“What a joke,” she exclaimed, remembering the awful event. “What would happen to you, Lucci, if you spat on, cursed at, or hit your parents?”

“Let’s just say, I wouldn’t be here to tell you about it.” My thoughts immediately went back to my dad, who was a strong disciplinarian.

“Oh, so your parents weren’t being … professional?”

“I never thought of it that way.”

When Dorothy realized her can of soda was empty, she proceeded to get up to get another one, leaving her cigarette in the glass ashtray. She returned, to her desk with another can, placed it on her desk, popped it open, and sat down again. “So, therefore, I guess its okay for those street punks to spit on and throw rocks at police without significant repercussions. And if the police retaliate they are not being professional.”

“You’ve got a point there, Dorothy.”

Still very curious about what she had to say regarding the Second Amendment, I asked, “So how is the government going to get the general public to actually want the government to seize their firearms?”

“From what I’m hearing through the political grapevine, my colleagues in the mental health field tell me that the government’s strategy is to make sure their bootlickers in the liberal media continue to pump out stories of psychos who use firearms to kill.” She took a big gulp of her second cola.

“Go on.” I prodded her.

“Don’t rush me, Lucci. Instead of the media pushing for more mental health institutions to chamber these deviates to begin with, before they start their killing sprees, they only wish to remove the weapons from their possession. Sounds logical, doesn’t it?”

“Yes,” I said, but I was still unsure of where Dorothy was going with this. And she saw the puzzled look on my face.

“Lucci! Follow me closely,” she said, pointing two fingers toward her eyes and then back to mine with frustration.

“The feds plan to start with the schizophrenics, major depressives, and the bipolar. People in those categories who own weapons will be made to cough them up. The general public will fully and totally back this.”

“Ahhh, then quietly—”

“Do not interrupt, Lucci; it’s not polite.”

“Okay, Okay.” I respond indifferently.

She then repeated my words. “Then quietly, slowly they move down the ladder to anyone who has taken even one valium tablet, or who even lives with someone who is on psychotropic meds or antianxiety drugs. All this under the guise of public safety.”

“And the public won’t even realize what is happening until it’s too late. The Matrix at work—big time.”

“Bingo, Lucci. You finally got it through that thick Italian skull of yours,” she uttered, sitting back and savoring a long drag on her cigarette.

“Well, you’re sorta half Italian, Dorothy.”

“By injection only, my friend. By injection only.”

She stopped swiveling and sat up directly confronting me. “The ultimate power and control, is to leave ones’ citizens defenseless. Why the hell do you think Paul Revere and William Dawes made that ride? It wasn’t to trollop around at midnight to look at the stars.”

“The Minutemen of Lexington and Concord needed to be warned that the British were on a forced seventeen mile march from Boston, after rowing across the Charles River, to confiscate their weapons and ammunition. If the British had been successful, the Revolutionary War would have ended before it even started— strangled in its crib.”

“And we’d all still be drinking tea instead of soda,” Dorothy quickly added, while chuckling and taking another sip of her second cola.

I succinctly added. “And the Minutemen were a militia made up of any able bodied men, which is why our Founding Fathers wrote about a “well regulated militia” in the Second Amendment. The libs have twisted and revised it to mean the modern National Guard or something of that nature—in other words, the government!”

The Dorothy dragon was ablaze. “They dumb the kids down with that Common Core, or whatever the hell they call it now. Our Founding Fathers are doing back-flips in their graves. The youth today don’t even know we were fighting against our own government. We were British subjects.”

Searching my tablet, I found a quote. “Dorothy, check this out. George Mason, the father of the Bill of Rights, who kinda ought a know a few things regarding the Second Amendment, stated, ‘I consider and fear the natural propensity of rulers to oppress the people. I only wish to prevent them from doing evil… . Divine Providence (God) has given to every individual, the means of self defense.’ Mason was saying that we the people had a God-ordained right to protect ourselves against our own government.”

“Lucci, you just brought something out that most of the liberal Marxist crowd has never considered.”

“Which is?” I asked, looking at her wondering if I unintentionally missed something.

“You’re trying to educate the kids that there is a God and that He’s the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible, correct?”

“Okay.” I drawled, still wondering the direction Dorothy was going in.

“It’s staring you right in the face, Lucci—wake up! Our Founding Fathers said our rights come from God. No God leaves only our benevolent government the ability to bestow rights on us. What government grants, government can also take away—if there is no God. Remember what you said to the World Ecology Flag crowd?”

“I almost forgot, that’s right. I did subtly allude to that point.”

“Here’s a tidbit for you, Lucci. The word ecology was coined by none other than Hitler’s favorite little racist, Ernst Haeckel.”

“He’s the same weirdo who falsified the embryonic drawings and called for racial purity for the German people, as dictated by the inexorable laws of evolution.”

“Why do you think our government, with collusion from media and academia, is ramming this ‘Mother Gaia birthed us’ evolution hogwash down our throats, and permits no dissention?” as she slams the soda can on her desk and more butts go flying all over the place again.

“Power and control!” I immediately responded. “They want to be the sole power and the glory forever and ever. They must marginalize and ultimately destroy the Judeo-Christian God and His laws of life.”

“And put that head of yours on the silver platter,” Dorothy said, and we both started to laugh.

“One more thing. How did Thomas Jefferson put it?” I asked while scrounging on my tablet trying to find the quote. “Ah, here it is. ‘A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything you have.’ Dorothy, I totally agree with you, once the feds hijack our means of self defense, it’s over! Yep, it’s all about power and control.”

I looked at my watch. “Geez, it’s getting late. Emily will be wondering why I haven’t called her yet.”

“I need to hang around. Vince still has a Tai Chi class, and afterwards he’s promised to take me out to dinner tonight. He’s a real softy.”

“Walk me to my car,” I requested of Dorothy.

“Why? Do you need me to protect you, Lucci?”

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at her. “No Dorothy, I wanted you to explain to me how the United States initially became involved with eugenics and sterilization. You intimated that the Nazis followed our lead.”

We opened her office door and headed down the hall to the stairway. I finally could breathe again. “So which Americans were involved with this eugenics stuff?” I turned to her and asked.

Casually, she looked at me somewhat surprised and said, “None other than the Queen B herself—Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.”

My mouth dropped open. And before I had a chance to speak, she followed through with “And the Supreme Court of the United States.”

I stopped dead in my tracks.