Carrying her jacket over her arm and holding her hat, Rosa walked beside Mishka, noting how her full cotton skirts swung rhythmically to her straight-backed graceful stride. Her glistening black hair hung down her back in a long braid tied at the end with colourful cotton tassels. She was clearly upset by what had occurred and to some extent blamed herself for failing to keep hold of Dhanu’s hand on the bridge. Rosa spoke to her, trying to comfort her with soft words of encouragement. She was rewarded with a little smile as Mishka thanked her and told her that she recognised her as being the lady at the inn who had saved Dhanu before. She was most grateful.
‘Saving him from those galloping horses was a great act of bravery done with extreme promptness. I am usually so protective of Dhanu and I only took my eyes off him for a second. It was wrong of me to accuse you. I hope you will forgive me, but I panicked and it was how it seemed to me at the time. I have no words sufficient for my gratitude.’
‘I was glad I was able to help. I hope he suffers no ill effects from falling into the water.’
‘He is a strong boy. He looks unharmed.’
Rosa looked down at Dhanu, feeling most relieved that she had managed to reach him before his fall into the pond had ended in tragedy. ‘Tell me your name?’ she asked the boy. Even though she knew it, she wanted to hear him say it. He was a lovely child, sturdy and big for his age. It was easy to forget he was only five years old. His hair was a lustrous dark brown, his complexion smooth and the eyes that regarded her so seriously were soft and dark. He looked at her for a long moment, as if weighing her up, then said softly, ‘Dhanu. I wanted to go outside to the little building on the hill but I fell into the water.’
‘You must not run from Mishka, Dhanu,’ William remarked softly. ‘We are going back to the house and there you must stay. Do you understand?’
‘Yes,’ Dhanu whispered. This was the limit of their conversation, but he took Rosa’s proffered hand and walked beside her contentedly.
As they walked William turned his thoughts to what had happened. It proved that Miss Ingram’s courage in the face of danger both to herself and others set her apart from her contemporaries. He was filled with admiration for what she had done. Without doubt, her prompt actions had saved Dhanu’s life. How many of the women of his acquaintance would have had the nerve to kick off their shoes and dive into a terrifyingly deep pool to save the life of a child?
He cast a glance at her walking a few steps ahead of him and in fascination watched the swing of her long wet hair which hung down her spine and the sway of her hips as she walked along the road with a lithe, liquid movement—like a dancer to music only she could hear, he thought as his gaze lingered with appreciation on her slim ankles and slender legs enhanced by the clinging breeches.
On reaching the house they were greeted by the tense, waiting faces of the servants, all worried over the fate of the young boy who had captured their hearts. Lord Ashurst reassured them all that Dhanu seemed to be unhurt, but he would like him to be examined by a doctor. One of the servants immediately left the house to fetch the resident doctor from the village and the child and his nurse were hustled off to the nursery, where he would be given a hot bath. Lord Ashurst cast a disapproving glance at the two footmen to remind them of their duties as their eyes became fixed with frank approval on the young woman who stood beside him. Mrs Hope, the housekeeper, stepped forward to take charge.
‘And you, my dear? Are you all right? That’s a nasty bump you have to your head.’
In appreciation of her thoughtfulness, Rosa gave her a smile that was slightly forced. ‘My head aches a little, but otherwise I am suffering no ill effects from my dip in the lake. Although I would appreciate getting out of my wet things.’
‘Of course you would. Come with me now and we will see to it right away.’
‘I think the doctor should take a look at you all the same,’ Lord Ashurst said. ‘Just to make sure.’
‘I’ll take him to her as soon as he’s checked the boy over.’
‘Thank you, Mrs Hope. I am sure you will look after Miss Ingram.’ William turned to Rosa. ‘For the time you are here please make yourself comfortable. Mrs Hope will see that you have a hot bath and refreshment.’
The housekeeper walked a little ahead of Rosa up the stairs. They reached a landing which opened out on to a long gallery. Huge portrait paintings of stern-faced Barringtons dressed in outdated costumes lined the walls. If she hadn’t felt so uncomfortable, Rosa would have taken time to study them, but her body was cold beneath the wet garments clinging to her and she couldn’t wait to discard them. Halfway along the gallery they entered another landing, walking past closed doors until Mrs Hope stopped in front of one and pushed it open.
‘Here we are. I am sure you will be comfortable in here while you wait for your sister to send your clothes. I’ll have some water sent up for your bath right away. You will feel better for it after your ordeal and a maid will come and attend you. If you would like to make a start there’s a dressing robe on the bed.’
‘Thank you, Mrs Hope,’ Rosa said, her eyes doing a quick sweep of the comfortable sunny room with its large four-poster bed hung with rich green and gold brocade curtains. ‘You are most kind, but I don’t want to put you to any trouble.’
‘You’re no trouble at all, Miss Ingram. It’s the least we can do after you jumped into the lake to save that young boy—poor little mite. Ever since he arrived he’s been fascinated by the water. No matter how vigilant we all are to make sure he doesn’t leave the house, it was only a matter of time before he slipped the net. He’s a mischievous little boy. After what happened to his lordship’s cousin, we can only thank the Lord that he didn’t suffer the same fate.’
Rosa glanced at her sharply. ‘Why, Mrs Hope? What did happen to him?’
‘Goodness me! Didn’t your grandmother tell you? He drowned—in the pool where the water from above flows into the lake.’ She shook her head, her expression becoming solemn. ‘Terrible business it was, just terrible. Such a nice man, too.’
Rosa stared at her. The words branded themselves into her memory and she felt a lump of constricting sorrow in her chest, knowing the deceased Earl had drowned in the same pool that she had dived into to save the child earlier.
Rosa quickly stripped away her clothes and wrapped herself in the warm robe. Going to the window, she stared out, feeling suddenly weary. Her head ached and she longed to rest, yet she would wait until she was home. Thinking of Lord Ashurst, she was disquieted. Her situation had become confusing—she should not be feeling anything towards him, but he was causing her usual calm to disappear. She remembered the moment when he had pulled her from the water and the concerned expression on his face when she had opened her eyes and found him leaning over her. Despite her sorry state, she had been almost smothered by his nearness, by the heady smell of him, a clean masculine scent of sandalwood that had shot like tiny darts through her senses. In all truthfulness, of stature and face and features she had seen no match and he could be the stuff of any girl’s dreams.
Rosa mentally shook herself as she realised where her mind was wandering. In some embarrassment she moved away from the window, relieved when at that moment the door opened and a maid came in carrying the first jug of hot water for her bath.
By the time she had bathed and taken some light refreshment her clothes had arrived along with the doctor. After examining her face and declaring her fit enough to go home, she went in search of Lord Ashurst.
She found him in his study—a solitary brooding man standing with his shoulder propped against the window, staring out over the gardens, but seeing nothing. Compassion swelled in her heart as she realised that although he appeared cold and unemotional in front of her, he had come in here to worry in lonely privacy.
Suppressing the urge to go to him, she quietly said, ‘Lord Ashurst?’ He turned and looked at her, his face impassive. He looked tired and Rosa could just make out the fine lines beginning to form at the corners of his eyes. ‘How is Dhanu?’
‘He is settled and has the whole household fussing over him.’ Sighing deeply he pushed himself away from the window, running his fingers through his hair. ‘He’s had an awful time of it—losing his mother and being removed from his home—from India and all that was familiar. God knows what harm the upheaval and now this latest trauma has done him.’
‘Possibly not much. I have had little to do with children but from what I do know they are very resilient. All they need at Dhanu’s age is nourishment, warmth—and love.’
‘I hope you are right. Dhanu has been placed in my care and I feel a profound need to protect him. Unfortunately I have to be away from the house for long periods—I am trying to familiarise myself with my tenants and assess their needs. Mishka finds the house daunting and having to keep a constant eye on Dhanu difficult. Like Dhanu she is easily distracted and my mischievous charge takes advantage of that.’
Rosa watched him, her throat tight with emotion. She could see that Dhanu’s escapade that had almost resulted in his death had affected William deeply. She had not given a thought to his relationship with the child, but now, struck by the various emotions playing over his features, the love he felt for his young charge reflected in his eyes could not be concealed.
‘Tell me about Dhanu. Why is he here with you—and the woman Mishka?’
He became thoughtful, his expression unreadable. ‘Dhanu is the nephew of a dear friend of mine in India. His name is Tipu. The boy’s father is a very important man—a rajah. Dhanu is his heir.’
‘I don’t understand. What is he doing here—in England with you?’
‘It’s a long and complicated story. When his mother died his father took another wife, who bore him twin sons. Anisha is beautiful and ambitious and courtiers try to ingratiate themselves with her. The Rajah is blinded by his love for her and he will do anything to please her. He is so besotted with her he can see nothing else—suddenly Dhanu is of less importance. She has great influence over him and is referred to as the new power behind the throne. Her jealousy and hatred of Dhanu knows no bounds and she will not rest until her firstborn son is put in his place.’
Rosa was horrified by what he was telling her. ‘But—he is just a child.’
‘Anisha will not be secure in her position until Dhanu is removed—permanently.’
‘You mean she would do him harm?’
‘Accidents happen. I often went to the court in the Rajah’s palace on Tipu’s invitation—although I was away for long periods on military matters. When I returned after one long spell I was sensitive to the atmosphere. At first I dismissed Tipu’s accusation against his brother’s new wife. It did not take long for me to change my mind. Beneath the surface ran hidden undercurrents of plots and counterplots to get rid of the boy. Bribery, intrigue and ambition haunted the new wife’s quarters. Tipu was so concerned he employed an official taster for Dhanu lest Anisha try to poison him.’
‘But—that is evil.’
‘Tipu was insistent that steps had to be taken to protect Dhanu, which was why he asked me to bring him to England with me—along with his nurse, Mishka. She is devoted to the boy and is beside herself with remorse and more than a little guilt that she let go of his hand.’
‘I can imagine how she must feel. And the two men? Who are they?’
‘One of them is Anisha’s brother. His name is Kamal Kapoor. From your description of the man you saw in the village I am certain of it. He enjoys the kudos of being Anisha’s brother and he is as evil as she is. Hooked by ambition and greed, through her sons he would be all powerful. He is like a predatory animal and he will not stop until he has achieved his aim to remove Dhanu for good—and his father, the Rajah, when he gets back to India.’
Rosa stared at him in disbelief. ‘You—you mean they will harm the boy?’
He nodded. ‘Anisha and Kamal will not be content until he is dead. While ever he is alive he stands as an obstacle to her own sons. You have first-hand knowledge of the lengths they will go to, to harm him.’
‘Yes—yes, I have. But—you can’t keep him here for ever. There will come a time when he has to return to India. Will his father not miss him?’
‘Tipu will deal with him. Because his presence upset the Rajah’s wife so much, he had already decided to remove him from the palace. When it is the right time for Dhanu to return to India Tipu will send for him.’
‘But that could be a long way in the future.’
‘In which case I will keep him here with me. I have him watched all the time, but it is not always easy. He is an active boy and quietly determined. Whenever Mishka turns her back for a moment he is away on some mischief or other. She says she is tempted to tie a rope to him so she can reel him in from wherever he is hiding. Ever since he saw the lake he has been drawn to it. Perhaps it’s because he has nothing like it where he lives in India. It will not happen again.’
‘Your friend must love the child a great deal.’
‘He does. Tipu was in love with his mother. It broke his heart when she died. He would do anything for Dhanu. He’s been more of a father to him than his own.’
‘It’s a pity she didn’t marry Tipu instead of the Rajah.’
‘Her family would not hear of it. As the result of a riding accident when he was a boy, Tipu is crippled.’
‘I am sorry to hear that. You are fond of him, I can see that.’
‘We have been friends since childhood.’
William fell silent, staring into the distance, thinking of his past and his insecurities.
His silence prompted Rosa to turn and look at him. ‘What is it?’ she asked.
William started and glanced at her. ‘I’m sorry. I was miles away. Another time. Another life.’ He gave her a wan smile. ‘Sometimes memories return unbidden.’
‘But not unwanted, I suspect.’
‘Some are,’ he confessed quietly, his gaze fixed unseeing on something in the distance that Rosa could not imagine and made her wonder what he could be thinking. ‘But thoughts of India return to me all the time.’ He sighed. ‘India was my home. Home,’ he mused. ‘How empty the word sounds. I suppose I shall have to get used to calling Ashurst Park my home from now on. But how can it be home when I am a virtual stranger here? There was a time not so very long go when I believed I could make my own destiny—when I would have married the woman...’ He fell silent, reluctant to say more, making Rose curious as to what he might have divulged. ‘That was not to be. Suddenly I feel that I am at the mercy of fate.’
‘Maybe it’s a bit of both,’ Rosa said softly, wondering if a woman he had loved—might still love, was at the heart of why he had been reluctant to accept her proposal of marriage. If this was so, where was she? Who was she? Had he loved her so much that he was blinded to all other women? ‘We are born with things that define us—character, humour, resilience—but we can make our own future, too.’
William turned and looked at her. Their eyes linked and held, hers open, frank, with understanding in their depths, his a blend of seriousness and sadness and frustration.
‘I want so much to believe that. Is that what you told yourself—when you left Antigua?’
She nodded, fixing her gaze ahead. ‘Yes. I, too, want to believe that. I came to England only once before—Grandmother spent some time with us on Antigua. I really should have got to know more about England—so that I would not have been so entirely at a disadvantage.’
William saw that sudden, questioning vulnerability. It required an answer. ‘I, more than anyone, can understand that. We both have to acclimatise to new situations—a new life, no tears, no regrets, just memories.’
Rosa gave a wistful, almost shy smile. His handsome face was sombre. She was acutely aware of his powerful male body seated next to her, strong and sure. The combination of all that was becoming dangerously, sweetly appealing. ‘Thank you for saying that.’
‘My pleasure.’ He meant what he said. Beneath the heavy fringe of dark lashes, her eyes were amazing, mesmerising in their lack of guile, and her smooth cheeks were flushed a becoming pink. Strands of her hastily arranged shining hair brushed her face. She was, he decided, refreshingly open and honest, with a gentle pride he admired. He smiled. ‘Thank you for saving Dhanu’s life, by the way.’
His words were sincere and heartfelt. Rosa was deeply moved.
‘You have already thanked me. I only did what anyone else would have done when seeing a child in danger.’
‘Not everyone can swim.’
‘I was taught at an early age.’ She glanced at the cascade in the distance, trying not to think of what had happened earlier. ‘That’s a rather splendid temple up on the hill. Where does the water that feeds the lake come from?’
‘Fortunately Ashurst Park has been blessed with a ready supply of water. One of my ancestors was responsible for collecting water from streams and rainwater and storing it in an elaborate system of ponds, watercourses and pipes on the high ground above the lake. The view of the lake and the house from up there is quite something. But come, I expect you’ll be wanting to get home. The carriage is waiting. I’ll drive you myself,’ he said.
‘Thank you.’
Leaving the house and crossing to the waiting carriage, an inexplicable, lazy smile swept over his face as he looked at her and held out his hand. Automatically she placed her hand in his and he helped her step up into the carriage, before climbing in and taking the reins and turning the horses towards the drive. His eyes were warm with admiration as they looked straight into hers.
‘I trust you are feeling no ill effects from your ordeal?’
‘No, I am perfectly all right. I’m just glad I got to Dhanu in time.’
‘So am I. You did well.’
For the rest of the journey they either sat in companionable silence or talked of inconsequential things. When William halted the carriage at Fountains Lodge he assisted Rosa down.
Walking towards the house and aware that he seemed in no hurry to drive away, having the stirrings of an idea she turned to look back at him. The idea was perhaps ridiculous, and if she had any sense at all she would abandon the notion without giving it a moment’s consideration, but all her feelings and her concern for Lord Ashurst’s charge were heightened.
‘Lord Ashurst, may I make a suggestion?’
He regarded her intently. ‘Please do.’
‘Would you consider letting Dhanu and Mishka come here for a while. You have told me you have serious concerns about his safety. The more I think about it, the more it seems a plausible solution.’
‘What?’ His amazement was genuine and he looked at her incredulously. ‘Are you serious?’
‘Yes—yes I am. I realise that this is a difficult time for you and that you have a problem making sure he is safe. Fountains Lodge is nowhere near as big as Ashurst Park and there are enough of us in the house to watch him. There is a reasonable sized garden at the back of the house with a containing high wall so he would not be deprived of fresh air. The men who wish to do him harm will not know he is here. I imagine they will be watching your home. From what I have seen of Dhanu he is a friendly boy. He will have no problem settling in here.’
Without taking his eyes off her, William began reviewing her proposition seriously, making two lists in his mind—one for accepting her offer and one against. The former won. Because he had to spend so much time away from the house at present, it would be an answer to his problem. Folding his arms casually across his chest he leaned against the carriage. Miss Ingram was surveying him with a steady gaze and he considered the danger of encouraging a deepening of their relationship. Hers was a dangerous kind of beauty, for she had the power to touch upon a man’s vulnerability with a flash of her lovely green eyes.
Holding his gaze with her challenging stare and quietly determined manner, she closed the distance between them with a smooth fluid grace and he felt suddenly exposed. He knew he was staring at her, but he couldn’t help himself. Perhaps unlike so many other women—excluding Lydia—she refused to be intimidated or impressed by him. Maybe she even disliked him a little, and he wouldn’t blame her one bit after his harsh treatment of her when she had come to offer herself in marriage. But if she did, then why was she offering her help—and why did the thought hurt?
‘And you are certain Dhanu will be safe here with you?’
‘As safe as he can be. Are you willing to consider seriously my proposition?’
He nodded. ‘I am a cautious man and there are many aspects to consider.’
‘But you will?’
He nodded. ‘What you propose does make sense—but it will be a temporary arrangement.’
‘Of course.’
‘Then I will make arrangements to bring them over.’ Climbing up into the carriage and taking the reins, he looked down at her. ‘Thank you for your concern and your kindness. It means a great deal to me.’ On that note he flicked the reins and drove away.
William brought Dhanu and Mishka to Fountains Lodge in a closed carriage. Rosa, closely followed by Clarissa, hurried out to meet them. Lord Ashurst stepped down, sweeping Dhanu into his arms before setting him on his feet. His pride and affection as he looked down at the boy could not have been more evident.
Stepping forward, Rosa smiled softly. On impulse she reached out and took his small hand in her own, and bending down, so that her face was on a level with his, she smiled warmly into his eyes, hoping to put him at ease. ‘Hello, Dhanu. I’m so pleased to see you again and happy you have come to stay with us for a while.’
Dhanu made no attempt to pull away and a little smile began to tug at the corners of his mouth. He seemed to be assessing her, and when his eyes ceased to regard her so seriously his smile broadened, which was a delight to see.
‘I remember you. You jumped into the water to save me.’
‘I did. We both got a soaking. I hope you are recovered now, Dhanu.’
‘Yes—thank you.’
Everyone began to relax and look at one another, certain that he had no objections to living at Fountains Lodge and that a good start had been made. It also brought a relieved smile to William’s features and he seemed to relax, which told Rosa how apprehensive he had been about removing him from Ashurst Park.
Rosa watched Clarissa take Mishka and Dhanu into the house before looking at Lord Ashurst. ‘He’ll be all right. Try not to worry about him. Rooms have been prepared for them. He need not be afraid.’
‘If he is then it is not you he’s afraid of. It’s the upheaval. Ever since he lost his mother he’s been confused about everything that’s happened to him and doesn’t understand it.’
‘I know. He’ll settle down here, I’m sure of it. You must visit him as often as you wish. Will you come in?’
He shook his head. ‘No—thank you. I have appointments to keep.’ He looked down at her. His gaze became intent on her upturned face, her free-flowing chestnut hair gilded by the sun’s rays. He was impressed and intrigued, and would never cease to be amazed at some new character of this woman he was considering making his wife. ‘Thank you for all you have done. I do appreciate it.’
Rosa watched him go, a delightful flush on her cheeks.
Dhanu loved being at Fountains Lodge. Having so much attention was a new experience for him, and after his initial shyness had worn off, he had surprised everyone by responding to all the fuss and attention with a startling vitality, which poured from him like heat from the sun. He was such a happy, bright child, and charged with energy, the playful devilment in his nature a joy.
William had left the house for his early-morning ride before returning to pore over the ledgers in his study. Knowing Miss Ingram often rode early he was not surprised when she rode into view. Concealed from view beneath the cover of trees, perched atop his large brown stallion, William paused to drink in the sight of her. He had watched her as she had galloped over the terrain, her companion way behind as he struggled to keep up. With a thin scarf tied around her riding hat, rippling behind her like a pennant in the wind, she rode with the blind bravado of a rider who has never fallen off. There was jubilant simplicity as she soared over each hedge and ditch, at one with her mount—confident, trusting and elated—its tail floating behind like a bright defiant banner.
Now she sat her horse supple and trim, her black mourning skirt spread over the horse’s flanks, her long legs encased in breeches. Her hair beneath her hat had come loose and the breeze played with and gave colour to her cheeks, but she wore a determined expression and exuded an air of openness and extreme capability William found attractive. The clash of his emotions as he watched her left him irritated and he broke his cover and rode to meet her.
With the reins held loosely in her gloved hands, Rosa heard the jingle of bridle and the snort of a horse before she saw him. She spun her head round abruptly, like a young deer aware of danger. Her heart gave a sudden leap when she saw Lord Ashurst emerge from the shadows of the trees. He was riding a big brown hunter, with a rippling black mane and tail. The horse’s sleek coat gleamed. Rosa saw how he looked at one with the environment, as if he had been born to this wild terrain. He wore a tight-fitting dark blue riding coat, cut away at the front to show a matching waistcoat, the cloth of both of good quality. A snowy-white neckcloth and gold pin enhanced his tanned face. She tried to imagine him in military uniform and thought he would have looked equally as fine. He looked lean and hard, exuding virility and a casual, lazy confidence. Sunlight burnished his thick dark hair.
Meeting his calm gaze, she felt an unfamiliar twist of her heart, an addictive mix of pleasure and discomfort. His light blue eyes looked at her in undisguised admiration as he drew alongside, a smile curving his firm lips. Thinking how handsome he looked and how nice it would be to run her fingers through his wind-tousled hair, she could feel a flush tinting her cheeks despite all her efforts to prevent it. She did not want to feel that way—not about him. They held each other’s eyes for far too long. Rosa was the first to lower her gaze, for there was something about him that was different to any man she had known. And that something was affecting her deeply.
‘Good day, Miss Ingram. My apologies. I didn’t mean to startle you.’
‘You take me unawares, Lord Ashurst. I was just admiring the view.’
William shifted his horse closer. His face was grave, though Rosa noticed one eyebrow was raised in a whimsical way.
‘It is impressive, I agree.’ His gaze swept the landscape, settling for just a moment on his home, before coming to rest on the young woman once more. With her honey-gold skin and large green eyes, which were as wide and solemn as a baby owl’s, she had an ethereal quality. Like a free spirit she confronted him, her head poised at a questioning angle, her hair spread over her shoulders like a cloth of autumn colours, watching him approach as if she were some forest creature. Every time he saw her she tweaked and teased his baser emotions.
‘You appear to make a habit of riding to Ashurst to take in the view. The last time you did you saved Dhanu’s life so I will not arrest you for trespassing on my land.’
Rosa slanted him a laughing glance. ‘That is extremely generous of you, Lord Ashurst. If this wonderful vista is the only part of Ashurst Park you are willing to offer me, then I suppose I shall have to be content with that.’
He laughed at her light-hearted remark. ‘Who knows, Miss Ingram. I may be prepared to offer you more—for a price, of course.’
Rosa laughed in turn. ‘Of course. I would expect no less.’
William gazed at her for a moment in silence, his eyes sweeping and appreciating her lovely face. ‘The colour of your hair, all shades of autumn, is unusual—beautiful like your eyes.’
Rosa stared at him, somewhat taken aback by his reference to her eyes, then she decided he’d meant nothing by it. ‘I think you flatter me, Lord Ashurst.’
‘No. Flattery is nothing but empty words without true feeling. I meant what I said.’
There was something in his expression that made her feel more than she wanted to feel. Her pulse raced. In that moment, Simon and Antigua seemed very distant. In fact, every time Lord Ashurst looked at her, Antigua felt more and more distant. His tall and lean, yet athletic, stature had a splendour to it with which few other men of her acquaintance could compete. He rode with an air of utter assurance, exuding a strong masculinity she imagined few women could resist, giving them the impression he was a man of lusty, unashamed appetites—with merely a look and a cynically humorous smile she suspected he had the ability to charm his way into the most rapidly beating heart. Listening to the steady rhythm of her own, she looked away, unable to prevent a certain excitement from sweeping over her, making her realise that she was not as immune to his powerful masculine personality as she had thought. She must not let him affect her like this.
‘How is Dhanu settling in at Fountains Lodge?’
She laughed. ‘Very well. He is adored by one and all—especially Clarissa—and keeps everyone on their toes.’
‘I can’t pretend that I am not concerned about him.’
‘Don’t be. He is fine but you must call and see for yourself.’
‘I will.’ A gentle expression spread over his face.
‘We didn’t get off to a very good start, you and I,’ he said softly.
He looked at her. ‘I find I have to reconsider my options.’
Tilting her head, she returned his gaze. ‘Do you have any?’
‘It would appear not. Can we talk about it?’
‘Ride back to the house with me. We will talk there.’
‘Oh—I don’t know if I should.’
‘If you are afraid that your reputation is in danger of being ruined should you be seen riding alone with me, then do not be concerned. There is no one to see.’
Rosa smiled. ‘It is considerate of you to be so concerned for my reputation, Lord Ashurst.’
His blue eyes twinkled merrily. ‘I am well aware that once a young woman’s reputation is lost it can never be retrieved, Miss Ingram.’
‘Then my reputation must be protected at all cost. We must see to it that we keep away from prying eyes.’
‘Does that mean you agree to come back to the house?’
‘How can I refuse?’
He looked at Thomas hovering some yards away. ‘Send the boy back. I will ride with you when you return to Fountains Lodge.’
Rosa did as he asked, instructing him to go to the house and explain to Clarissa where she was and to tell her not to worry, before riding with Lord Ashurst down the hill to the road that skirted the lake. He rode with the casual ease that could only come with a lifetime’s acquaintance with horses.
‘You ride well,’ William said, with an admiring smile. She was light and lovely in the saddle. Earlier he’d watched her ride at breakneck pace, taking each jump with an effortless, breezy unconcern for style that William had never seen before. ‘I’d been watching you for a while. You are one of the most skilled female riders I’ve ever seen.’
Glancing sideways at him, she laughed lightly. ‘That is praise indeed from you, Lord Ashurst. I started to ride before I could walk. I love horses. My father kept a fine stable on Antigua.’
William looked at her with unconcealed appreciation as he surveyed her perched atop her mount. She lifted her head and the sunlight glistened on a chestnut curl that fell to her neck. She was smiling broadly, her generous lips drawn back over perfect white teeth, and her colour was gloriously high.
‘Do you normally dress in breeches?’ he enquired.
‘Not all the time, but I hate riding side-saddle and I find breeches are so much more comfortable and offer more freedom. Of course, Grandmother didn’t approve. She was forever chastising me over one thing or another.’ She cast him a conspiratorial glance. ‘When I ride out I try to keep away from the village. I am not unaware that I am supposed to be dressed in mourning and behaving with more decorum, but I’m afraid I did not conform to the idea of a proper English miss.’
William laughed. ‘I have to say, Miss Ingram, that I agree with that.’
On reaching the house, William swung himself out of the saddle and went to assist Rosa, but she’d already leapt from her horse as sprightly as a young athlete and was handing the reins to a groom who seemed to appear from nowhere. They entered the house.
‘Have you eaten?’ William asked.
‘No. I usually eat after my ride.’
‘Then join me for breakfast. I would appreciate the company.’
‘Thank you. I would like that.’
‘Come,’ William said, taking her elbow in a firm grip. The conversation was not going to be easy for either of them. ‘We’ll eat in the garden where we are less likely to be interrupted and there are no staff within earshot to carry tales back to the village. Besides, it’s too nice a day to sit inside.’
Instructing one of the maids to have breakfast sent out to the terrace, he escorted her through a set of large French windows out on to a raised veranda which offered a splendid view of the gardens. Seating her at a wrought-iron table, William took a chair across from her, resting one booted foot atop his knee. For a moment he observed his companion. There was a subdued strength and subtleness that gave her an easy, almost naïve elegance that she was totally unaware of as she sat. Few women were fortunate enough to have been blessed with such captivating looks. Her eyes were clear and calm as the waters he had seen lapping a stretch of hot sand in India and were an exquisite mixture of green and brown. In fact, Rosa Ingram was blessed with everything she would need to guarantee her future happiness. Yet here she was, prepared to marry a penniless earl for reasons that he failed to understand.
Breakfast was carried out to them on silver platters—eggs, mushrooms, bacon and delicious warm bread and butter. Rosa was strangely content as she ate and drank her tea, gazing out over the gardens and to the orchards beyond. The gardens were beautiful in their wild and wonderful state of neglect, with roses and honeysuckle climbing and tumbling in profusion. With the sun warm on her face she felt its calmness and tranquillity. Everything was so still that not even a leaf moved, only the heady scent of flowers hung in the air. Aware of Lord Ashurst’s scrutiny, she managed to control her emotions. She watched the swallows swooping low and looked at the patches of blue sky between the branches of the tall trees.
At length, William spoke, breaking into her reverie. ‘I think we should both put our cards on the table, don’t you? We have both had to leave the place of our birth to come to England, no matter how reluctant we were. You were happy on Antigua?’
‘Always.’ She looked at him. ‘I imagine you felt the same when you left India, having lived there all of your life.’
‘Yes, although I did come here for my education. I am the only issue of a second son. My father’s older brother, who became the Earl on my grandfather’s demise, had two sons. My father had no reason to believe he would inherit the estate and was allowed to make his own way in life. He qualified as a doctor. With a desire to see the world he became employed by the East India Company. He met and married my mother in India. When my uncle died, followed by his eldest son in the Peninsula War, Charles, my cousin, inherited the title and the estate. His death was a great shock to me,’ he said, pain at the remembrance of his passing in his eyes for Rosa to see. ‘We were close—like brothers. Being his heir and duty-bound to take up the reins at Ashurst Park, I had no choice but to leave India.’
‘That must have been difficult for you. Are either of your parents still alive?’
‘They died when I was in my youth. Had my father still been alive, he would have taken the title. Like my father before me I forged myself a successful career and pledged my life to the Company. Something of India remains deep inside me and will course through my blood for ever—distant memories—the smell of the soil, the fragrance of the desert sands.’
As they talked he seemed more relaxed. He clearly loved the land of his birth and it was not the first time Rosa had met a man who was truly committed to the land of his adoption. There had been many on the Caribbean islands. She realised that despite the antipathy he had aroused in her on their previous encounters, William Barrington was remarkably easy to talk to and it surprised her how much she enjoyed talking to him.
‘But they were dangerous times,’ William went on quietly. ‘The states were constantly at war with each other. When the letter came informing me of the death of my cousin I was unprepared. Now, as heir to Ashurst Park, my place is here. I quickly learned from my cousin’s lawyers that the estate had been left in dire financial straits. In fact, it is bankrupt. Not having seen either my uncle or my cousins for several years, I had no idea of the extent of the debts. I regret not keeping in touch more. Perhaps then I would have been able to help in some way before things became so bad.’
‘How did that happen? I remember Grandmother telling us it had something to do with the Battle of Waterloo, but I didn’t pay much attention at the time.’
‘She was right. Rumours reaching London that Wellington had lost the battle at Waterloo ignited panic in the financial markets and caused the Stock Exchange to crash. In their desperation, London stockholders wanted out of their investments immediately, believing they would need the money to survive. The market panic was halted when news of Wellington’s victory at Waterloo arrived. Unfortunately, it was too late for the countless innocent people who lost their investments and hundreds of reputable merchants and noble families were ruined—including my own.’
‘And your cousin?’
‘Unable to live with the loss, Charles committed suicide.’
Rosa was unable to conceal her shock. This was something she did not know. ‘How dreadful. I am so sorry. Mrs Hope told me he drowned in the pool below the cascade. I—I thought it must have been an accident.’
‘I’m afraid not. Initially I was of the opinion that he could have managed his affairs with a little more finesse, but when I learned the full extent of what had happened, I realised he was unable to live with the guilt he felt over his haste to sell off his shares. It was too painful for him to bear. Sadly, he wasn’t alone. As a consequence the estate is bankrupt. It costs a king’s ransom to run. I am beginning to realise the weight of the responsibilities heaped on me. They have become like jewels too heavy to carry, too valuable to neglect and too enormous to ignore.’
‘I can see that.’
‘My solicitor has pointed out that if I do not come up with a solution very soon, I will lose the estate. The many creditors are becoming impatient. They could foreclose on the estate. My cousin was a gambler, which does not help matters.
Not only are there gambling debts to be settled but the estate has been mortgaged up to the hilt and the tenant farmers are suffering very badly.’
‘Accept my offer and all the debts will be cleared,’ she said softly.
‘That is a hard offer to refuse. Maybe I was a trifle hasty in dismissing it initially. Circumstances have forced me to reconsider. It could work out to be beneficial for us both. I realise that although it galls me to do so, as a solution to my problems I will have to marry a rich woman. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to go hunting for a wife.’
‘Then why did you refuse me when you knew you had no other means of settling the debts on Ashbury Park?’ she retorted, unable to remain calm when faced with such contradictory behaviour.
‘I didn’t realise the urgency of the situation. I cannot rest knowing others are owed because of my cousin’s folly. It is not right. It should not impact on the livelihood of others.’ His lips curled in a thin smile. ‘Lord knows what my father would make of it all. When he died he thought my life was all mapped out with the Company.’
‘Were you close to your parents?’ He nodded. ‘My own father was such a strong force in my life, my mother such a loving support to all of us. Things began to fall apart when she died. It would seem the cards haven’t turned out the way we wanted for either of us.’
‘It would appear not. So, Miss Ingram. Do you still wish to live at Ashurst Park?’
‘As your wife?’
‘What else?’
Slowly she let her thoughts dwell on what he was saying, realising just how uncertain her future was. She did realise that with the death of her grandmother and no longer forced to marry anyone if she did not want to, she was free to go to her Aunt Clara and try to coerce her into letting her work with her on her charities and put her wealth to some good. But the temptation to marry Lord Ashurst and make this beautiful house her home beckoned.
‘What else! you say.’ She sighed deeply. ‘What else is there? What else will there be when Clarissa has married and gone back to the Caribbean? I have lost most of my family and am about to lose Fountains Lodge. I realise that I don’t need to marry anyone.’
‘What else is there?’
She smiled. ‘You might think me quite mad but I have considered helping my aunt with her many charities—not just putting some of my father’s wealth to good use but to take an active part.’
‘I don’t think that’s a bad thing. It’s very noble of you to consider others in that way and I am sure that with all the misery I see every time I go to London your money will be welcome to whichever charity you decide to support. Of course it is something you can take up when you are married.’
‘Yes—yes I could,’ she remarked, uplifted by his suggestion. ‘And you wouldn’t mind?’
‘Of course not. Why would I?’
‘I can’t tell you how much that means to me. I won’t have to go to London after all—where my wealth will make me a target for unscrupulous fortune hunters.’
William’s lips curved in a cynical smile. ‘Better the devil you know.’