
Upcycling is more than just slapping a new coat of paint on a night stand. There’s an element of artistry and nostalgia in old things that we often take for granted in the wake of silicon chips and mass production. Each item has a history and tells a story of a bygone era and how we’ve developed as a society. To let time and lack of interest steal these hidden treasures from us is like leaving a music box’s melody to be buried and forever lost in a landfill.

Through upcycling, we are not only keeping these legacies alive; we are adding to them. Just like adding a dash of spice to an old recipe, we are creating art while building upon the art of others. Each item that we upcycle has an endless history of artistry and innovation: how the materials were sourced, the tools that made it, the design process, the production process, and the path it took to get to you. It’s the lineage of our society, and it’s that lineage that we are honoring and continuing.

As in life, there can be tremendous benefit in taking a second look at what’s considered worthless junk and embracing it instead of discarding it. Inspiration can be found in things you would never expect. Hopefully this book has taught you to see through the label of “junk” and to instead focus on the potential of older gadgets to become something new. Maybe one day, another generation will upcycle your upcycled creations!