Chapter 67
Archie tasted the warmth of the hot chocolate and began his tale. The effect of what he had said before, with the sound of obvious emotion in his voice, meant they both devoured the couple of extra gulps of brandy that Archie poured unsteadily into their drinks.
Emma was rapt in attention. Archie began with his role in the armed forces as well as his PhD student studying. Emma was impressed that Archie had been identified as having exceptional qualities by the Royal Navy, but by no means surprised. A team player, a gregarious and intelligent character, his reports had read. He blushed with embarrassment for the regular updates had also stated: leadership potential, someone whom you respected for his wisdom and ability to see things through. This is what Archie was, what he stood for. It was all very clear to Emma.
Archie had been given small leadership tasks at first and had built up a team of trusted individuals. Petty Officer Betts had always been on the edge of the trusted team, sometimes included, sometimes not.
The shooting test seemed many months ago now, almost approaching three quarters of a year, but he had seen part of the man’s real character. Their mission to the Alps had been decided and they all set out to become familiar with the lay of the land, to increase their fitness, and develop their winter training skills. Kevin had been out in the field becoming adept at communications and Jackie and Jo had spent hours pouring over the reconnaissance pictures of the remote Alpine valley and its surrounds, complete with the planned landing site.
Emma took a quick swig of her hot chocolate whilst gazing continuously at Archie. She needed to read his body language, to be sure that she could trust him. She did not want to miss a detail and she knew the important part was coming up.
Archie re-told how the team had skydived to just below the Glacier de Bellecote and had been off target on the landing; so off target that they had ended up gathered to the side of the main bulk of the dome of the imposing rocky outcrop. In the growing light of dawn, it had been confusing to see what appeared to be a bright orange winter survival bag.
Indeed, in checking the contents there had been the three young adults, Emma and two young men, all perishing cold. Archie told Emma of his anguish at the time; how he had eventually contacted the French rescue teams, ensured that they had enough food, water and an extra blanket and attempted to push Joseph back inside. Archie had been concerned that Joseph might have vague recollections of the incident.
Emma confirmed to Archie that these were her brothers, how she had felt at the time and after having been rescued, that she could not work out why she had Archie Malcolm’s voice in her head.
Archie pulled Emma back into his story with the deaths of Kevin, who had appeared to parachute off the mountain and, soon after, of James and Nick. He elaborated on the circumstances, confirming that the men had died whilst attempting to stop the Woodcutter from escaping in his micro-light from the discreet wooden chalet, and Betts from escaping in the team’s helicopter transport. His teammates’ deaths would not be in vain.
Emma took in the unusual fiery emotion of this man to whom she was completely warming. It may have been four in the morning on this Sunday in the turn of spring, but that was the first time she had glanced at the clock since going to the ball with David the previous evening. Where was David now? She did not really care. She wanted to be here with Archie. Archie’s issues were hers. How could she help him? How could Archie avenge the deaths of his colleagues when he had been taken off the mission?
Archie pulled himself out of his seat and walked over to the sliding doors leading onto the wooden balcony. He turned the black handle and the cool breeze rushed into the flat. It seemed to bring both of them into the immediate present and intimacy of their surroundings. Emma rose to join Archie and they stepped out onto the balcony into the pre-dawn.
Emma was still in her beautiful purple dress and her purple neck band had loosened. Archie untied it and kissed Emma gently where, moments before, it had covered her skin. She reacted by drawing him close to her and she kissed him back lightly on the lips.
Archie found Emma’s gentle kiss exquisite, so beautiful that this moment had to be treasured. It took all his will to lead Emma to his bed, to kiss her softly on the cheek and then return to his own sofa bed. The burning desire would have to wait.
The address that Nick had found in the basement of the chalet in the Alps was heavy in Archie’s pocket, having lain there far too long. Emma had reignited his passions, both emotionally for her and for his former team mates. He was now more determined than ever to avenge the deaths of his colleagues.