My Moods

My moods are many,

oh my many, many moods,

my fits, my jags, my blues,

my ahhs, my ohs, my oohs,

my highs and lows,

my downs and ups,

my under-the-mistletoes,

my in-his-cups,

my here and now,

my now and then,

my if not, why not,

my if-not-now-when,

my blood feuds, my sodality,

my lone-wolf ideology,

my birds-of-a-feather flock,

my steady-as-a-rock,

my swings and swerves,

my bundle of nerves,

my bliss, my blah, my glum, my glee,

my beck and call,

my call-and-response,

my Viennese waltz, my hoedown, my line dance,

my quicksand, my pedestal,

my saltwater crawl,

my acupuncture needle,

my thimble, my awl,

my Dremel, my ripsaw, my shock and awe,

my each and my any,

my silver dollar, my lucky penny,

my sickness and health,

my man and wife.

So there you are

at last, my dear,

ill as you are,

struggling for breath,

my compass rose, my one and only,

my shining star,

my life and death,


And all I feel is fear.