What This Book Is All About

Every human being on this planet has the most incredible device in the known universe residing within their skull. Yet despite all of us having more or less the same make and model, the vast majority of users are completely unaware of its stunning capabilities; let alone its phenomenal ability to adapt.

The human brain adapts to the demands of pretty much any environment. It physically changes its own circuitry to improve performance in any behaviour that is regularly required of it. It will change in a manner that enables skills and abilities to become faster, more accurate and more efficient the next time you come to do them.

This process of rewiring for self-enhancement is so gradual that the day-to-day improvements are usually imperceptible. Only if you continue to perform that behaviour intensively, regularly and consistently – over an extended period of weeks and months – will your brain change sufficiently for the improvement in ability to become noticeable.

But brains don't only adapt to accommodate good behaviours, they adapt to perform any regularly repeated behaviour; without even thinking about it. Whether it is something useful like safely steering a car whilst your attention is consumed by an absorbing radio show, or not-so-helpful like helping yourself to that second slice of cake, your behaviour is largely controlled by a brain operating on autopilot, for better or for worse.

The aim of this book is to inspire you to consider the tremendous impact that neuroplasticity – your brain's ability to physically change to deal with any circumstances – can have on your behaviour. Current beliefs and behaviours were formed according to past events and notions regularly encountered in your daily life prior to now. Future beliefs and behaviours will be formed according to whatever thoughts, people and places you choose to regularly and intensely engage with from here on. Your brain is constantly upgrading and downgrading its circuits inside your head, every single day – for better or for worse.

By giving people a clearer understanding of how their own brains work and by changing the common but false perception that you “can't teach an old dog new tricks,” the main objective of this book is to harness the revelation that, throughout adulthood, we can fundamentally change the very fabric of our brains. As a result, we can subtly alter our habitual behaviours, beliefs, motivations and, eventually, bring about profound positive change. This book will provide you with a wide range of simple brain-enhancing tools and practical tips to do just that.