
BEAUTIFUL TEAMSWAS CONCEIVED IN LATE 2007 DURING A CHANCE MEETING IN O'REILLY EDITOR Andy Oram's office in Cambridge, Massachusetts. We'd been invited to give a talk for the local PMI chapter, and we decided to take the opportunity to drop by the O'Reilly office to say "Hi" and finally put faces to some very familiar voices we'd worked with over the years. Beautiful Code had spent a few months at the top of the O'Reilly bestseller list, and the company was looking to follow up with another anthology. Since we've spent so much of our careers talking and writing about how projects work and how teams build software, the idea for Beautiful Teams basically fell out of thin air.

The original idea was just to follow up on Beautiful Code with a straightforward anthology about project management. Like all great projects, Beautiful Teams took on a life of its own. It attracted contributors of an incredibly high caliber. It became a journey for us, allowing us the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in software development today. These are personal stories and experiences. Each person who contributed to this book is talking about his or her own past work life, which very few of us ever get a chance to examine. And every single contributor was happy to donate his or her time and effort without any payment whatsoever; proceeds from this book are instead being donated to PlayPumps International.

Here is a short summary of the chapters in this book and what you'll find inside:

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We'd like to thank all of the contributors who generously donated their time and effort: Tim O'Reilly, Scott Berkun, Mark Healey (and the rest of the folks at Media Molecule!), Bill DiPierre, Andy Lester, Keoki Andrus, Tommy Tarka, Auke Jilderda, Grady Booch, Mike Cohn, Cory Doctorow, Neil Siegel, James Grenning, Steve McConnell, Barry Boehm, Maria Penedo, Peter Glück, Karl Wiegers, Alex Martelli, Karl Fogel, Mike Collins, Karl Rehmer, Ned Robinson, Scott Ambler, Johanna Rothman, Mark Denovich, Eric Renkey, Stan Granite, Patricia Ensworth, and Andy Oram. And we are especially grateful to Tony Visconti for taking the time to talk to us.

We want to thank Trevor Field and the rest of the great people at PlayPumps International ( for the wonderful work that they do, as well as for Trevor's contribution to this book. Please visit the organization's website to find out why we're donating royalties from this book to them.

Finally, once again, special thanks to Nisha Sondhe for her extraordinary photography.

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Andrew Stellman started work as a programmer at a national record label after graduating from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He spent the first few years focusing on technical design and architecture, but found himself increasingly responsible for leading and then managing the teams he was on. Over the last decade, Andrew has led teams of programmers and managed numerous projects. He now spends his time building his own projects and helping the people around him improve the way they manage theirs.

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Jennifer Greene began her software engineering career in the early 1990s at a well-known online service. She has since built and led software engineering teams in organizations spanning finance, non-profit, natural language processing and media. She has built and managed distributed software teams and worked with developers around the world to improve their practices and build better software.

Jennifer and Andrew have been working together since 1998 building software and training software teams. They initially defined the software process at the company where they were working, and have since run many successful projects together. Their projects have been focused on science and public health, and they have built software for the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, the Business School (also at Columbia University), and the National Academy of Sciences. They have since branched out into commercial project management and software engineering consulting, providing training, project management, outsourced project management, and professional services to both the business and academic communities.

Their first book, Applied Software Project Management, was published by O'Reilly in 2005, and has since been adopted as a software engineering textbook at many universities worldwide. They went on two write two books in the acclaimed Head First series. Head First PMP has been recognized as one of the best PMP preparation guides available, and has been used by tens of thousands of project managers to prepare for their project management certification. Their third book, Head First C#, spent more than a year as one of O'Reilly's bestsellers and is currently one of the top-selling programming language books on the market. In addition to writing, Andrew and Jennifer speak regularly at software development, project management, and process improvement conferences around the world. Beautiful Teams is their fourth book.