Ciudad Perdida

What could be more mysterious than the discovery of an ancient abandoned city? Ciudad Perdida (literally ‘Lost City’) disappeared into the jungle around the time of the Spanish conquest and was only ‘discovered’ again in the 1970s. Deep in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains, it remains accessible only on foot in what is easily one of Colombia’s most exciting and breathtaking hikes. Known locally by its indigenous name of Teyuna, the city was built by the Tayrona people on the northern slopes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Today, it’s one of the largest pre-Columbian towns discovered in the Americas, and the focus of Colombia’s most popular multiday hike. Doing the hike is a fantastic experience, and you don’t need to be particularly strong or experienced to do it, either. The landscapes and the sense of remoteness will stay with you long after you return, too.

Ciudad Perdida lies on the steep slopes of the upper Río Buritaca valley at an altitude of between 950m and 1300m. The central part of the city is set on a ridge from which various stone paths lead down to other sectors on the slopes. Although the wooden houses of the Tayrona are long gone, the stone structures, including terraces and stairways, remain in remarkably good shape.

There are around 170 terraces, most of which once served as foundations for the houses. The largest terraces are set on the central ridge and these were used for ritual ceremonies. The vast majority of the site is totally unexcavated, as the indigenous people will not allow further investigation.

Recent surveys have pinpointed the location of about 300 other Tayrona settlements scattered over the slopes, once linked by stone-paved roads. Of all these, Ciudad Perdida is the largest and is thought to have been the Tayrona ‘capital.’

Archaeological digs have uncovered Tayrona objects (fortunately, the guaqueros didn’t manage to take everything). These are mainly various kinds of pottery (both ceremonial and utilitarian), goldwork and unique necklaces made of semiprecious stones. Some of these objects are on display in the Museo del Oro in Santa Marta and in Bogotá. It’s a good idea to visit the museum in Santa Marta before going to Ciudad Perdida.


Previously, just the one agency, Turcol, had access to Ciudad Perdida. However, in 2008 the Colombian military cleared out the paramilitaries in the area, which has effectively opened up the route to Ciudad Perdida to healthy competition. There are now six licensed agencies, all based in Santa Marta, guiding groups of travelers on the four- to six-day hike to the ancient ruins. You cannot do the trip on your own or hire an independent guide. If you’re not sure about the legitimacy of your guide or agency, be sure to ask for the OPT (Operación de Programas Turísticos) certificate, the essential document needed by any guide.

Once the market opened in 2008, the race to the bottom began, and prices and quality fell. The government intervened by regulating prices and service, and the official price of the tour is now set at COP$850,000 – though in 2017 it was still common to find tours available for COP$800,000.

The price includes transportation, food, accommodations (normally mattresses with mosquito nets, though some agencies still use hammocks on one night), porters for your food, non-English-speaking guides and all necessary permits. The price does not go down if you complete the walk in fewer days. Most groups tend to do the trek in four days, but less-fit walkers and those who want to take their time often do it in five. Six-day trips are the maximum and are only really necessary for the very slow and easily exhausted; we recommend the four-day version.

Take the strongest mosquito repellent you can find and reapply it every few hours. Local brand Nopikex is excellent and will protect you better than many stronger, foreign brands. Take some long pants and a long-sleeved T-shirt, both of which are advisable at Ciudad Perdida itself, where the mosquitoes are particularly hungry.

Tours are in groups of four to 15 people, and depart year-round as soon as a group is assembled. In the high season, expect a tour to set off every day. In the low season, the agencies tend to pool resources and form a joint group, even if each agency still has its own guides. Other companies are middle people for these agencies and there’s really no reason to use them.

Do note that all access to Ciudad Perdida is closed (and thus no hikes depart) for the much of September each year, when the indigenous peoples meet to perform cleansing ceremonies at the site.

The Hike

After meeting your tour group (obligatory) in Santa Marta in the morning, you’ll be driven to the village of El Mamey (also known as Machete), the end of the road from Santa Marta, where you’ll have a leisurely lunch before setting off. The walk normally takes 1½ days uphill to Ciudad Perdida, with a half-day at the site on the morning of the third day, then one full day’s walking back downhill that is split over two days. The round trip covers 40km, but it feels like a lot more as you scramble uphill, slide through mud downhill and generally exhaust every leg muscle you have. In the dry season, the schedule can vary. Ask your tour company for a detailed itinerary. You walk in and out along the same route, which is a shame; travel agencies are continuing to negotiate with the indigenous Wiwa people to grant access to a different route out, but the Wiwa understandably remain extremely protective of their lands. From 2018 Guías Indígenas Tours and Expotur are offering a far tougher circular route, which takes five days/four nights and costs COP$1,200,000 per person. It’s quite a bit tougher than the normal route, but it allows you to see a totally different slice of the Sierra Nevada mountains on your way out. These tours have a strict limit of 30 entries per day, and it’s likely to be very strictly enforced.

The normal hike is challenging, but not mercilessly so; although each day covers only 5km to 8km, it’s nearly all very steep ascent or descent. If you’ve never hiked before in your life, you’ll find it tough, but even unfit first-timers complete the journey. At times, you will be scrambling alongside vertiginous river banks, clutching on to vines, and most people find carrying a stick helps with balance. Rainy season brings its own challenges, such as surging rivers, heavy, boot-caking mud; and collapsed walkways.

There are significant uphill slogs that can be brutal in the scorching jungle heat. When the sun isn’t blazing, it’s likely to be muddy, so you’ll trade sweat for loose traction. The driest period is from late December to February or early March. Depending on the season, on day three you might have to cross the Río Buritaca multiple times, at times waist-deep, and finally, you will have to slog up Ciudad Perdida’s mystical but slippery moss-strewn rock steps – 1260 of them in total – that lead to the site.

Along the way, the food is surprisingly good and the accommodations are comfortable, often located by rivers where you can cool off in natural swimming pools. The scenery is (obviously) nothing short of astonishing: this is a walk that is done at least as much for the journey as for the destination and, many veterans would argue, sometimes much more.

The site itself, a high plateau surrounded by blindingly brilliant jungle, is fascinating, and you will likely only be sharing it with your group and the few Colombian soldiers stationed there when you arrive.

It’s important to be aware that the mountains are sacred to all the indigenous people who live there, so it’s essential to leave absolutely no litter (and by all means pick up any you find on the route), and behave with respect within the Ciudad Perdida site.


In pre-Columbian times, the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta on the Caribbean coast was home to various indigenous communities, of which the Tayrona, belonging to the Chibcha linguistic family, was the dominant and most developed group. The Tayrona (also spelled Tairona) are believed to have evolved into a distinctive culture since about the 5th century AD. A millennium later, shortly before the Spaniards came, the Tayrona had developed into an outstanding civilization, based on a complex social and political organization and advanced engineering.

The city was built between the 11th and 14th centuries, though its origins are much older, going back to perhaps the 7th century. Spread over an area of about 2 sq km, it is the largest Tayrona city found so far; it was most probably their biggest urban center and their major political and economic center. Some 2000 to 4000 people are believed to have lived here at its peak.

During the Conquest, the Spaniards wiped out the Tayronas, whose settlements disappeared without a trace under lush tropical vegetation. Tayrona was the first advanced indigenous culture encountered by the Spaniards in the New World, in 1499. It was here in the Sierra Nevada that the conquerors were for the first time astonished by the local gold, and the myth of El Dorado was born. The Spaniards crisscrossed the Sierra Nevada, meeting with brave resistance from the indigenous people. The Tayronas defended themselves fiercely, but were almost totally decimated in the course of 75 years of uninterrupted war. A handful of survivors abandoned their homes and fled into the upper reaches of the Sierra. Their traces have been lost forever.

Ciudad Perdida subsequently lay untouched and forgotten in the jungle for four centuries until its discovery by guaqueros (grave robbers) in the early 1970s. It was a local man, Florentino Sepúlveda, and his two sons Julio César and Jacobo, who stumbled upon this city on one of their grave-robbing expeditions. Word spread like wildfire and soon other guaqueros came to Ciudad Perdida. Fighting broke out between rival gangs, and Julio César was one of the casualties.

In 1976 the Colombian government sent in troops and archaeologists to protect the site and learn its secrets, but sporadic fighting and looting continued for several years. During this time, the guaqueros dubbed the site the Infierno Verde (Green Hell).

Tour Operators


(icon-phonegif%5-420-7739;; Carrera 3 No 17-27, Santa Marta)

Expotur is exemplary in terms of how it treats its staff and has worked hard to ensure all its guides get qualified. Its certified indigenous guides, with whom radio contact is maintained during the hike, are delightful, even if they don’t speak English, though translators are usually provided. With years of Ciudad Perdida experience, you’re in good hands here.

There are also offices in Taganga and Riohacha.

Magic ToursHIKING

(map Google map; icon-phonegif%317-679-2441, 5-421-5820;; Calle 16 No 4-41, Santa Marta)

A very highly recommended operator, Magic Tours has led the way in terms of treating its guides well, providing them with social security coverage, health care and pensions, while also doing much to ensure that tourism benefits the indigenous communities it affects. Guides are from the mountains, and are knowledgeable and certified.

Guías Indígenas ToursHIKING

(map Google map; icon-phonegif%321-742-7902, 5-422-2630;; Calle 19 No 4-12, Santa Marta)

This new agency has only been operating since 2017, but as its name suggests, it’s entirely run and staffed by indigenous people and has superb access to sites in the Sierra Nevada. The company offers Ciudad Perdida tours, including an option to take the circular route through the jungle.

Guías y Baquianos ToursHIKING

(map Google map; icon-phonegif%316-745-8947, 5-431-9667;; Hotel Miramar, Calle 10C No 20-42, Santa Marta)

Located inside Hotel Miramar, this was the original agency to offer treks to Ciudad Perdida. Using guides that have at least a decade of experience (and often twice that), the company has strong relationships to the indigenous communities with which it works. Many of the guides themselves have farms in the Sierra Nevada.


(map Google map; icon-phonegif%5-421-2256;; Calle 13 No 3-13 CC San Francisco Plaza, Santa Marta)

Turcol has the most experience on the Ciudad Perdida route, starting in the 1990s, and has professional guides who work hard with its groups. Most of its guides don’t speak English, but they ensure there’s a translator available if you don’t speak Spanish (do check before you book your tour).

Osprey ExpeditionsTOURS

(map Google map; icon-phonegif%300-478-7320;; Calle 22 & Carrera 2)

After years of experience in Venezuela, Osprey Expeditions have opened an office in Colombia and offer tours throughout the country, including Ciudad Perdida and PNN Tayrona trips. They also offer transport services to Venezuela, one of the few agencies to do so in the current climate. Owner Ben Rodriguez speaks fluent English and is a superb source of travel information.


The following items are broken down into the essential and less essential. Be aware that most camps have some kind of generator-powered recharging facilities, so it’s not ridiculous to bring your phone and charger (for taking photos, at least – there is no mobile reception along the way!). However, do carry as little as possible, as you’ll find the trip miserable if you take too much.

Must Have

A Flashlight

A 1.5L water bottle

A Insect repellent

A Sunscreen

A Sunglasses

A Long pants

A A different T-shirt for each day’s walking

A Multiple pairs of socks and underwear

A Two pairs of shoes (ideally walking shoes for the hiking and strap sandals for river crossings)

A Multiple plastic bags (very useful for carrying wet clothing)

A Towel

A Ciprofloxacin and Loperamide (antibiotic and antidiarrhea medicines)

Nice to Have

A Playing cards

A Band-Aids or bandages for blistered feet

A Peaked cap

A Swimming costume

A Waterproof bag cover

A Sweatpants or pyjamas for the evenings

A Ziplock bags to keep things dry

A Antihistamine pills to soothe mosquito bites, and cream to treat blisters

A Five extra pairs of socks

A A book or journal for the evenings

A Earplugs (for the communal sleeping experience)

8Getting There & Away

Ciudad Perdida lies about 40km southeast of Santa Marta as the crow flies. It’s hidden deep in the thick forest amid rugged mountains, far away from any human settlement, and without access roads. The only way to get there is by foot. The trail begins in El Mamey (Machete), a 90-minute drive from Santa Marta.


English pirates, Dutch smugglers and Spanish pearl hunters have all tried to conquer the Guajira Peninsula – a vast swath of barren sea and sand that is Colombia’s northernmost point – but none were able to overcome the indigenous Wayuu people, who wisely traded with, or waged war upon, the invaders. The Wayuu’s complex and autonomous political and economic structures meant they were ready to mount a staunch defense of their lands – on horseback and, to the surprise of the Spanish, with firearms.

This is a diesel-and-dust landscape with more than a whiff of lawlessness. Its symbol might be a plastic bag caught in a treeless bush. Upper Guajira is where most adventure seekers are headed; here you’ll find end-of-the-world paradises such as kitesurfing capital Cabo de la Vela, and Punta Gallinas, an immaculate collision of desert sand dunes and brilliant blue sea that is perhaps the Caribbean coast’s most remarkable landscape.

Access to La Guajira is normally via the capital of Riohacha, and to Middle and Upper Guajira via the small town of Uribia, the transport hub for the peninsula proper. There are no scheduled buses, and transport is always in 4WD jeeps that leave when full. In general, it’s never a good idea to rely on public transport in this part of Colombia; we recommend traveling on a tour that includes transportation.


icon-phonegif%5 / Pop 278,000

Riohacha, traditionally the end of the line, is the gateway to the northern, semiarid desert region of La Guajira and still retains more than a little frontier-town feeling. As tourism in the peninsula has developed in recent years, Riohacha has become an unlikely mini–traveler hub and you may well find yourself spending the night here on the way to or from more isolated and beautiful parts of Colombia. The town isn’t teeming with things to do, but it’s pleasant enough; there’s a 5km-long beach strewn with palm trees, and the long pier, constructed in 1937, makes for a lovely evening stroll. Despite Riohacha’s oppressive heat during the day, there’s generally a cool breeze coming in off the Caribbean and the town is friendly and welcoming.


The beachfront Calle 1 is the town’s main thoroughfare, with Riohacha’s main plaza, Parque José Prudencio Padilla, sitting two blocks inland between Carreras 7 and 9. On weekend evenings, the malecón (boardwalk) and its parallel street, Carrera 1, fill with revelers taking in the waterfront restaurants and bars.

Santuario de Fauna y Flora Los FlamencosNATURE RESERVE

(; Camarones) icon-freeF

This 700-ha nature preserve is 25km from Riohacha in the town of Camarones. Pink flamingos inhabit this tranquil area in great numbers: up to 10,000 in the wet season (September through to December), and bunches of up to 2000 can usually be seen in one of the four lagoons within the park. If you want to see the flamingos, you’ll need to take a canoe (COP$30,000 for one to three people, and COP$15,000 per extra person) out on the water.

Skippers usually know where the birds are hanging out, but will not take you if they are beyond a reasonable distance.

Camellón de RiohachaPIER

(Camino de Playa)

Built in 1937, this impressive wooden pier is lovely for a stroll late in the day.



(icon-phonegif%5-728-8232;; Carrera 5 No 3A-02)

This outpost of the excellent Santa Marta–based agency specializes in tours to Punta Gallinas and all over La Guajira Peninsula. It has excellent relationships with the Wayuu people and offers English-speaking guides.

Kaí EcotravelADVENTURE

(icon-phonegif%311-436-2830, 5-729-2936;; Hotel Castillo del Mar, Calle 9A No 15-352)

This excellent agency opened La Guajira to ecotourism and has spent years fostering relationships with the Wayuu, allowing access to Punta Gallinas. It’s a great source for tours on the peninsula as well as homestays with indigenous families, and offers transportation-only deals to Cabo de la Vela if its has spare seats in its 4WD vehicles.

Alta Guajira ToursADVENTURE

(icon-phonegif%5-729-2562, 311-678-4778;; Calle 1 No 9-63)

Another experienced and reliable operator offering all-inclusive trips to Upper Guajira, starting at a two-night trip to Cabo de la Vela for CO$250,000 per person. They also offer indigenous home stays, tours of Cabo de la Vela’s mine and – naturally – trips to Punta Gallinas.

4Sleeping & Eating

icon-top-choiceoBona Vida HostelHOSTEL$

(icon-phonegif%314-637-0786;; Calle 3 No 10-10; dm incl breakfast COP$30,000 d without/with private bathroom COP$98,000/109,000; icon-acongifaicon-wifigifW)

This delightful new hostel right in the center of Riohacha is the brainchild of an Austrian/Colombian couple who have created a lovely, calm and spotless space, perfect for chilling out before or after a La Guajira trip. Dorms come with individual fans and curtains for each bunk as well as lockers. The hostel organizes tours all over La Guajira, too.

If the hostel is full, they also run a comfortable second premises across the road, complete with a balcony.

Taroa HotelHOTEL$$$

(icon-phonegif%5-729-1122;; Calle 1 No 4-77; s/d incl breakfast COP$243,000/279,000; icon-acongifaicon-wifigifW)

Branded a ‘Wayuu lifestyle hotel,’ this modern tower on the seafront is by far the smartest place to bed down in Riohacha. An all-Wayuu staff welcomes you to enormous and spotless rooms, all with minibars, flat-screen TVs, coffee machines and balconies, and there’s a rooftop bar and restaurant. It’s the perfect place to recharge before a La Guajira trip.

icon-top-choiceoLima Cocina FusiónFUSION$$

(icon-phonegif%5-728-1313; Calle 13 No 11-33; mains COP$15,000-35,000; icon-wifigifWicon-veggifv)

This place has easily some of the best food in town, and serves it up in delightfully airy premises where you can eat in the cool interior or outside in the street come the evening. Its less-usual choices include an array of stuffed pita breads, plenty of vegetarian choice and – far more typically – roasted goat as a major ingredient.

La Casa del MariscoSEAFOOD$$

(icon-phonegif%5-728-3445; Calle 1 No 4-43; mains COP$20,000-50,000; icon-hoursgifh11am-10pm Mon-Sat, 11am-9pm Sun; icon-wifigifW)

This place, right on the seafront, attracts local families all day long with its deliciously prepared, freshly landed fish and seafood. Specialties include several types of fish casserole, calamari al gusto and fritura de mariscos (fried seafood).


Hospital Nuestra Señora de los Remedios (icon-phonegif%5-727-3312;; Calle 12 & Carrera 15)

Policía de la Guajira (icon-phonegif%5-727-3879; Carrera 5 No 15-79)

Tourist Office (icon-phonegif%5-727-1015; Carrera 1 No 4-42; icon-hoursgifh8am-noon & 2-6pm Mon-Fri)

8Getting There & Away


The airport is 3km southwest of town. A taxi costs COP$6000 from town. Avianca (icon-phonegif%5-727-3627;; Calle 7 No 7-04) operates two flights daily to and from Bogotá.


The bus terminal (Calle 15 & Carrera 11a) is at the corner of Av El Progreso (Calle 15) and Carrera 11, about 1km from the center. A taxi to the bus station is COP$5000.

Expreso Brasilia (icon-phonegif%5-727-2240; Terminal de Transporte Riohacha) has buses to Santa Marta (COP$20,000, 2½ hours) and Barranquilla (COP$30,000, five hours) every 30 minutes; hourly services to Cartagena (COP$40,000, seven hours) and services every 45 minutes to Maicao (COP$10,000, one hour), on the border with Venezuela. There’s a daily bus to Bogotá (COP$76,000-91,000, 18 hours) at 3:30pm, which also passes through Valledupar (COP$30,000, four hours).

Coopetran (icon-phonegif%313-333-5707; Terminal de Transporte Riohacha) offers similar services to Santa Marta, Cartagena and Bogotá. It also has a twice-daily connection to Bucaramanga (COP$95,000, 12 hours).

Cootrauri (icon-phonegif%5-728-0000; Terminal de Transporte Riohacha) runs colectivos, leaving as they fill up, every day from 5am to 6pm to Uribia (COP$14,000, one hour), where you switch for the final leg to Cabo de la Vela (COP$12,000 to COP$18,000, 2½ hours). Just let the driver know you are heading to Cabo and they will drop you off at the switch point. The last car for Cabo de La Vela leaves Uribia at 1pm. Private rides to Cabo are available (COP$400,000; haggle and you might get it for less) and will take you and three friends there and back in a day, rushing through the highlights at breakneck speed, which kind of misses the point. You can also hitch a lift with Kaí Ecotravel for COP$50,000 if they have a spare seat; rides depart daily.

To visit Santuario de Fauna y Flora Los Flamencos, you must catch a colectivo (COP$5000) bound for the town of Camarones from the Francisco El Hombre traffic circle, on the corner of Calle 14 and Carrera 8. Tell the driver where you are going and they will drop you at the entrance to the park.

Cabo de la Vela

icon-phonegif%5 / Pop 1500

The remote fishing village of Cabo de la Vela, 180km northwest of Riohacha, was until recently little more than a dusty rural community, Wayuu people living in traditional huts made from cactus right up against the sea. But in the last couple of years Cabo has become a hotbed of ecotourism and kitesurfing and now boasts a wealth of indigenous-style accommodations. Still, the village has electricity by generator only and there are few fixed phone lines, internet or any of life’s other distractions.

The surrounding area is a highlight of the Upper Guajira and one of the most starkly beautiful spots in Colombia. The cape for which it’s named is full of rocky cliffs above and sandy beaches below, all set against a backdrop of stunning desert ochres and aquamarines.

If you’re looking for peace, Cabo is best avoided around Easter, December and January, when Colombians arrive to party.

1Sights & Activities

Cabo de la Vela is a notable center for kitesurfing. Kite Addict Colombia (icon-phonegif%320-528-1665; offers personalized courses with one-on-one tuition and all equipment necessary at COP$100,000 per hour. You’ll find it on the seafront next to the sign ‘Area de Kite Surf,’ where you’ll also find several other operations offering tuition.

Cabo de la Vela has the largest concentration of sights on La Guajira within easy reach of it, giving you plenty to keep you occupied for a day if kitesurfing isn’t your thing.

Playa del PilónBEACH

Playa del Pilón, far and away the most beautiful beach in Cabo, is a vivid orange-sand beach lapped by surprisingly cool waters and framed by low, rocky cliffs. Spectacular at any time of day, the colors are especially impressive at sunrise and sunset. In wet season, add in lush desert flora and fauna to the mix and the whole scene is rather cinematic.

Pilón de AzúcarVIEWPOINT

Pilón de Azúcar looms over the beach and provides the area’s most picturesque viewpoint, the whole of Alta Guajira displayed before you with the Serranía del Carpintero mountain range in the distance. A statue of La Virgen de Fátima, erected here in 1938 by Spanish pearl hunters, stands at the top of the viewpoint as the patron saint of Cabo.


Wayuu and tourists alike head to El Faro, a small lighthouse on the edge of a rocky promontory, for postcard-perfect sunsets. The view is indeed stunning. It’s a 3.5km walk from town, or you can wrangle a ride with a local for COP$30,000 or so for a round trip.

4Sleeping & Eating

There are more than 60 rustic posadas in Cabo de la Vela, part of a government-sponsored ecotourism project. Lodging is generally in Wayuu huts fashioned from yotojoro, the inner core of the cardon cactus that grows in the desert here. You can choose between smaller hammocks, larger and warmer traditional Wayuu chinchorros (locally crafted hammocks) or beds with private bathrooms (though note that running water is scarce). Bring your own towel.

Nearly all posadas double as restaurants, and more or less serve the same thing – fish or goat in the COP$10,000 to COP$15,000 range and market-price lobster.

Ranchería UttaGUESTHOUSE$

(icon-phonegif%313-817-8076, 312-678-8237;; hammocks/chinchorros/cabañas per person COP$15,000/25,000/40,000)

The cabañas here adjoin each other and offer little privacy through their ‘walls,’ but it’s right on the beach and quietly located outside of the town. A clean, well-run option that is popular with small groups en route to Punta Gallinas. There’s a decent restaurant on-site,.

Hostería JarrinapiGUESTHOUSE$

(icon-phonegif%311-683-4281; hammocks COP$15,000, r per person COP$35,000, mains COP$15,000-40,000)

One of the more central options in Cabo, this place has very nicely maintained public areas and spotless rooms with tiled floors (a big deal in these parts!). A front desk and running water make you feel almost like you’re in an actual hotel. The generators pump all night – meaning your fan whirs and you can sleep.

8Getting There & Away

Arriving in Cabo de la Vela is not the easiest trip you’ll make in Colombia, so most folks come on an organized tour. That said, it’s possible to come on your own: from Riohacha, you must catch a colectivo at Cootrauri to Uribia; it will depart as it fills up every day from 5am to 6pm (COP$15,000, one hour). The driver will let you out in front of Panadería Peter-Pan, from where trucks and 4WDs leave for Cabo (COP$10,000 to COP$20,000, 2½ hours). Non-4WD vehicles are a definite no-go on these dusty, rocky tracks.

Punta Gallinas

Punta Gallinas is South America’s most northerly point and offers one of the continent’s most dazzling landscapes. Its access point, Bahía Hondita, is where burnt-orange cliffs surround an emerald bay with a wide and wild beach, beyond which a large colony of pink flamingos make their home. Otherwise the bay is home to just eight Wayuu families, who dwell in an exceptionally harsh environment peppered with vibrant green vegetation and shared only with herds of goat and locust.

As the continent gives way to the Caribbean, massive sand dunes toppling 60m in height push right up against the shimmering turquoise sea, like a five-story sand tsunami in reverse. This is Playa Taroa, perhaps Colombia’s most beautiful and certainly its least trampled-upon beach, accessed by sliding down a towering sand dune right into the water.


Hospedaje AlexandraGUESTHOUSE$

(icon-phonegif%318-500-6942, 315-538-2718;; hammocks/chinchorros/cabañas per person COP$15,000/20,000/30,000)

Has a wonderful position right on the bay, with views to wild flamingos and thick mangrove forests below. It has basic but charming wooden huts and superb food.

8Getting There & Away

There is virtually no way to reach Punta Gallinas without the help of an organized tour, though it is technically possible: for much of the year 4WD vehicles from Cabo de la Vela can make the three- to four-hour drive to La Boquita, the top of the bay across the water from the posadas. With advance notice, someone from the posadas can come and pick you up from there by boat (it’s free for guests). When roads are impassable due to rains, access is by three-hour boat ride from Puerto Bolívar, a short drive from Cabo de la Vela near the El Cerrejón coal mine. Contact Aventure Colombia map Google map; (icon-phonegif%314-588-2378, 5-660-9721; Calle de la Factoria No 36-04) in Cartagena, or Kaí Ecotravel or Expotur in Riohacha to make the trip. Both Kaí Ecotravel and Expotur offer transport-only deals to Punta Gallinas: contact them for prices and availability around the time you want to travel.


Valledupar lies in the long, fertile valley formed by the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to the east and Venezuela’s Serranía del Perijá to the west. It has remained off the traveler radar as it’s not a hugely touristic town, and was landlocked during the darker days of the Colombian civil conflict, when Valledupar was held virtual hostage by the guerrillas that controlled the mountains.

These days Valledupar sees some travelers with its small, well-preserved colonial center, some great outdoors activities nearby and a bustling nightlife, .

This is cattle-and-cowboy country, and Valledupar is mythologized and venerated by Colombians as the birthplace of vallenato, the coast’s ubiquitous, manic, accordion-driven folk music that sings of love, politics, and the pain of losing your woman (or horse) to another man.


Valledupar is a place to chill out, relax and recharge. It makes a great overnight stop if you’re completing a circuit around Santa Marta, La Guajira Peninsula and Mompós.

Balneario La MinaSWIMMING

(COP$10,000; icon-hoursgifhdawn-5pm) icon-sustainableS

The Río Badillo carves a bizarre, brain-like path through the riverbed down from the Sierra Nevada to make this a great swimming hole. Take plenty of strong insect repellent and beware the surging currents in wetter months. Take a colectivo from Carrera 6 in the center of town to Atanquez and jump out at La Mina; service runs from 11am to 2pm. To return take a moto-taxi for COP$15,000, no later than 4pm.

There’s a really worthwhile women’s cooperative here, run by María Martínez, whom everyone calls La Maye. All proceeds benefit local women who lost their husbands and sons in the years of conflict, and the woven bags are of very high quality. She also serves a cheap (COP$12,000) fantastic sancocho de gallina, or cockerel stew, cooked over a wooden fire and served in the yard of her simple home.

Balneario HurtadoSWIMMING

icon-freeF On Sundays and holidays, the vallenatos come here to bathe in the Río Guatapurí, cook and socialize. There are a few simple restaurants and wandering snack vendors, and all in all it’s a superchilled family day out. It lies alongside the Parque Lineal; buses head there from Cinco Esquinas in the center of town.

zFestivals & Events

Festival de la Leyenda VallenataMUSIC

(; icon-hoursgifhApr)

The city’s Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata is a four-day orgy of vallenato and Old Parr whisky – the favored tipple here. The latter is so beloved that locals call the town Valle de Old Parr.

4Sleeping & Eating

Valledupar has one excellent hostel, which also has a number of private rooms. Room prices everywhere quadruple – and book out a year in advance – during the city’s Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata in April.

icon-top-choiceoProvincia HostelHOSTEL$$

(icon-phonegif%5- 580-0558, 300-241-9210;; Calle 16A No 5-25; dm/s/d/tr COP$30,000/75,000/94,000/125,000; icon-acongifaicon-wifigifW)

Friendly, safe, clean and charming, this is the best place in town whatever your budget. The private rooms lack natural light, and can get some noise from the kitchen and social area right outside, but are superbly comfortable, while the dorms are great value. Bicycle rental is also available and the owner can give great day-trip advice.

Joe RestauranteGRILL$$

(icon-phonegif%5-574- 9787; Calle 16A No 11-67; mains COP$20,000-40,000; icon-hoursgifh5:30-11pm)

A Valledupar institution, El Joe is a heaven for meat lovers. The mixed grill is big enough for two and features a mountain of locally sourced beef, pork and goat for the price, while the restaurant itself is extremely clean and staff outgoing and friendly.

El VaraderoCUBAN$$$

(icon-phonegif%5-570-6175; Calle 12 No 6-56; mains COP$30,000-50,000; icon-hoursgifhnoon-3pm & 6-10pm; icon-wifigifW)

8Getting There & Away

The bus station (Carrera 7 & Calle 44) is a 30-minute taxi ride (COP$5000) from the center, or take any bus with ‘Terminal’ as its destination from Carrera 7 and Calle 17. Buses go to the following:

Destination Fare (COP$) Duration (hrs) Frequency (daily)
Bucaramanga 89,000 8 2
Cartagena 45,000 4
Medellín 100,000 12 1
Mompós 55,000 5 1
Riohacha 25,000 3 1
Santa Marta 28,000 2 hourly


The region to the southeast of Cartagena is dominated by the Río Magdalena and is home to the gorgeous colonial town of Mompós.


icon-phonegif%5 / Pop 44,000 / Elev 33m

Mompós is one of Colombia’s most perfectly preserved colonial towns. Remotely located deep inland on the banks of the Río Magdalena, Mompós (also known by its original Spanish name of Mompox) has essentially been in decline since river transport patterns changed in the mid-19th century, leaving the town – quite literally – a backwater. Its similarities to García Márquez’s fictional town of Macondo are striking, and Mompós is indeed a far better place to soak up the atmosphere of One Hundred Years of Solitude than García Márquez’s nearby hometown of Aracataca. The 21st century finds this forgotten gem rising again, with a steady proliferation of boutique hotels and restaurants opening in recent years. It’s easily the most charming town in northern Colombia, its decaying facades and multicolored churches reminiscent more of Havana’s old town than of polished-and-buffed Cartagena.


Founded in 1540 by Alonso de Heredia (brother of Cartagena’s founder, Pedro de Heredia) on the eastern branch of the Río Magdalena, Santa Cruz de Mompox was an important trading center and active port through which all merchandise from Cartagena passed via the Canal del Dique and the Río Magdalena to the interior of the colony.

The town initially flourished, minting coins for the colony, and becoming famous for its goldsmiths, traces of which can still be seen today in the town’s superb filigree jewelry. Mompox declared its independence from the Spanish Empire in 1810, the first town in Colombia to do so, and at this time began to use the name Mompós. During the War of Independence, Mompós became an important military town and saw Simón Bolívar himself come and go eight times between 1812 and 1830, the dates and details of which are immortalized on the riverside Piedra de Bolívar.

Towards the end of the 19th century, disaster struck Mompós as shipping was diverted to the other branch of the Río Magdalena, the Brazo de Loba. This fateful decision turned Mompós overnight into an isolated backwater in Colombia’s interior, a biographical detail that repeats itself in Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude, in which many readers see echoes of Mompós’s fate despite the novel actually being based on the author’s hometown of Aracataca. At this point Mompós entered a century-long sleep, broken only by the jingling of the tourist dollar in the early 21st century.


There’s little to see in terms of sights here, so your time is best spent wandering the gorgeous streets, strolling along the Río Magdalena’s fine embankment and taking in the vibrant colors, sounds and smells.

Iglesia de Santa BárbaraCHURCH

(map Google map; Carrera 1 & Calle 14)

Dating from 1613, this unusual riverside church is undoubtedly the most striking building in Mompós, with its wide-eyed lions and griffins, its strange balcony-ringed bell tower, and its population of bats and swallows that stream in and out during evening mass. You can climb the bell tower (COP$2000) for a sweeping view of the river and the surrounding countryside.

Piedra de BolívarMONUMENT

(map; Calle de la Albarrada)

This solemn stone on the riverbank records the comings and goings of Simón Bolívar during the wars of independence against Spanish rule. Most important was his first trip to Mompós in 1812, when he recruited some 400 troops that would eventually help him liberate Caracas, bringing independence to Venezuela.


(map; Carrera 2 & Calle 18)

A former Jesuit convent that’s now the town hall, this fine building dates from 1600 and has a notable statue of a freed slave with broken chains outside it. The line ‘Si a Caracas debo la vida, a Mompox debo la gloria’ (If to Caracas I owe my life, then to Mompox I owe my glory) comes from Bolívar himself and refers to the fact that some 400 men from Mompós formed the basis of his victorious revolutionary army.

Museo del Arte ReligiosoMUSEUM

(map; Carrera 2 No 17-07; COP$5000; icon-hoursgifh8-11:45am & 2-4pm Tue-Sat)

Mompós’ main museum is a decent collection of religious paintings, gold and silver crosses and other religious objects all displayed in several rooms of an impressive colonial mansion.

zFestivals & Events

Two annual events are well worth traveling for: the town’s Semana Santa (icon-hoursgifhMar/Apr) celebrations are some of the most elaborate in the country, while the relatively recently established Mompox Jazz Festival (; icon-hoursgifhlate Sep), held in late September, is one of Colombia’s best music events and attracts big crowds. For both events it’s important to arrange your accommodations months in advance.

4Sleeping & Eating

There are a number of boutique hotels in town catering to wealthy weekenders, while budget travelers are also covered with dozens of smaller hostels.

Hostal La Casa del ViajeroHOSTEL$

(map;icon-phonegif%320-406-4530;; Calle 10 No 1-65; incl breakfast dm from COP$20,000, d with/without bathroom $80,000/50,000; icon-acongifaicon-wifigifW)

This friendly traveler hangout has moved from the center of town to the edge, but it’s still a great budget option and has all you need for a cheap stay in Mompós: a shared kitchen, a rather messy garden strewn with hammocks, a karaoke machine, roomy dorms and cozy privates. Owner Juan Manuel keeps the place sociable and gay friendly.

icon-top-choiceoCasa AmarillaBOUTIQUE HOTEL$$

(map;icon-phonegif%5-685-6326, 310-606-4632;; Carrera 1 No 13-59; r incl breakfast COP$90,000-260,000; icon-acongifaicon-wifigifW)

This beautiful hotel was created by a British journalist and his momposina wife inside a restored 17th-century mansion overlooking the river. It has several wonderfully atmospheric rooms, as well as a couple of roomy upstairs suites that are perfect for romantic stays. Breakfast is a communal affair served up on a large dining table overlooking the courtyard garden.

Staff members speak English, are a mine of useful information about Mompós, and will do their very best to make you feel totally at home here. Reservations are advised.

Bioma Boutique HotelBOUTIQUE HOTEL$$$

(map;icon-phonegif%316-625-0669, 5-685-6733;; Calle Real del Medio No 18-59; r incl breakfast from COP$230,000; icon-acongifaicon-wifigifWicon-swimkgifs)

This delightful property is a fully restored and transformed colonial house in the heart of Mompós with 11 simple but gorgeous rooms surrounding a charming courtyard and a much-needed pool to cool down in. There’s also an excellent dining option, Restaurante Mompoj, on site.

Casa Sol del AguaCAFE$

(map;Carrera 1 No 15-101; breakfasts COP$3500-6000, sandwiches COP$6000-11,000; icon-hoursgifh7am-7pm; icon-wifigifWicon-veggifv)

As the menus of this sweet little riverside cafe suggest: read a book, drink a coffee and enjoy the river. You’ll find great breakfasts, fresh fruit juices, toasted sandwiches and delicious cakes at this simple place, where the kind owner fusses over all her guests. Bicycles are available to rent for COP$6000 per hour.

icon-top-choiceoEl Fuerte San AnselmoEUROPEAN$$$

(map;icon-phonegif%314-564-0566, 5-685-6762;; Carrera 1 No 12-163; mains from COP$40,000; icon-hoursgifh6:30-11pm)

With its beautifully crafted interior and spacious airy garden overlooked by a towering banana tree, El Fuerte really is a highlight of Mompós. Try the excellent pizza cooked in a wood-fired oven, one of its lovingly prepared pasta dishes or the excellent gazpacho. Come in good time to ensure you get a breezy outdoor table.

Restaurante MompojINTERNATIONAL$$$

(map;icon-phonegif%5-685-6733;; Bioma Boutique Hotel, Calle Real del Medio No 18-59; mains COP$35,000; icon-hoursgifhnoon-3pm & 6-10pm; icon-wifigifW)

Named after the original name of the area before the Spanish conquest, the Mompoj is an excellent restaurant with an interesting and eclectic menu. Try pork curry, chicken stew or baby beef medallions in tamarind sauce. It’s important to reserve ahead, as the restaurant often isn’t open unless there are some confirmed guests.

8Getting There & Away

Mompós is remote, there’s no denying that, but it can be reached by direct bus from Cartagena and several other major towns. Most travelers arrive from Cartagena with Caribe Express, which runs a daily bus at 7am (COP$65,000, six hours).

It’s also possible to travel to Mompós from Medellín (COP$120,000, 10 hours, 8am daily), from Bucaramanga (COP$65,000, 7 hours, 10am and 9:45pm) and from Bogotá (COP$100,000, 15 hours, 3 departures daily). All these services are operated by Copetrans.

There are direct door-to-door services from Mompós to Barranquilla, Cartagena and Santa Marta all taking between five and six hours, with a cost ranging from COP$75,000 to COP$85,000. If you want to use these services, ask your hotel to call and book you a pick-up.


Unspoiled beaches and the road less traveled characterize the Caribbean coast southwest of Cartagena, an area that, due to security concerns, has seen little international tourism in the last two decades. Secure and at the ready these days, areas like Tolú and the Islas de San Bernardo, which previously catered to Colombians only, are now wide open for foreign exploration.

There is quite a notable change in the landscape here from the northern coast through the departments of Sucre, Córdoba, Antioquia and Chocó. Swampy pasturelands dotted with billowing tropical ceiba trees, ground-strangling mangroves and crystalline lagoons flank the seaside around the Golfo de Morrosquillo; while the jungle near the Darién Gap rides right up against cerulean waters and beaches where the Golfo de Urabá gives way to Panama, near the serene villages of Capurganá and Sapzurro.

Transport here can be a rather tricky thing, with long distances, isolated locations and a lack of roads making things rather arduous. Everywhere is accessible by bus or boat (and often a combination of both), but you’ll need to give yourself plenty of travel time, and you’ll not always enjoy the most comfortable travel conditions.


icon-phonegif%5 / Pop 48,000 / Elev 2m

You’d never know it, but the tranquil pueblo of Tolú, the capital of the Golfo de Morrosquillo, is one of Colombia’s most visited tourist destinations. Colombians flock here throughout the high season for its small-town feel and surrounding beaches, but there’s rarely a foreigner in sight. The rest of the year, it’s a quiet backwater. The beaches aren’t particularly impressive, but they’re pleasant enough if you’re passing through.

Tolú’s lengthy malecón (boardwalk), full of seaside bars, restaurants and small artisan stalls, is worth a stroll, but the main draw for foreign tourists is the town’s proximity to the idyllic Islas de San Bernardo, part of Parque Nacional Natural (PNN) Corales del Rosario y San Bernardo.

1Sights & Activities

Tolú is the main jumping-off point for day tours to Islas de San Bernardo. In nearby Coveñas there is less infrastructure but better beaches, many of which are dotted with thatched-roof tables fit for drinking an afternoon away.

Ciénega la CaimaneraNATURE RESERVE

(km 5, Via Tolú-Coveñas) icon-freeF

This 1800-hectare nature reserve is part-freshwater, part-saltwater bog with five varieties of mangroves. The red mangrove’s roots twist and tangle in and out of the water like hyperactive strands of spaghetti. The canoe trip here is a pleasant and beautiful way to spend an hour and a half, meandering through artificial mangrove tunnels and sampling oysters right off the roots.

To reach the Ciénega, grab any bus (COP$2500) heading toward Coveñas and ask to be let off at La Boca de la Ciénega. Canoe guides wait for tourists on the bridge, and charge COP$30,000 for one to two people and as little as COP$10,000 per person for larger groups.

Playa BlancaBEACH

If you’re looking for a good slice of local beach, then Playa Blanca is your best bet. It is accessed via moto-taxi from Coveñas (COP$6000).

Punta BolívarBEACH

This stretch of sand is a good choice if you want to spend the day on the beach. It’s rather remotely located, so you’ll need to hire a moto-taxi from Coveñas to get here (COP$5000).

Mundo MarTOURS

(icon-phonegif%312-608-0273, 321-809-7009;; Carrera 1 No 14-40)

This well-run agency does daily tours departing at 8:30am to Islas de San Bernardo for COP$45,000. You’ll be back by 4pm.


There are plenty of ATMs in town, including Bancolombia (Calle 14 No 2-88) on Calle 14.

You can find helpful staff at the Tourist Office (icon-phonegif%5-286-0192; Carrera 2 No 15-43; icon-hoursgifh8am-noon & 2-6pm) on Carrera 2.

8Getting There & Around

Expreso Brasilia/Unitransco (icon-phonegif%5-288-5180; Calle 15 No 2-36), Rápido Ochoa (icon-phonegif%5-288-5226; Calle 15 No 2-36) and Caribe Express (icon-phonegif%5-288-5223; Calle 15 No 2-36) share a small bus station on the southwest side of Plaza Pedro de Heredia. Buses depart hourly for Cartagena (COP$35,000, three hours) and Montería (COP$25,000, two hours). If you are continuing on to Turbo and the Panamanian border beyond, you must take a bus to Montería and switch there for Turbo.

Tolú is a small town where residents choose bicycles over vehicles, and bicycle taxis, known as bicitaxis, are an art form: each one is decked out with individual personality and flair – and feature massive, cranked-up speakers playing salsa and reggaeton.

Colectivos to Coveñas depart every 10 minutes daily (COP$2500) from near Supermercado Popular at the corner of Carrera 2 and Calle 17 in Tolú.

Islas de San Bernardo

The 10 archipelagoes that make up the Islas de San Bernardo, set off the coast of Tolú, are a far more spectacular and interesting addition to the PNN Corales del Rosario y San Bernardo than their neighbors to the north, the Islas del Rosario.

Carib indígenas (indigenous Caribbeans) once called the islands home, but they are more trampled on today by vacationing Colombians, who have done well to keep the islands a secret from foreign tourists. Known for their crystalline waters, mangrove lagoons and white-sand beaches, these picturesque islands stand out on the Caribbean coast as a little oasis of rest and relaxation.


The full-day tour of the islands leave Tolú each morning. It includes a fly-by of one of the world’s most densely populated islands, Santa Cruz del Islote, where up to 1000 people, mostly fisherfolk, live in a tropical aquatic shantytown measuring just 1200 sq meters; and Isla Tintipan, the largest of the archipelago’s islands.

Most of the tourism infrastructure is on Isla Múcura, where tours stop for three hours of free time. Here you can rent snorkeling equipment for COP$5000, kick back and have lunch and a beer (not included in the tour), or simply wander around the mangroves.


Hostal Isla MúcuraHOSTAL$

(icon-phonegif%316-620-8660;; Isla Múcura; tent/hammock COP$15,000 per person, dm/r/cabaña COP$20,000/50,000/60,000 per person) icon-sustainableS

This excellent option offers you the chance to stay on the islands at an affordable price. Right on the beach, this place has a laid-back vibe and superfriendly staff. The sleeping options range from pitching your own tent and hammocks to the super popular ‘private kiosks,’ which are thatched huts on stilts with lovely views and a great breeze.

Meals cost COP$20,000 and are delicious. Volunteers are welcome year-round and help serve breakfast, arrange events, tend the bar and collect guests.

icon-top-choiceoCasa en el AguaHOTEL$$

(; off Isla Tintipán; hammock/dm COP$70,000/80,000 d from COP$180,000) icon-sustainableS

This incredible place lives up to its name – it’s literally a house in the middle of the water – a wooden holiday home built on an artificial island that has been colonized by corals and subsequently transformed into an ecologically conscious hostel. Accommodations are rustic but comfortable, food is good, there are numerous activities and the cocktails are great value.


icon-phonegif%4 / Pop 163,000 / Elev 2m

Turbo is a gritty and remote port town where many people overnight on their way to Capurganá or Sapzurro, as boats leave for these towns each morning year round. There’s absolutely nothing to keep you here, and sadly the entire place is rather poor and uncharming, meaning that you won’t really want to stray from your hotel after dark.

4Sleeping & Eating

There are a number of small and largely indistinguishable cafes along the waterfront by the docks, where you can eat from around 5am until dusk.

Hotel El VeleroHOTEL$$

(icon-phonegif%4-827-4173, 312-618-5768;; Carrera 12 No 100-10; r from COP$90,000; icon-acongifaicon-wifigifW)

A moment’s walk from the dock where the boats leave for Capurganá, this modern hotel is definitely the best place to stay in Turbo. Its rooms are small but very comfortable, with crisp linen bedding and well-stocked minibars. It can feel like a little slice of heaven after a long journey.

8Getting There & Away

From Cartagena, you must catch a bus before 11am to Montería (COP$60,000, five hours) and switch for the bus to Turbo (COP$40,000, five hours). In Turbo, there is no central bus station but most of the companies of concern are located on Calle 101, including Coointur (icon-phonegif%4-828-8091;; Carrera 19 & Calle 1) and Sotrauraba (icon-phonegif%4-230-5859;; Calle 100 & Carrera 14). Returns to Montería run from 4:30am to 4pm. Buses head to Medellín hourly from 5am to 10pm (COP$65,000, eight hours) from Turbo.

Boats to Capurganá (COP$55,000, 2½ hours) and Sapzurro (COP$60,000, 2½ hours) leave daily from the port from 7am. Be sure to arrive by 6am to ensure you can get a ticket, as the boats fill up fast. During high season and at weekends there are often extra boats running this route, but it’s also advisable to reserve your ticket a day ahead if possible.

Capurganá & Sapzurro

icon-phonegif%4 / Pop 2200

Colombia ends its extraordinary Caribbean coastline with a flourish: these two idyllic, laid-back villages and their surrounding beaches are hidden in an isolated corner of Colombia’s northwest, just a short stroll from the Panamanian border, and make up two of the country’s least visited highlights. Backed by jungle-covered mountains and washed by fabulously azure waters, the villages attract a crowd of locals and backpackers seeking refuge from the chaotic mainstream of Colombian life. Do yourself a favor and make time to join them.

Part of the adventure is just getting here: both Capurganá and Sapzurro are only accessible by a fairly rough boat ride from Turbo or Necoclí, or by a tiny plane from Medellín. Consequently, the beaches here remain some of Colombia’s least overrun. However, that’s all set to change as foreign backpackers discover these fantastic destinations and tourism continues to boom.


The coral reef here is fantastic and there are several diving schools exploring the coast and logging new sites. Capurganá arguably has the best diving on mainland Colombia’s Caribbean coast, with a better-preserved reef and visibility up to 25m common from August to October. The sea is rough from January to March. At Dive & Green (icon-phonegif%311-578-4021, 316-781-6255;; Capurganá) icon-sustainableS and Centro de Buceo Capurganá (icon-phonegif%314-861-1923;; Luz de Oriente), two-tank dives cost between COP$180,000 and COP$220,000, while one night dive costs COP$130,000.

The town beaches in both Capurganá and Sapzurro are lovely, but a short hike over the hillside from Sapzurro into Panama takes you to the most famous beach in the area, La Miel (bring your ID – there’s a military checkpoint). It’s a quick walk up a series of steep steps across the border and back down the other side (turn right at the bottom of the hill and follow the sidewalk). The small beach offers perfect white sand, cerulean waters, and a couple of small places to eat fresh fish and drink a cold beer.

El Cielo, a 3km jungle hike into the mountains from Capurganá, passes several natural swimming pools and waterfalls along a trail where you might see howler and squirrel monkeys, toucans and parrots. The pleasant coastal hike to Aguacate (3.5km) stops at quiet beaches along the way, while the wonderful Playa Soledad can be accessed by a 8km walk east of Capurganá, or on a short boat trip negotiated with one of the fishers on Capurganá’s main beach.



The Golfo de Urabá has a few tiny towns nestled on the fringes of the Darién Gap. Acandí, Triganá and San Francisco have decent, affordable accommodations, quiet beaches and amazing hiking. All are accessible by boat from Turbo. In Acandí between March and May hundreds of leatherback turtles, measuring as much as 2m in length and weighing up to 750kg, come ashore to lay their eggs.

4Sleeping & Eating

There’s a good range of hotels, hostels and campsites in the twin villages, with new establishments opening as the tourism boom continues. Hotel owners often hang around the dock, waiting for passengers; in general these are not touts and they may even offer discounted rooms outside high season.

icon-top-choiceoPosada del GeckoGUESTHOUSE$

(icon-phonegif%314-525-6037, 314-629-1829;; Capurganá; s/d/tr/q COP$25,000/80,000/110,000/140,000; icon-acongifaicon-wifigifW)

A friendly guesthouse with simple wooden rooms that are great value; smarter options include rooms with air-con and private bathrooms, too. The attached bar-restaurant serves authentic pizza and pastas and is a fine place for a drink; it also has an impressively indie playlist. The owner also organizes three-day trips to the San Blas Islands.


(icon-phonegif%321-572-7398;; Sapzurro; r per person COP$35,000-55,000)

This Italian-run guesthouse is in a gorgeous timber chalet set back a short distance from the town beach. Some of the fan-cooled rooms share bathrooms, while others have their own. Prices vary according to season; the cabaña sleeps four in a double bed and two bunks. The Italian home cooking, courtesy of owner Giovanni, is a definite plus.

icon-top-choiceoLa PosadaHOSTEL$$

(icon-phonegif%310-410-2245;; Sapzurro; s/d from COP$70,000/140,000, camping or hammocks per person COP$15,000)

The most comfortable and well-run spot in town has beautiful gardens with flourishing guava, coconut and mango trees; open-air showers for campers; and beautiful, airy rooms with wooden floors, exposed beams and hammocks on the balconies. Owner Mario speaks great English, and his wife prepares meals (mains COP$20,000 – call ahead if you plan to eat).

Eco Hotel Punta ArrecifeGUESTHOUSE$$

(icon-phonegif%320-687-3431, 314-666-5210;; Sapzurro; r per person incl breakfast COP$75,000-100,000)

Built over a reef at the edge of the village, this wonderful place is set in a gorgeously overgrown garden and is presided over by Rubén and Myriam, two charming recluses from the modern world who have made this their home. They host guests in gorgeous, simple rooms that are crafted from wood and full of tasteful arts and crafts.

The owners grow much of their own food here, and encourage guests to disconnect as much as possible. It’s a short walk from the beach at Cabo Tiburón, and there’s great snorkeling to be had on the reef itself. Knowing Spanish is a big help here.


(Capurganá; mains COP$20,000-40,000; icon-hoursgifhnoon-9:30pm)

Scour the entire coast and you won’t find better seafood – or a more wonderful welcome – than at Josefina’s. Her crab in spicy coconut-cream sauce, served in impossibly crispy, wafer-thin plantain cups, is superb, as is the crema de camerón (cream of shrimp soup) and her take on langostinos (crayfish). You’ll find Josefina in an unremarkable hut on the main beach in Capurganá.


(Capurganá; mains COP$15,000-25,000; icon-hoursgifh8am-9pm; icon-veggifv)

This cute little place with the silly name does do great arepas, but owner/chef Amparo will also prepare more elaborate dishes, including veritable veggie feasts, if you order a few hours in advance. Breakfast is also available.


It is not possible to drive from Colombia to Panama – the Pan-American Hwy does not extend through the swamps of the Darién Gap. Various foolhardy maniacs have ignored the dangers and attempted crossing the 87km distance in all-terrain vehicles and even on foot, risking encounters with guerrillas, paramilitaries or narcotraffickers – don’t attempt this.

It is possible and fairly safe, however, to reach Panama (mostly) overland, with just a few sea trips and a short flight. At the time of research the following route was secure and calm, but always check ahead for security updates before setting out, and stick to the coast.

1. Make your way to Turbo. The Medellín–Turbo route (COP$62,000, eight hours) is safe now – but daytime travel is still advised. From Cartagena, you have to go to Montería (COP$50,000, five hours) and change there for Turbo (COP$30,000, five hours). Buses run regularly from 7am to 5pm, and you have to leave Cartagena before 11am to avoid getting stuck overnight in Montería. You have to spend the night in Turbo, which isn’t a particularly wonderful experience, but it’s all part of the adventure.

2. Catch a boat from Turbo to Capurganá (COP$55,000, 2½ hours). Arrive at least an hour early to secure a ticket. Hang on to your hat – this can be a bumpy ride. There is a 10kg baggage limit – COP$500/kg overcharge applies.

3. Take a boat from Capurganá to Puerto Olbaldía in Panama (COP$30,000, 45 minutes). But first, get your Colombian exit stamp at Migración Colombia (icon-phonegif%311-746-6234;; Capurganá; icon-hoursgifh8am-5pm Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm Sat), near Carpuganá’s harbor, one day before departure (the office will not be open on the morning you leave). Boats depart Capurganá every day, at 7:30am, so be at the docks for 7am. This is another dicey journey, depending on sea conditions. Do note that the boat journey costs a minimum of COP$100,000, meaning you’ll have to pay the full amount if you’re the only passenger.

4. Obtain your Panama entry stamp at Panamanian immigration in Puerto Olbaldía, though you might be asked for two copies of your passport. There’s a xerox place here if you need it. Then fly to Panama City’s domestic Albrook terminal. There are two to three daily flights. Puerto Olbaldía has very little to offer tourists. Avoid spending any more time than necessary there, and head straight to Panama City.


Be aware that there are no ATMs in either Capurganá or Sazurro, so it’s important to bring as much cash as you’ll need for your stay. In a pinch, you can get cash advances on a credit card from Hostal Capurganá (icon-phonegif%318-206-4280, 316-482-3665;; Calle de Comercio, Capurganá; dm COP$25,000, s/d incl breakfast COP$75,000/125,000; icon-wifigifW). The same place (and a few others) also change US dollars, but both transactions will cost you.

8Getting There & Away

Boats to Capurganá (COP$55,000, 2½ hours) and Sapzurro (COP$60,000, 2½ hours) leave daily from the port at Turbo from 7am. There is often more than one boat each day, sometimes as many as four or five, but the 7am boat is – weather permitting – always running. Boats can fill up quickly with locals – arrive at least an hour early, or if possible reserve a seat the day beforehand to ensure you can get a place. In the high season it’s essential to book a ticket the day before. It can be a wet and sometimes bumpy journey, so throw your luggage in a trash bag (vendors sell them for COP$1000). Be sure to take your passport and plenty of cash with you, as there is no ATM in Capurganá or Sapzurro. When you return, studiously avoid the clamoring locals who want to ‘help’ you to your bus. They work on commission and will fleece you. There are also faster daily crossings from the town of Necoclí (COP$72,000, 1½ hours). These are pricier than the Turbo ones, but the boats are also more comfortable.

There are at present no scheduled flights to Capurganá’s air strip, but ADA (icon-phonegif%1-800-051-4232; operates daily flights from Medellín to the town of Acandí (from COP$200,000 one-way), from where it’s simple to take a boat to Capurganá (COP$30,000 per person), though you’ll want to hire a donkey (COP$5000) to take you to the docks from the airport if you have luggage. For help booking flights or transfers, contact Capurganá Tours (icon-phonegif%4-824-3173; Hostal Capurganá, Capurganá).

San Blas Adventures (icon-phonegif%321-505-5008;; Sapzurro) offers tours to the Kuna Yala in Panama as well as to the San Blas Islands, both departing from Sapzurro. You’ll need to get your exit stamp in Capurganá.