The garage was ablaze with light on Saturday at seven AM, and it couldn’t have been because of my mother. She wasn’t awake this early.
“Dad?” I called. He hadn’t been here when I went to bed, so he must’ve taken a red-eye back from California.
My father poked his head out the door of the storage room. “Morning, Mark. How’ve things been?”
“Great.” I nodded calmly, but inside I was smiling big. Everything flowed better when Dad was home.
“What about business?”
“It’s great, too,” I said, crossing to his side. “I have ten clients.”
We shook hands before he pulled me into a manly, back-slapping hug. He was decked out in biking gear.
“Is it okay if I ride with you?”
It was more than okay. “Sure.”
He carried his mountain bike out of the storage room. “What’s the plan?”
I lifted mine down from its rack and checked it over. “How about the American Tobacco Trail?” I hadn’t ridden on the ATT in a while, but the weather would be perfect for it today.
“Sounds good.”
“Aren’t you tired?”
“I slept on the plane.”
That couldn’t have been enough, but he still wanted to ride with me.
“Won’t Mom wonder where you are when she gets out of bed?”
His lips twitched into a half-smile. “Your mother knows where I am.” He smacked a switch on the wall, and the garage door rolled up. “Will we take the truck to one of the ATT parking lots?”
“Yeah, the one off I-40.”
Soon we were cruising along the interstate. Dad slumped in the passenger seat, eyes shut.
“Are you sure about this?” I asked, hoping he was.
“Yeah. It’s just better for my health if I don’t watch you drive.”
He laughed.
I let him relax for a couple of minutes while I drummed up the guts to bring up the next subject. “Dad, I need to talk to you about Mom and Marissa.”
“Might as well stop right there.” He straightened in his seat, eyes open, arms crossed. “I’m staying out of that.”
“I want to, but I can’t, they won’t let me.”
“Yes, you can. You’ve got shoulders. Shrug them.”
“Maybe you can shrug off Mom, but I can’t.”
“You’re smart. You can figure out a way to not engage.”
Right. “Dad, you haven’t been here for the last couple of weeks. It’s been pretty bad.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Tell her I hate being in the middle.”
“She knows that.”
“Yeah, but she might do something about it if you reminded her.”
His only response was to grunt impatiently.
I pulled off I-40 and parked in the lot. Ten minutes later, we were riding south at an easy pace.
“What’s the goal today, Mark?”
“Speed. Especially downhill. There are a few decent inclines a couple of miles ahead.”
“Are they on the trail?”
“Good.” He took a swig from his water bottle. “You might not know this, but when Marissa first opened her bank account, she gave me the password.”
Interesting change of subject. I was curious where this was headed. “And…?”
“I can access all of her transactions. She hasn’t written any checks to the University of Colorado.”
“I see.”
“I suspect you do.”
“Have you told this to Mom?”
“Not yet.”
“Look, Dad…”
“That’s enough.” He pedaled in concentration until we passed some pedestrians. “Your sister needs to tell us what’s going on. It’s her story, not yours. So don’t say a word. Not to me. Not to your mom.”
* * *
After my dad and I got home and cleaned up, my mother claimed him for the rest of the day. “Couple time,” she called it. She had a to-do list a mile long, which seemed to make him happier than it would’ve made me. It involved a lot of driving on his part and shopping on hers.
I wouldn’t be heading down to the falls tonight with Susanna busy until Monday. So I downloaded a movie and flopped on the couch to watch. But I had a hard time paying attention. My mind kept drifting to Susanna. While I was slumped over being lazy, was she working? Avoiding punches?
Halfway through, I flicked the movie off. I needed to do something.
Unable to contain my restlessness, I jumped up and looked around until my attention landed on the computer. Might as well get on and check email. Carlton pinged me immediately.
Good, a distraction.
CARLTON: what’s up?
ME: nothing much
CARLTON: how’s training?
ME: dad’s home. he timed me today
ME: not where I want it to be yet. how’s your dad?
CARLTON: great. focused on his boat
ME: been skiing?
CARLTON: some. heard from alexis?
Why did he keep asking about her? To piss me off? I had nothing else to say about Alexis. He knew that.
ME: i saw her thursday
CARLTON: really?
ME: not something i would joke about
There was a long pause—not the kind that meant he was typing a lot, but the kind that meant he didn’t know how to respond. Carlton could come up with something funny faster than anyone I knew. So he was thinking something serious, which was strange and interesting.
CARLTON:you saw alexis on thursday?
ME: i just said so
CARLTON: did you track her down?
ME: other way around. why?
CARLTON: doesn ‘t sound like her
I fell back against my seat and stared hard at the screen. What was going on here? Carlton was the only friend who’d stuck with me when everyone else sided with Alexis. How did he know whether something sounded like her? And why did he even care? The whole time I dated Alexis, he had complained that she was some kind of high-maintenance toddler we were babysitting, and avoided us whenever he could. He’d been happy when she dumped me.
ME: since when do you know so much about alexis?
CARLTON: since I got to the beach. she’s been texting me
ME: how often?
CARLTON: every day
She had to be pumping Carlton for information about me, but it couldn’t be doing her any good. I wasn’t telling him anything she’d want to know.
ME: what does she ask about?
CARLTON: the colonial girl. alexis claims halligan isn’t involved
ME: alexis went on a date with him
CARLTON: she told you that?
ME: apparently so, since i know
CARLTON: she won ‘t go out with him again
ME: don’t care
CARLTON: alexis saw the colonial girl
ME: and?
CARLTON: now we know the girl isn’t a ghost
ME: i already knew that
CARLTON: does colonial girl have a name?
ME: she does
I didn’t want to tell him. It wasn’t as if I was ashamed of her. Exactly the opposite. And I wasn’t worried about trying to explain the falls or Worthville. There was no need to explain circumstances I never planned to bring up.
It was mostly about the friendship between me and Susanna. The wrong person could mess it up—and I wasn’t sure who the wrong people were.
Why did I hesitate with Carlton? He was my best friend. If he were here, he would already know everything.
Of course, if he were here, I wouldn’t be hanging out with Susanna.
CARLTON: still there?
ME: yes
CARLTON: her name?
ME: marsh
CARLTON: her name is marsh?
ME: that’s what i said
CARLTON: is she hot?
ME: yes
CARLTON: alexis doesn’t think so
ME: alexis wouldn’t
CARLTON: got some bad news
ME: don’t care
CARLTON: yes you do. alexis says halligan’s racing on grandfather mountain in 4 weeks
So Keefe had decided to go through with it. As much as that race would be great training, it was still too close to the Carolina Challenge for me. I’d be afraid I couldn’t recover fast enough.
This conversation was all screwed up. Carlton was supposed to be getting info out of me. Instead, I was getting a lot out of him—and I wished I wasn’t.
ME: can we stop talking about alexis and halligan?
CARLTON: i gotta go anyway
ME: later
The chat left me pissed off. I’d lost interest in the computer, in the movie, in everything I could think of. I needed to work off the irritation, but it was too late to ride. I left the rec room, stood in the hall, and tried to figure out how to settle down. The garage door whined open, signaling the return of my parents. I didn’t want to face them, either. My mom would be bubbling-over happy, and I wasn’t in the mood for that.
I crossed into the weight room and stared at the equipment. Yeah, this was what I needed—to work out. I reset the weights on one of the machines and sat down.
Tonight’s goal—upper body strength.
Wrong. Tonight’s real goal was sweating off Carlton’s preoccupation with my ex.