Action Plan – Ideation Exercise #9
Watch the following YouTube video on writing action plans:
Using your SMARTER Goals, complete the Action Plan exercise. Fill in each column with the following information.
Action Step: Identify five Action Steps that need to be completed to implement the innovation.
Timeline: Make a note in the Timeline box when the step must be completed. Be specific on the dates, i.e., next Monday or December 10. The chunks of time must be spread out realistically.
Responsibility: Make a note in the Responsibility box of who will be responsible for carrying out the action step. This is not always you! Does a friend or family member have a part in your innovation? Write their task down so you can follow up with them to insure your innovation is coming along.
Resources: Make a note in the Resources box of what resources will be needed to complete the action step.
Obstacles: Make a note in the Obstacles box of possible situations or issues that may arise that will slow down the innovation process.
*An example of this exercise can be found in the Appendix.