John Foxe

When Mary Tudor acceded to the throne, a period of Catholic reaction was ushered into England. The account below of the martyrdom of bishops Ridley and Latimer in 1555 is from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.

Dr Ridley had a black gown such as he used to wear when he was a bishop; a tippet of velvet furred likewise about his neck, a velvet nightcap upon his head, and slippers on his feet. He walked to the stake between the mayor and an alderman.

After him came Mr Latimer in a poor Bristol frieze frock much worn, with his buttoned cap and kerchief on his head, all ready to the fire, a new long shroud hanging down to the feet; which at the first sight excited sorrow in the spectators, beholding on the one side the honour they some time had, and on the other the calamity into which they had fallen.

Dr Ridley, then looking back, saw Mr Latimer coming after, unto whom he said, “Oh, are you there?” “Yea,” said Mr Latimer, “have after, as fast as I can.” So he followed a pretty way off, and at length they came to the stake. Dr Ridley, first entering the place, earnestly held up both his hands, looking towards Heaven, then, shortly after seeing Mr Latimer with a cheerful look, he ran up to him and embraced him, saying, Be of good heart, brother, for God will assuage the fury of the flames, or else strengthen us to abide it.

He went then to the stake, and, kneeling down, prayed with great fervour, while Mr Latimer kneeled also, and prayed as earnestly as he. After this they arose and conversed together, and while they were thus employed Dr Smith began his sermon to them upon the text, “If I yield my body to the fire to be burnt, and have not charity, I shall gain nothing thereby.”

They were commanded to prepare immediately for the stake. They accordingly with all meekness obeyed. Dr Ridley made presents of small things to gentlemen standing by, divers of them pitifully weeping; happy was he who could get the least trifle for a remembrance of this good man. Mr Latimer quietly suffered his keeper to pull off his hose and his other apparel, which was very simple, and being stripped to his shroud he seemed as comely a person as one could well see.

Then Dr Ridley unlaced himself, and held up his hand and said, “O heavenly Father, I give unto thee most hearty thanks that thou hast called me to be a professor of thee, even unto death; I beseech thee, Lord God, have mercy upon this realm of England, and deliver it from all her enemies.”

Then the smith took a chain of iron, and brought it about both their middles; and as he was knocking in the staple Dr Ridley took the chain in his hand, and, looking aside to the smith, said, “Good fellow, knock it in hard, for the flesh will have its course.” Then his brother brought him a bag of gunpowder, and tied it about his neck. Dr Ridley asked him what it was, and he answered, Gunpowder. “Then (said he), I will take it to be sent of God; therefore I will receive it. And have you any for my brother.” “Yes, sir, that I have,” said he. “Then give it unto him in time (said he), lest you come too late.” So his brother went and carried it to Mr Latimer.

Dr Ridley said to my lord Williams, “My lord, I must be a suitor unto your lordship in the behalf of divers poor men, and especially in the cause of my poor sister. I beseech your lordship, for Christ’s sake, to be a means of grace for them. There is nothing in all the world that troubles my conscience, this only excepted. While I was in the See of London divers poor men took leases of me; now I hear that the bishop, who occupieth the same room, will not allow my grants made to them, but, contrary to all law and conscience, hath taken from them their livings. I beseech you, my lord, be a means for them; you shall do a good deed and God will reward you.”

They then brought a lighted fagot and laid it at Dr Ridley’s feet, upon which Mr Latimer said,

Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle by God’s grace in England as I trust shall never be put out.

When Dr Ridley saw the flame leaping up towards him he cried with an amazing loud voice, “Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit; Lord receive my spirit,” and continued oft to repeat, “Lord, Lord receive my spirit.” Mr Latimer, on the other side, cried as vehemently, “O Father of Heaven, receive my soul.” After which he soon died, seemingly with little pain.

But Dr Ridley, from the ill-making of the fire (the fagots being green, and piled too high, so that the flames being kept down by the green wood, burned fiercely beneath, was put to such exquisite pain that he desired them, for God’s sake, to let the fire come unto him. His brother-in-law hearing, but not very well understanding, to rid him out of his pain and not well knowing what he did, heaped fagots upon him, so that he quite covered him, which made the fire so vehement beneath that it burned all his nether parts before it touched the upper, and made him struggle under the fagots, and often desire them to let the fire come unto him, saying, “I cannot burn.” Yet in all his torments he forgot not to call upon God, still having in his mouth, “Lord have mercy upon me,” mingling with his cry, “Let the fire come unto me; I cannot burn.”

In these pains he laboured till one of the standers-by pulled the fagots from above, and when he saw the fire flame up he wrested himself to that side, and when the fire touched the gunpowder, he was seen to stir no more, but fell down at Mr Latimer’s feet.

The dreadful sight filled almost every eye with tears. Some took it grievously to see their deaths whose lives they had held so dear. Some pitied their persons, who thought their souls had no need thereof. But the sorrow of his brother, whose extreme anxiety had led him to attempt to put a speedy end to his sufferings, but who, from error and confusion, had so unhappily prolonged them, surpassed them all; and so violent was his grief that the spectators pitied him almost as much as they did the martyr.