
Arithmetic Operators


The multiplication (*), division (/), subtraction (-), and addition (+) are the arithmetic operators used to manipulate numbers.

Practice Exercise

Write the following programs and run it

a.  Difference

number1=35  #declaring first number

number2= 12  #declaring second number

difference=number2-number1  #declaring what the difference does

print(difference)  #Calling the print function to display what difference has

b.  Multiplication

number1=2  #declaring first number 

number2= 15  #declaring second number

product=number1*number2  #declaring what the product does

print(product)  #Calling the print function to display what product has

c.  Division

number1=10  #declaring first number 

number2= 50  #declaring second number

division=number2/number1  #declaring what the division does

print(division)  #Calling the print function to display what product has