
The first mistake you made was in trying to reason with it.

Do you hear us?

You attempted to understand the source, hear the beat, find the rhythm for something that sprang from chaos (never, never look into the heart of that which has no heart to speak of). Foolish.

You sought the nature of something that occurred by accident so has no nature at all. Things without a nature always seek one, you see, and can only obtain one through plunder and then consumption. They have a name. They all have a name: Separation.

You have been warned.

In this, there is only so much we can tell you given our purposeful isolation. This is why it is there, you know, the bush: to insulate, to protect. Though as you have already surmised it is no match for curiosity. They tumbled down from the great mountains and they washed up from the wide sea. We were assaulted from both sides. We were doomed.

There are many stories. These stories are far older than we are. We cannot tell you for certain which of them is true. What we can verify is the outcome. The outcome is always the same: in the end, death. But before death, the unspeakable.

There are many stories to tell. Here is one:

He was forbidden from engaging in the practices that drew him away from his people and into the lair of his demise, but he was arrogant and refused to heed the warnings. He took women and subjected them to things without their consent. These were among the very first rapes. Born of these colossal blasphemies were children without our marks upon them. This was not their fault, but the blight was undeniable. As horrific as all of that was, that was not even the difficult part.

The difficult part was in realizing that all abandoned children seek vengeance.

And most will have it.