This is not “I was born a tall white child . . .” I’m not famous, so I do not warrant a memoir. These are individual episodes — the wired, wacky, weird, and wonderful — related to working as a broadcaster around the world.
A couple of notes: for my Yankee friends, it’s written with Canadian English; for example, labor and honor read as labour and honour. For my Canuck friends, and some Yanks, there is plenty of behind-the-scenes NHL insight and intrigue going on.
One other thing: kind of weird for a book made of paper, where you can’t clip and paste, but I’ve added a YouTube link at the bottom of many chapters. Just type the provided title in the YouTube search bar and you’ll see a cool short video directly related to the material or a brief video version of the material itself.
I’m putting my thank-yous here. Thank you, John Shannon, for the support over the years, the kind words, and for writing the foreword even though I don’t think you’ve seen the non-hockey chapters. Pete Bowers started me down this road in high school; Ric Blackwell made sure I stayed on it. Thank you to the late Bill Kreifeldt (1941–2016), who gave a trio of teenage reporters their first NBA media credentials. Thank you Ernie Harwell and Bruce Martyn for providing inspiration.
Thank you, Michael Holmes, David Caron, Jack David, editor Laura Pastore, and the entire hard-working posse at ECW. Thank you to dear friend and independent editor Karen Milner.
This isn’t about me. It’s about the stories. I hope you enjoy it.
— Simmer