How to Use This Book

This book is written for instructors learning how to use Moodle. It’s not just a how-to manual, however. Every chapter includes suggestions, case studies, and best practices for using Moodle effectively. Using Moodle won’t make your course better by itself. Only by applying effective educational practices can you truly leverage the power of Moodle.

The Moodle interface can be customized a great deal. The descriptions and screenshots in this book illustrate the default interface without any customization. If you have changed the order of the blocks in your course or if the system administrator has changed the look and feel of the main interface, your system will look different from the screenshots here.

Chapter 1 discusses what Course Management Systems have to offer and what makes Moodle special.

Chapter 2 gets us started using Moodle. We’ll sign up for an account, review the basic interface, get used to some of the conventions, and start a course.

Chapter 3 covers how to add content to your course.

Chapter 4 delves into course management, including understanding and using roles, arranging students into groups, and how to obtain reports of student activity.

Chapters 5 to 14 cover individual tools in the basic Moodle package. We’ll discuss how and when to use forums, hold chat sessions, send messages, give quizzes, set assignments, develop shared glossaries and databases, create pathed lessons, collaboratively develop web pages, create blogs, set up surveys and polls, and record student grades. Each chapter covers how to add the tool to your course, discusses the options available, and gives you some creative ideas for effectively using the tool in your class.

Chapter 15 pools all the disparate tools into a comprehensive whole and shows some of the creative ways teachers have used Moodle.

Chapter 16 covers how to administer an entire Moodle site. A system administrator usually handles these functions, but if you’re on your own, there’s a lot of power behind the curtain.

You can use this book in a couple of different ways. First, you can read it cover to cover. Hopefully, you’ll find it so compelling that you won’t be able to put it down until you’ve finished it. Or you can use it like a reference manual. The beginning of each tool chapter covers the how-tos and the options. If you get lost, flip to the appropriate chapter and take it from the beginning. If you’re looking for inspiration, Chapters 3 and 15 and the end of each tool chapter should fuel the creative fire. Happy Moodling!