To the absolutely wonderful nurses I have worked with throughout the years in the emergency department. They truly have nerves of steel, hearts of gold and the patience of Job.
The women and men in the emergency department are the tip of the medical/nursing spear. They are the first to fight on the front lines and in the trenches. Do not be deceived. The emergency department of today is a war room of controlled (and at times not so controlled) chaos.
The entire medical system today is in free-fall. The meltdown commenced a few years ago. These women and men are the glue who are trying to hold it together. Daily they are subjected to ridicule, harassment, and physical abuse; being cussed, punched, spit at; and have their lives threatened by the very people who they are trying to care for. This is not your “ER” of twenty years ago, or even ten years ago. There is not an emergency physician or other health care provider today who could even begin to function without their support and assistance. They are more than deserving of your honor and respect.