The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- Abetz, Otto
- Action Française
- Adessman, Israil
- Agrarian Workers and Civic Party (Hungary)
- Aid Organization of German Jews
- Alballa, Astro
- Albania
- Albanians
- Aletras, Greek official
- Alexander II, Tsar of Russia
- Alexander III, Tsar of Russia
- Algeria
- Alsace-Lorraine
- Althoff, Friedrich Theodor
- Alto Adige (Tirol)
- American Jewish Congress
- Ankara
- Anatolia
- Anglo-American Commission on the Holocaust
- Anti-Semitic Alliance (Romania)
- anti-Semitic laws
- anti-Semitism. See also specific countries
- Balfour Declaration and
- democracy and
- emigration as release for
- envy and
- FDR and
- growth of
- Herzl on
- Holocaust and
- left-wing
- modern vs. older
- nationalism and
- progress and
- resettlement and
- socioeconomic factors
- term coined
- USSR and
- western vs. eastern
- Antonescu, Ion
- Antonescu, Mihai
- Antwerp
- Archangel Michael Legion
- Archiv für Auswanderungswesen
- Arendt, Hannah
- Armenians
- genocide of
- Armistice of 1918
- Arndt, Ernst Moritz
- Arrow Cross Party
- Aryanization
- Association for National Protection (Lithuania)
- Association of Christian Students
- Association of Trade, Industry and Artisanship (Lithuania)
- Atamuk, Solomon
- Athens
- Auschwitz
- Australia
- Austria
- Nazi annexation of
- Austro-Hungarian (Hapsburg) Empire
- “Autoemancipation” (Pinsker)
- Aysenberg, Dora and Rosa
- Babel, Isaak
- Baberowski, Jörg
- Baginsky, engineer
- Bakău
- Baku
- Bakunin, Mikhail
- Balfour Declaration (1917)
- Baliński-Jundziłł, Jan
- Balkan Wars
- Balta, Podolia
- Balthazard, Victor
- Baltic states
- Bamberger, Ludwig
- Banat
- Barta, István
- Beck, Józef
- Beck, Ulrich
- Begin, Menachem
- Beiser, Mikhail
- Belarus
- Nazis and
- Belev, Alexander
- Belgium
- Belgrade
- Belzec death camp
- Benbassa, Esther
- Beneš, Edvard
- Ben-Gurion, David
- Ben-Simhon, Koby
- Berdichev
- Berestchko
- Bergen-Belsen
- Berger, Moishe-Munik
- Berger, Mrs.
- Berlin
- Bessarabia (Moldavia)
- Bethlen, István
- Białystok
- Bibó, István
- Bilczewski, Józef
- Biró, Zoltán
- Birobidzhan
- Black anarchists
- Blank, Aristide
- Blanqui, Auguste
- Blinov, Nikolay
- Blum, Léon
- Bober, Robert
- Boris III, Tsar of Bulgaria
- Börne, Ludwig
- Bornspolski, Mr.
- Borochov, Ber
- Bosnia
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Botşani
- Brack, Viktor
- Brahman, Randolph
- Brandeis, Louis
- Brandys, Kazimierz
- Bratislava
- Brazil
- Bremerhaven
- Bresslau, Harry
- Bressler family
- Brill, David
- Britain
- Évian and
- immigration and
- Munich and
- Palestine and
- Brochower, Aron
- Bronfin, Blyuma
- Bronsztein, Nathan
- Brussels
- Brzesko
- Brzeszcze
- Bucharest
- Budapest
- Budnitskii, Oleg
- Budyonny, Semyon
- Bühler, Josef
- Bukovina
- Bułak-Bałachowicz, Stanisław
- Bulgakov, Mikhail
- Bulgaria
- Nazis and
- Bulgarian Communists
- Bulgarianization
- Bulgarians
- Bundism
- Burgenland
- Busk
- Byk, Mrs.
- Canada
- capitalism
- Carp, Petre P.
- Carpathian Ukraine
- Catholic Church
- Cernăuţi
- Chasanowitsch, Leon
- Chaschevat
- Chekhov, Anton
- Chepelev, Comrade
- Cherikover, I. M.
- Chernigov
- Chernihiv
- Chernivtsi
- Cherson
- Chetniks
- China
- Chinese emigrants
- Chirac, Jacques
- Chmelnik massacre
- Chmelnyzkyj
- Chmielnicki, Hetman Bohdan
- Chmielnik
- Christian X, King of Denmark
- Chrzanów
- Chumakova, Maria
- Churchill, Winston
- citizenship
- Citroën, André
- Class, Heinrich
- classifications of people
- Clemenceau, Georges
- Clodius, Carl August
- Cluj (Kolozsvár)
- Codreanu, Corneliu Z.
- Coelst, Jules
- Cohen, Israel
- Colmar
- colonialism
- communism
- concentration camps. See also specific camps
- Congress of Berlin (1878)
- Congress of Vienna (1815)
- Congress Poland
- Constantinople
- Corfu
- Cossacks
- Courtenay, Jan Nieczysław Baudouin de
- Cracow
- Crémieux, Adolphe
- Crete
- Crimea
- Croatia
- Croats
- Česká družina
- Curzon, George
- Cuza, Alexandru C.
- Cuza, Gheorghe
- Český Těšín
- Czechoslovakia
- Munich agreement and
- Nazis and
- Czechs
- Częstochowa
- Dąbrowo Górnicza
- Dachau
- Dannecker, Theodor
- Danzig
- Darányi, Kálmán
- Darquier de Pellepoix, Louis
- Daszyńsky, Ignacy
- Dedopoulos, Pericles
- de Gaulle, Charles
- de-Jewification
- Delmer, Sefton
- democracy
- Denikin, Anton
- Denmark
- deportations of Jews
- Alsace-Lorraine as precursor of
- profits from
- stages leading to
- war enables
- Depression
- Dieckmann, Christoph
- Díez de Isasi, Federico
- Dimitrov, Georgi
- Dmowski, Roman
- Döblin, Alfred
- Dobruja 251
- Doctor, Eugen
- Dombrowa
- Donetsk
- Dorpat (Tartu)
- Doussinague, José María
- Drach, Albert
- Dragoş, Titus
- Dranceni
- Dreyfus, Alfred
- Drobnik, Jerzy
- Droysen, Johann Gustav
- Drumont, Édouard
- Dubnow, Simon
- Duchene, Georges
- Dworak, I.
- Džambazov, Georgi D.
- Eckhardt, Tibor
- economic competition
- Edirne (Adrianople)
- education
- Eger
- Egypt
- Ehrenburg, Ilya
- Eichmann, Adolf
- ELAS (Greek partisans)
- Elias, Kurt
- Eritrea
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- ethnic cleansing. See also resettlement, forced
- Évian Conference
- Fallik, David
- Fălticeni
- fascism
- Fastov
- Fayvelis, Boris
- Feibusch, Maurise
- Feigenbaum, Israel
- Feiwel, Berthold Baruch
- Ferdinand and Isabella, of Spain
- Filow, Bogdan
- Final Solution
- Finder family
- Finland
- Fontane, Theodor
- forced labor
- Fourier, Charles
- Fourteen Points
- France
- anti-Semitism and
- Alsace-Lorraine and
- Évian and
- Jewish assets and
- Jewish rights stripped
- Munich and
- Nazis and
- France, Anatole
- Franco, Francisco
- Franco-Prussian War
- Frank, Hans
- Frankl, Michal
- Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria
- free trade
- Frenkel, Binjomin
- Freud, Sigmund
- Freydovicz, Nachum
- Freydovicz, Tema
- Friedländer, Saul
- Gabel, Wilhelm
- Gajowniczek, Franciszek
- Galicia
- Gdansk
- Georgia, Soviet
- Gergel, Nahum
- Gerlach, Christian
- German ethnics
- Germanification
- Germany, pre-1933
- Alsace-Lorraine and
- anti-Semitism in
- end of WW I and
- Palestine and
- Poland and
- revolutions of 1848 and
- Ukraine and
- voting rights and
- Gerschenson, Mikhail O.
- Gestapo
- ghettoization
- Giesskann, Theodor
- Gigurtu, Ion
- Gitelman, Zvi
- Glaise-Horstenau, Edmund
- Gleiwitz
- Goebbels, Joseph
- Goga, Octavian
- Goldner, H.
- Gömbös, Gyula
- Göring, Hermann
- Gorky, Maxim
- Grab, Walter
- Greece
- anti-Semitism and
- Bulgaria and
- Nazis and
- Salonika and
- Turkish population exchange and
- Greek-Turkish War
- Gregoriev, Nikifir
- Griep, Otto
- Grigoriev, Nikifor
- Grochów
- Grodno
- Groschel, Cornelius
- Gross, Grete
- Grossman, Vasily
- Grünfeld, Mrs.
- Guatemala
- gypsies (Roma)
- Haidamaka Cossacks
- Halifax, Lord
- Hamburg
- Hasselblatt, Werner
- Haushofer, Karl
- Hausmann, Alexander
- Heifetz, Elias
- Hellenization
- Henderson, Sir Nevile
- Herzl, Theodor
- Heszlényi, Józef
- Hetman Constitution
- Heydrich, Reinhard
- Hillgruber, Andreas
- Himmler, Heinrich
- Hitler, Adolf
- Alsace-Lorraine and
- definition of Jews and
- Évian and
- forced resettlement and
- Hungary and
- Jewish deportees and
- Jews as hostages and
- living space and
- Mein Kampf
- Munich and
- Poland and
- Romania and
- Slovakia and
- speech of 1922
- speech of October 6, 1939
- Tirol and
- USSR and
- Hlond, Cardinal August
- Hoare, Samuel
- Hodgson, John
- Holocaust. See also Nazi Germany; and specific countries
- causes of
- collaboration and
- discrimination and
- early forecast of
- economic competition and
- ethnic politics and
- rewards to locals and
- socioeconomic factors and
- stages preceding
- war and
- Holocaust survivors
- Holy Roman Empire
- Homlok, Sándor
- homogeneity
- Hoppe, Jens
- Horthy, Miklós
- Hösselbarth, Herbert
- Howorka, Michał
- Hungary
- anti-Semitism and
- definition of Jews and
- deportations and
- elections of 1939 and
- Évian and
- Holocaust survivors and
- Jewish assets and
- Nazis and
- pogroms of 1945
- Romania and
- Slovakia and
- uprising of 1956
- Huppert, Ruth (later Elias)
- Iaşi
- Ignatyev, Nicolay Pavlovich
- Ignatyev (May) Laws (1882)
- immigration, restrictions on
- Imrédy, Béla
- India
- Indochina
- industrialization
- Institute for Jewish Research (YIVO)
- Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees
- International Anti-Jewish Congress
- Intrator, Gerhard
- Intrator, Rachel
- Ioannina
- Ionescu, Take
- Ireland
- Iron Guard
- Iştip (Štip)
- Israel
- Istóczy, Gyözö
- Italy
- definition of Jews and
- Libya and
- Nazis and
- Tirol and
- Tripoli and
- Yugoslavia and
- Ivanov, Grygory
- Izmir (Smyrna)
- Izvestiya
- Jeske-Choiński, Teodor
- Jewish assets, expropriation of
- Jewish Defense League
- Jewish Relief Committee
- Jewish state
- Jewish Welfare Committee of Pinsk
- Joint Boycott Council
- Joint (relief organization)
- Judge, Edward H.
- Kacobovici, Jakob
- Kahan, Arcadius
- Kakis, Frederic
- Kalisz
- Kállay, Miklós
- Kamaianets-Podilskyi massacre
- Kamaiky, Leon
- Kamenev, Lev
- Kammonas, Nikolaos
- Karaganda camp
- Karelia
- Károlyi, Viktor
- Karp, Anna
- Karp, Mendel Max
- Kärten, Austria
- Kashelev family
- Kashubians
- Kaunas (Kovno)
- Kaupp, Bernhard
- Kautsky, Karl
- Kenez, Peter
- Kenmadaras pogrom
- Kharkiv (Kharkov)
- Kherson governorate
- Khlebodarovka
- Khlevniuk, Oleg
- Khmelnytsky, Bohdan
- Khrushchev, Nikita
- Kielce
- Kiev (Kyiv)
- King, William Mackenzie Lyon
- Kishinev (Chişinău)
- Kishon, Ephraim
- Klieforth, Alfred W.
- Klukowski, Zygmunt
- Koch, Hans
- Kohn, Michael
- Kolbe, Maksymilian Maria
- Kollas, Spyridonos
- Komianos, Ioannes
- Korb, Alexander
- Korczak, Janusz
- Körner, Theodor
- Kotarbiński, Tadeusz
- Kovács, Alajos
- Kozicki, Stanisław
- Kozyr-Zyrka, Ataman
- Kraus, Karl
- Kremenchuk
- Kropywnyzkyj
- Krushevan, Pavel
- Kryvyi Rih
- Kulischer, Alexander
- Kulischer, Eugen
- Kun, Béla
- Kuryer Lwowski
- Kuszelewicz, Joseph
- Lagarde, Paul de
- Land and Soil Credit Institute
- Landsberg, Markus
- Lansing, Robert
- Larin, Yuri
- Larissa
- Lassalle, Ferdinand
- Latvia
- Lausanne, Treaty of (1923)
- Laval, Pierre
- Lazare, Bernard
- League of Nations
- Lenin, V. I.
- Leningrad. See also St. Petersburg
- Lerner, Nathan
- Leroux, Pierre
- Lestschinsky, Jakob
- Lev, I.
- Levy, Emile
- liberalism
- Libya
- Lichtenstaedter, Siegfried
- Lida
- Lipski, Jósef
- Lithuania
- Holocaust survivors and
- Nazis and
- Poland and
- Lloyd George, David
- Łódź
- Lublin
- Łukasiński, Walerian
- Lunacharsky, Anatoly
- Lurye, Moises
- Lurye, Nathan
- Luther, Martin
- Luxembourg
- Luzzatti, Luigi
- Lvov/Lviv
- Macedonia
- Machno, Nestor
- Madagascar
- Maghreb
- Magyars
- Manciu, Constantin
- Mandelbrot, Benoit B.
- Maniu, Iuliu
- Manuilă, Sabin
- Márai, Sándor
- Marantz, Mr.
- Margaroni, Maria
- Marghiloman, Alexandru
- Margolis, Rachela
- Mariánske Láznĕ (Marienbad)
- Mariupol
- Marr, Wilhelm
- Masaryk, Tomáš G.
- Matolcsy, Mátyás
- Matsas, Yushua
- Maurras, Charles
- Mayer, Michael
- Mazana-Doolna
- Mazisuk, Mr.
- McDonald, James G.
- Meinen, Isa
- Memel (Klaipėda)
- Merci, Lucillo
- Merten, Max
- Metaxas, Ioannis
- Metz, France
- Meyer, Alfred
- Mikecz, Ödön
- Mikhoels, Solomon
- Miklós, Béla
- Miksa, Fenyö
- Milan
- Miliakova, Lidia
- Minkusz, Gyuri
- Minsk
- Miskolc
- Mitterrand, François
- Mogilev (Mohilev)
- Moldava
- Moldova
- Moleschott, Jacob
- Molho, Rena
- Mombert, Paul
- Mommsen, Theodor
- Montenegro
- Moravia
- Morgenthau, Henry
- Morhange, Zina
- Morocco
- Moscow
- Mototolescu, Dumitru
- Motzkin, Leo
- Munich Agreement (1938)
- Münz, Wilhelm
- Muslims
- Mussolini, Benito
- Mussorgsky, Modest
- Nadioynaya
- Nagy, Imre
- Nagy, Péter Tibor
- Nansen, Fridtjof
- Narbut-łuczyński, Jerzy
- Narodniki
- Nastasă, Lucian
- Natanson, Władysław
- Nathan, Paul
- National Democracy (Poland)
- Nazi Germany
- allies of
- Alsace-Lorraine and
- anti-Semitism exported by
- Austria and
- Belarus and
- Belgium and
- boycotts vs.
- Bulgaria and
- collaboration and
- Croatia and
- Czechoslovakia and
- defeats of 1943
- definition of Jews and
- economic competition and
- ethnic cleansing and
- Évian and
- forced resettlement and
- France and
- Greece and
- Holocaust and
- Hungary and
- Israel and
- Italy and
- Jewish assets and
- Jewish deportations by allies of
- Jewish deportations by occupied nations and
- Jewish emancipation erased by
- Jewish emigration from
- Jews as hostages and
- Jews deported by
- Jews stripped of citizenship
- Joint Boycott vs.
- Latvia and
- Lithuania and
- living space and
- Luxembourg and
- master race concept and
- Munich agreement
- Netherlands and
- Poland and
- postwar assessment of
- postwar Vienna and
- Romania and
- Salonika and
- Serbia and
- Slovakia and
- Spanish Civil War and
- Stalingrad and
- Sudetenland and
- surrender of
- Ukraine and
- US and
- USSR and
- Yugoslavia and
- Nazi Main Security Office
- Nazi Occupied Territories Ministry
- Nazi Party Chancellery
- Nazi Reich Security Office
- Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact (1939)
- Nechama, Joseph
- Netherlands
- Neu-Bentschen-Zbąszyń camp
- Neuengamme camp
- New Lithuania
- New Zealand
- Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia
- Niepokalanów monastery
- Night of Broken Glass (Kristallnacht)
- Nisko
- Norway
- Novorossiya
- Novy Wísicz
- Nuremberg Laws (1935)
- Oderberg
- Odessa
- Öhler, Isidor
- Oliván, Federico
- Oradea (Nagyvárad)
- Ostrava
- Ottoman Empire
- Ovruch
- Palanga
- Pale of Settlement
- Palestine
- uprisings of 1936 and
- Pan-Aryan Union
- Paneriai massacre
- Paris
- Paris Peace Treaties (1919, 1920)
- Sèvres (1920)
- Trianon (1919)
- Patras massacre
- Paxanow
- Pełczyński, Tadeusz
- Peru
- Pétain, Philippe
- Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia
- Petit, Henri-Robert
- Petliura, Symon
- Petrescu-Comnen, Nicolae
- Picquart, Marie-Georges
- Piller, Hania
- Piłsudski, Józef
- Pinsk
- Pinsker, Leo
- Pirčuipiai memorial
- Pirot
- Pius IX, Pope
- Podolia
- Podoski, Józef
- pogroms
- 1880–98
- 1903–6
- 1911–12
- 1918–21
- 1946
- Pohrebyshche
- Poland
- anti-Semitism and
- Évian and
- Holocaust survivors and
- Nazis and
- partitions of
- Peace of Riga and
- pogroms and
- rebellions
- Romania and
- Russia and
- Polishization
- Polish-Russian War (1648–53)
- Pollmann, Viktoria
- Polonnoye
- Poltava (Poltawa)
- Popular Front (France)
- Popular League of Germans in Hungary
- Portugal
- Posen
- Potekha family
- Potocki, Jerzy
- Pozořice
- Prague
- Prahlen, Konstantin von der
- Preissatshenko, E. M.
- Preveza
- Proskuriv (Proskurov)
- Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
- “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”
- Proudhon, Pierre
- Proweller, Samuel
- Přívoz (Oderfurt)
- Prussia
- Przemyśl
- Puchalski family
- Raczyński, Count Edward
- Radigales, Sebastián Romero
- Radom
- Rafes, Mosche
- Rath, Ernst vom
- Rauter, Hanns
- Raynal, David
- Real Romanians
- Real Russians Association
- Red Army
- Reeder, Eggert
- Regnard, Albert
- Regulation on Matriculation (Hungary, 1920)
- Reich, Leon
- Reichsbank
- Reiner, Max
- resettlement, forced
- Rhodes
- Riga
- Riga, Peace of (1921)
- Righini, Eugenio
- Rimer, Marca
- Ringel, Michael
- Romania
- anti-Semitism and
- Bulgaria and
- citizenship and
- definition of Jews and
- Évian and
- Holocaust survivors and
- Hungary and
- Jewish emigration from
- Jews become stateless in
- Nazis and
- Peace of Riga and
- pogroms and
- territorial annexation and
- Turkey and
- WW I and
- WW II and
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Rosenberg, Alfred
- Rosinski, Henryk
- Roth, Cecil
- Röthke, Heinz
- Rothmund, Heinrich
- Rubinfeld, David
- Rülf, Isaak
- Ruppin, Arthur
- Russia. See also Soviet Union
- anti-Semitism and
- Finland and
- Jewish emigration from
- Lithuania and
- pogroms
- Poland and
- reforms of 1906
- Russian Civil War
- Russian Revolution
- of 1905
- of 1917
- Russo-Turkish War
- Ruszelczyce
- Ruthenians
- Rutino, Miss
- Rybarski, Roman
- Rytko, Leopold
- Sachsenhausen camp
- Salonika
- Nazis and
- Salter, Arthur
- Samary massacre
- Sanacj Movement
- Sanilievici, Senator
- Satichiye
- Schenkmann, Mr.
- Schieder, Theodor
- Schiemann, Paul
- Schiffmann family
- Schlamm, Wilhelm S.
- Schlögel, Karl
- Schmitz, Wilhelm
- Schuster, Hans
- Schwartz, Michael
- Schwarzbart, Ignacy
- Schweitzer, Albert
- Sebastian, Mihail
- Semosenko, Ataman Ivan
- Serbia
- Serbs
- Ševčenko, Taras
- Shanghai
- Siberia
- Sicily
- Siebenbürgen
- Siedlce
- Siemens, Werner
- Sikora, Mr.
- Silberner, Edmund
- Silesia
- Šimaitrė, Ona
- Simferopol
- Simmel, Georg
- Simonidis, Vasilis
- Singer, Isidor
- Skopje
- Skoropadskyi, Pavlo
- Slavonia
- Slezkine, Yuri
- Šliūpas, Jonas
- Slonzaks
- Slovakia
- Slovaks
- Slovenes
- socialism
- Sofia
- Sofyevska
- Sokolov, Nahum
- Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
- Somalia
- Sombart, Werner
- South Africa
- Soviet Red Cross
- Soviet Union (USSR)
- annexations and
- anti-Semitism and
- Communist Party
- Bessarabia and
- Holocaust survivors and
- Hungary and
- nationalism and
- Nazi invasion of
- Nazi-Soviet pact
- purges and
- Ukraine and
- Spain
- Civil War
- Spasovich, Vladimir
- SS (Schutzstaffel)
- Stalin, Josef
- Stalingrad, Battle of
- Staugaitis, Antanas
- Stavyshche
- Stephan II, King of Romania
- Stern, Adolphe
- Sternhell, Zeev
- Stobnica
- Stoecker, Adolf
- Stolypin, Pyotr
- St. Petersburg
- Strasbourg
- Straszun, Mathias
- Stroumsa, Jacques
- Strumica, Macedonia
- Sudeten Germans
- Sudetenland
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Szálasi, Frenc
- Szczebrzeszyn
- Szózat
- Sztólay, Döme
- Szydłow
- Tarantino, Quentin
- Tarnów
- Tastes, Lionel de
- Tatars
- Tatulinski, officer
- Tauris
- Taylor, Myron C.
- Tcherikover, Elias
- Teleki, Béla
- Teleki, Pál
- Teleszky, János
- Teleszky, Pál
- Tenenbaum, Joseph
- Tennenblatt, M. A.
- Teresin, Poland
- Tetyew
- Thalheim, Karl C.
- Ther, Philipp
- Theresienstadt
- Thomas, Max
- Thrace
- Tildy, Zoltán
- Tiroleans
- Tolstoy, Count Ivan
- Tomsk
- Tönsmeyer, Tatjana
- Totu, Nicolae
- Toussenel, Alphonse
- trade
- Transnistria
- Transylvania
- Transylvanian Party
- Treblinka
- Treitschke, Heinrich von
- Tridon, Gustave
- Trieste
- Trikala
- Tripoli
- Trotsky, Leon
- Trypillya
- Trzeciak, Stanisł
- Tsimbris, Epirus Michalis
- Tuczempil
- Tunisia
- Turauskas, Pranas
- Turkey
- Greek population exchange and
- Turkheim
- Turnu Severin
- Turowski, Karol
- Ukraine
- Holocaust survivors and
- Nazis and
- Peace of Riga and
- pogroms
- Poland and
- USSR and
- United States 2
- Évian and
- US Congress
- Ustashe
- Ustrugov, vice governor
- Vallat, Xavier
- Varga, Béla
- Vay, Baron László
- Veesenmayer, Edmund
- Venizelos, Eleftherios
- Versailles, Treaty of (1919). See also Paris Peace Treaties
- Vetter, Matthias
- Vichy France
- Vidal, Ginés
- Vienna
- Vietnam
- Vilnius
- Vingradov, War Commissioner
- Virchow, Rudolf
- Vitebsk
- Vladivostok
- Vogt, Carl
- Volhynia
- Volos
- Vrabie, captain
- Vynnychenko, Volodymyr
- Wagner, Manaia
- Wagner, Richard
- Wallachia
- Wannsee Conference
- Warsaw
- pogroms
- Warsaw Ghetto
- Warsaw Uprising
- Wehrmacht
- Weisl, Wolfgang
- Weisz, Lilly (later Kertész)
- Weizmann, Chaim
- Wetzel, Erhard
- White, Thomas W.
- White Russians
- Widow W.
- Wieluń
- Wienarski, Mordecai
- Williams, William
- Wilson, Woodrow
- Wise, Stephen
- Wisliceny, Dieter
- World Jewish Congress
- World War I
- pogroms at end of
- World War II
- Wyrwa, Ulrich
- Yad Vashem memorial
- Yekaterinoslav (Dnipropetrovsk)
- Yelizavetgrad (Kirovograd)
- Young Czech Party
- Young Hungary
- Young Legion
- Young Lithuania
- Yugoslavia
- Zagreb
- Zakynthos
- Zamboni, Guelfo
- Zandman, Felix
- Zangwill, Israel
- Zeleny, Ataman
- Zellermayer, Karol
- Zemlya i Volya (Land and Freedom)
- Zhytomyr governate
- Zinoviev, Grigory
- Zionism
- Zirelsohn, Yehuda Leib
- Zola, Emile
- Zuckermann-Stromsoe, Zahana
- Žitomir
- Zwierzynic