet breaks, you know, for Elvis and Smooshie. I woke up the next day happy and exhausted.

And alone.

I must have slept like the dead because I hadn’t heard Parker get up. I attuned my ears to the house. I heard cups clink in the kitchen followed by the scent of coffee. I threw on the T-shirt Parker had worn the night before, and I suddenly understood why women in all those romance movies and books walked around in their lovers’ clothes.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, hugging the shirt to my body.

“That’s got to be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” Parker said.

I opened my eyes and stared. Parker wore blue boxer shorts and nothing else. “You should see the world from my point of view then. I got you beat.”

He handed me a cup of coffee then dipped his head for a kiss. “Good morning.”

I purred.

Stop it, I told my cougar. No purring allowed when in human form!

My kitty did not care, as memories of all the wickedly naughty things I’d done with Parker the night before flipped through my brain like a greatest-hits slide show.

“Nadine called earlier. She wanted you to call her back as soon as you got up.”

I blushed. “Does she know…”

“I told her all about last night. Every nitty-gritty detail,” Parker said. “Because that’s the kind of friendship I have with Nadine.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re mean.”

“I told her you hadn’t slept well, so I wanted to let you rest.”

Smooshie bounded into the room, and I handed Parker my cup as she came in for a landing on the bed. She butted my hand with her head, then settled down next to me, her body against my hip as she panted. “I think someone didn’t like being kept out of the bedroom last night.”

Parker grimaced. “My couch is going to need to be re-stuffed.”

“You’re kidding.”

“About the couch? Nope. Not even a little bit.”

“I’m sorry, Parker.” I looked at Smooshie with a critical eye, and she licked it. I blinked rapidly. “Smoosh!”

He laughed. “I’d let her eat a dozen couches for ten minutes of last night. It was worth any destruction that occurred.”

“Then I don’t have to pay for a new couch?” I wiped my brow. “Whew. You see, I work for this guy who doesn’t pay me hardly anything.”

Now Parker rolled his eyes. “Call Nadine.”

I loved on Smooshie for a few minutes, played some tug-o-war with her, and let her chase a ball before I called Nadine. My baby girl had a lot of pent-up energy, and I’d found it was best to wear her out a little before it turned into more couch-eating disasters.

Nadine answered her phone on the first ring. “It’s about time,” she said. She sounded excited and angry all at the same time.

“Did something happen with the Doyle case?”

“No. We’re checking alibis right now, but that’s not why I called. We found out whose print was on the battery of your carbon monoxide detector.” She paused for dramatic effect. “Seth Grossman.”

The name rang absolutely zero bells. “Who?”

“Seth Grossman, but that’s not the important part.”

“He tried to poison me. I think that’s important.”

“No. The important thing is that he knows he’s a sinking ship, and he’s taking all the rats with him.” She took a deep breath. “Tom Jones hired him to take care of you, Lily.”

“What? How is that even possible? Tom’s in jail. It’s not like he has access to his bank account, or he can put out an ad for cheap hitmen.”

“Seth has a record a mile long for petty crimes. Tom did some dental work for Seth a few years back.”

“Surely, I wasn’t killed for a free root canal.”

“I haven’t told you the really good part.” She sounded almost giddy.

“Well, tell me already!”

“Seth says Naomi Wells is the person who contacted him and put him in touch with Tom.”

Alarm bells rang in my head. “No way!”

“Yes way. The problem is, we can’t prove Naomi knew what Tom had planned with Seth. He got paid anonymously with a blank envelope full of cash in his mailbox. He can’t say for certain that Naomi dropped off the cash.”

“What do you need from me?”

“How do you feel about a sting operation?”

“How much was my life worth?”

“Two thousand dollars. Half up front, the other half upon delivery.”

“Wire me up and get ready for a full confession.”

“I knew you’d be on board.” Nadine laughed. “Oh, I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for the day Naomi Wells eats crap.”

“From the moment I met her, sister. From the moment I met her.”

“You might want to wear a loose top, Lily. Or get breast implants,” Nadine said.

“Shut up.”

Naomi had given me her card with her number on it when she’d blackmailed me for an interview. When I called, she jumped at the chance to meet up. I’d arranged with Nadine to use Buzz’s office at noon, leaving me enough time to shower and change clothes. Buzz’s office at the diner was private but cluttered enough that we could hide a small camera without it getting noticed. I showed up an hour early, and Nadine wired me up just like I’d seen on Law & Order. Microphone taped between my small boobs and transmitter taped right under.

She snickered. “So, you and Parker, huh? Was kissing involved?”

I didn’t answer her.

“Oh ho. More than kissing!”

I blushed. Smooshie, who I’d brought along for moral support, wagged her tail so hard she could give Shakira a run for her money. Those hips didn’t lie. My big beauty was happy to spend time with Momma. I think she’d been feeling a little neglected the past couple of days.

“I can hear you,” Bobby Morris said over the radio.

“Crap, sorry, Lily,” Nadine said. “I guess the transmitter’s working.”

“Loud and clear,” Bobby confirmed.

“If all goes well…” I told her, “…we’ll celebrate tonight at Dally’s with Reggie, and I will tell you both all about it. Now go be inconspicuous somewhere before Naomi arrives.”

Buzz knocked at the door. “She’s here.”

“She’s early,” Nadine said. She crammed her tape and stuff into a bag and raced out the back door.

Buzz raised his brow at me. “This is decidedly not staying out of stuff.”

“In my defense, she came at me first.”

Buzz ruffled my hair like I was seven years old. I didn’t mind the uncle-like gesture. It reminded me that I still had family. “Go get her, tiger.”


He chuckled then tapped his chest and gave me a pointed look. Dang it. I forgot about being miked. “You can send her back. I’m ready.”

He took Smooshie by the collar. “Come on, girl. I have some steak treats for you.”

Smooshie must have understood the gist because she almost knocked Buzz over, skidding on the tiled floor as she rounded the corner toward the kitchen.

“You are spoiling her,” I said.

My uncle grinned and stroked his beard. “Every chance I get.”

Buzz left and a minute later, Naomi Wells walked in the room. My whole body buzzed with volatile energy. She shut the door behind her. I didn’t like having her between me and the exit. I needed a way to escape if she pushed too many of the wrong buttons. I didn’t know how I would explain the video and audio, but the headline would read, Local Woman Goes Furry and Kills Conniving B*tch. I inhaled a calming breath and leaned against Buzz’s desk.

“Let’s get this over with,” I said. “And after we’re done, I don’t ever want to see you again.”

“I can’t make that promise, Lily. You seem to find yourself at the center of a lot of newsworthy stories.” She pulled a chair from the corner, and a stack of napkins that had been perched on the back of the seat fell to the floor. Naomi didn’t even blink. She just straightened her skirt and sat down.

I clenched my fists, and my claws sank into my palms. I could smell the blood. Crap. Crap. Crap. Goddess give me control, I silently prayed.

“I’m going to record our interview if you don’t mind. I find it makes it easier to pull direct quotes, and it makes it harder for the people I interview to say I misrepresented them.”

“Because you would never take anything said out of context.”

Naomi’s smile was feral. My body warmed as my cougar begged to surface. Nope. Nope. Nope. Hold it together. “Ask your questions. The sooner we’re done, the sooner I can be done with you.”

“Okay. Let’s start with an easy one. Where did you come from?”

“My mother’s womb.”

Naomi gave me an exasperated glare. “In what town were you born?”

“Burlington, Iowa,” I said, regurgitating the town Hazel had put on my forged birth certificate.

“How come there is no record of you before two thousand and six?”

Son of a gun. Naomi had been digging hard on me. What had she found that dated back over ten years though? The forged driver’s license maybe. The social security card. Buzz was right, I should have minded my own business when I got to town.

I cracked my knuckles. “I’ve never been a big fan of having an electronic footprint. My parents died when I was in high school, and I kept to myself.” Mixing in some truth made the lie convincing.

Naomi raised a suspicious brow, but she went on to the next question. “Why did you move to Moonrise?”

“Are you trying to set up a dating profile for me or interview me about Tom Jones’ arrest?”

“Background is important to a story.”

“I think you’re full of it.”

Naomi leaned forward. “And I think you’re a liar, Lily Mason. A liar and a nosy busybody who gets people hurt.”

I’d had enough of Naomi and her attitude toward me. I prayed to the Goddess and summoned up every bit of my desire for her to tell the truth and put it into my next question. “Why are you really here, Naomi? What do you want from me?”

“I want you to suffer. To pay for what you did to Bridgette. She was a good person.” She shook her head. “No, a great person, and you got her killed.”

“I’d say that’s some revisionist history,” I said. I stood up and moved behind Buzz’s desk, so I wouldn’t be tempted to claw her eyes out. “You want me to pay, huh?” I pointed an accusing finger. “Is that why you helped Tom hire Seth Grossman to kill me?”

“Yes,” she blurted then covered her mouth. “Oh, God.” Her expression went from scared to denial to rage. “I hate you!” she screamed and lunged at me. “I should have killed you myself instead of trusting that stupid oaf!”

She was quick, but I was quicker. “Anytime!” I shouted at my chest.

When Naomi came around the desk, I leapt over like the paranormal creature I was, and Naomi staggered back. Then she let out another bellow and took chase as I flung the door open and fled the room. Smooshie passed me in the hall, stopped short of Naomi, and began to Woof! Woof! Woof! in a very loud and convincing manner.

“Get that monster away from me!” Naomi cried out, then slammed the door between her and Smoosh, effectively trapping herself in Buzz’s office.

Nadine and Bobby pounded on the back door, and I raced back and let them in.

“What took you guys so long?”

“Maybe next time don’t lock us out,” Nadine complained. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” I said, not even out of breath. Smooshie stood watch at Buzz’s door. “Naomi is in the room. Did you get what you needed?”

“Oh, yeah.” Nadine grinned. “She is so under arrest.”

“We’re definitely celebrating tonight.” I hadn’t told her about my GED results yet, and I definitely wanted to dish on Parker, and now that Naomi was out of my hair, I felt like it would be smooth sailing from here on in.

In hindsight, it was a lot of wishful thinking on my part.