Ideation Input – Ideation Exercises #4 and #5
Now it is time to gather input from people you trust and value. Make sure you choose people who will give you honest feedback. This group of people will be your Advisory Board. Although you may think parents and family members can be brutally honest, some can just be cheerleaders and not want to hurt your feelings. You must be realistic about family members on your board. This is not to say they are bad choices, just use caution. You want honesty!
After you have assembled an Advisory Board, you will invite your board to a meeting. In the meeting you will record minutes to share with your board after the meeting.
Advisory Board
- Pick at least 5 people who you trust and value their opinions to give you honest feedback for tweaking your innovation.
- Include at least one college professor
- Explain what insight, or skill your advisory board member will bring to your innovation.
*An example of this exercise can be found in the Appendix.