It was nearly eleven when Naomi covered her head with a scarf, slipped into her robe, and stepped into the hallway. Esther had installed battery-operated lights along the floorboards every few feet. They attached to the wall and lit the floor and stairs just enough to see. She also put a flashlight on every guest’s night table. The English weren’t used to feeling their way around in the dark. Lizzie always said Amish folks had cat eyes, from maneuvering in the dark all their lives.
Naomi had only taken a few steps down the hall when she wished she’d put on socks. The wood floors were cold against her bare feet. After she crossed through the living room, she thought about whether she’d have apple or pecan pie. Maybe both.
“Wie bischt.”
Naomi gasped. “What are you doing up so late?”
Amos set a fork on a plate with a slice of pecan pie. “I guess the same thing you’re doing. Couldn’t sleep, and I kept thinking about these pies calling my name.” A corner of his mouth lifted on one side. “I already had a slice of the apple, so now I’m working on pecan.”
The kitchen held more battery-operated lights. Naomi had often wondered how much money the sisters spent on batteries, but she supposed the safety of their guests didn’t come with a price tag.
Naomi had wanted to feed her anxiety with a giant slice of pie, then have a good cry afterward. Now she’d have to be more ladylike and select a smaller serving.
After she took a plate from the cabinet, then a fork from the drawer, she pulled out a chair across from Amos. She cut a dainty slice of apple pie, and once it was on her plate, she forked a bite and savored the late-night indulgence. Afterward, she stared across the table at Amos.
“I’d do anything to get out of this wedding in the morning.” Naomi shook her head. “And that makes me a terrible person.” They’d already talked about how neither of them wanted to go, but it lightened the load to say it out loud.
An eager look flashed in his eyes. Not a muscle on his face moved, not even a twitch. This man seemed to speak with his eyes. “Then let’s don’t go.”
Naomi frowned. “What? I have to go. You might be able to get out of it since you don’t really know the bride and groom.”
He scratched his chin, a gesture she’d noticed him doing often when thinking something through. “Ya, true. But mei mamm would be pretty upset with me.” He grinned, then took another bite of pie. After swallowing he said, “So, you see, we’d both be in trouble. We could just go ready the horse, get in the buggy, and take off.” He pointed the fork at her. “We’d leave a note, of course. We wouldn’t want everyone worrying about us. That would ruin the wedding. They’d be mad, but they’d get over it.”
Naomi momentarily put a hand over her mouth, afraid she might burst out laughing. “I almost think you’re serious.”
Those eyes of his met hers again and twinkled with mischief. “I am.”
She leaned back in the chair, slouching a little as she strummed her fingers on the table. “Very tempting.” Then she shook her head and returned to her pie. “But I have to go.”
His eyes found hers again. “I know.”
They were quiet, each enjoying the pie, lost in their own thoughts. Naomi was anyway. She hadn’t lied. She had to attend the wedding, even though she really didn’t want to. Thomas was invited, but she had no idea if he was coming. Apparently there had been no RSVP one way or the other. Naomi wanted to despise and hate him, but she still loved him. She’d take him back if he asked her to. That kind of love only came along once in a lifetime. Surely, he’d only gotten cold feet. But every time her thoughts moved optimistically toward a reunion, she reminded herself that she hadn’t heard from him.
Amos stood up and carried his dishes to the sink. “Four is going to come early. If things get too hard for you tomorrow, come find me. We’ll make our escape.” Smiling, he said, “Gut nacht, Naomi. Try to sleep, and Gott’s peace be with you.”
“And with you,” she said in a whisper as he walked away.
* * *
Amos was programmed to get up at four, no alarm needed, but he was slow moving the next day. The sense of dread hadn’t vanished overnight. If anything, it had intensified. Would he see Sarah’s face throughout the entire ceremony, picturing the two of them taking their vows?
Strangely, he had a growing curiosity about something else that he hoped might be a distraction. He wondered what Thomas looked like. Naomi was beautiful—one of the most beautiful women he’d ever met. Was her ex-fiancé a handsome and charming guy? He couldn’t imagine anyone leaving Naomi, not anyone who truly loved her. He was wise enough to know that beauty ran far beneath the skin, but Naomi had an air of kindness, mixed with just enough humor to make her not only beautiful, but interesting. Even though he wasn’t in the market for a relationship, he enjoyed conversation with her.
By the time he got downstairs, everyone was bustling about. Amos could tell an attempt was being made to be quiet. The new guests were still upstairs sleeping. But with five of them putting on jackets, capes, and bonnets, there was still a flurry of activity.
When they reached their destination, Amos would be prepared to help the men with any setup that needed to be done—tables, chairs, tents outside. The women would mostly be in the kitchen until the ceremony started. Some of the ladies would even continue with food preparations while the wedding was going on inside the house. After the ceremony everyone would gather to eat outside. Amos remembered the setup well, and he’d heard Amish weddings were mostly universal. He could still recall the anticipation and excitement he’d felt about his own wedding day, before Sarah got sick. It was unlike the tightness in his chest and temptation to flee he was feeling today.
Lizzie pointed to an ice chest on the floor. “Amos, can I trouble you to put that in Esther’s buggy, the same one you took yesterday?”
“Ya, ya. Of course.” Amos picked up the cooler, and Naomi opened the door for him. He wondered if his eyes were as telling as hers. Let’s get this day over with.
After everyone had donned warm clothes that could be shed later when it warmed up, Lizzie announced that she, Esther, and Amos’s mother would ride in one buggy, and Amos and Naomi could take Lizzie’s buggy, following them to the wedding. He could tell by the way the two sisters and his mother grinned that this was a setup. But that was okay. He enjoyed Naomi’s company, and they were in the same sinking boat until this event was behind them.
* * *
Naomi’s teeth chattered in the darkness as Amos guided the buggy down the road to the bride’s house, where Suzanne and Isaiah would be married. The drive was a straight shot but would take about ten minutes.
Amos looked over his shoulder. “I don’t see a blanket, but you’re shaking.” He started to ease his jacket off his shoulders.
“Nee, don’t do that. I’m fine.” She turned to him, still shivering. “I don’t know how much of my shaking is due to the cold. I’m incredibly nervous.”
Amos nodded. “We need a code word.”
Naomi chuckled lightly. “What?”
“A code word. If the situation becomes unbearable for either one of us, we can say the word, whether it’s in conversation or we have to mouth it to each other across the room or from underneath the tent. Then we can meet up and get away.”
Naomi laughed again, a nervous sound that she hoped didn’t slip out at the wedding. “As silly as that sounds, I’m going to go along with it.” She tapped a finger to her chin. “Hmm . . .” She twisted her mouth back and forth. “If we aren’t close by, we can just raise a hand. If we’re close enough to hear each other, let’s make the word . . .” She thought about it some more, then shrugged, giggling. “I don’t know.”
Amos chuckled, turning to her briefly. “We’re not very gut at this.”
As Naomi pondered, Suzanne’s house appeared in the distance, easy to see since it was lit up like the county fairground at night. People often joked that the highest propane bill they ever had was the day and night of a wedding, an all-day affair. “We better hurry.” She pointed in front of her. “We’re still a mile or so away, but we’re failing miserably.”
“Dancing shadows.” Amos glanced at her before shifting his eyes back to the road.
Naomi frowned. “Dancing shadows? What in the world made you think of that?”
His eyes gleamed in the pale light of the moon as he slowed the horse’s gait slightly. “The moonlight behind the trees has been casting little shadows across your face, like little people dancing.”
She laughed. “Our people don’t dance.”
Amos chuckled too. “I know, but it was the first thing that came to mind.”
Naomi shook her head. “Little people dancing on mei face? Really?” She paused and gave a taut nod of her head. “Ach, well, that’s it then. Dancing shadows, even though that’s two words.” She playfully pointed a finger at him.
They were almost there, and she had to give Amos credit. He’d managed to keep her mind occupied during the short trip. Thomas hadn’t crept into her head until now. She wanted to thank Amos, but any words she tried to form were wedged in her throat. As they turned into the driveway, a war of emotions raged within her.
She jumped when Amos gently touched her arm. “You’re going to be okay. Remember . . . dancing shadows.”
It sounded like an odd choice. How closely had Amos been watching her? Had he stolen glances when she wasn’t looking? It didn’t really matter. Naomi just stared straight ahead and nodded.
“Dancing shadows,” she whispered.
* * *
Esther’s pockets were stuffed with tissues, and she’d already prayed several times that she wouldn’t have another episode during the wedding. Or ever again. She hadn’t slept much last night as she considered what might be ailing her. Cancer was the first thing that came to mind since her and Lizzie’s mother had died of breast cancer. But Esther couldn’t recall her mother ever coughing up blood. Gus was right. She was going to have to go to the doctor, no matter how terrifying the thought. She would go soon and get it over with. Then she’d know, and it would also mean fewer days she would have to take Gus a slice of pie. One of the women in their household was always making pies, so sharing wasn’t the issue. Seeing Gus daily was the problem.
“Where is Naomi?” Lizzie was suddenly right next to her in the kitchen, which was filled with women preparing for the lavish meal to be served later.
“I don’t know, but there are over two hundred people here. Some are out in the barn, and the men are still setting up tents outside.” Esther’s stomach rumbled, and without thinking, she put a hand across it.
“Are you still having trouble with your tummy?” Lizzie pointed a finger at her. “You need to go to—”
“Lizzie, where are your teeth?” Esther’s eyes widened.
“Oops.” She reached into her apron pocket and fumbled around until she had the dentures in her hand. Then she began the process of trying to get them situated in her mouth.
“I suggest you don’t bother me about a doctor until you go back to the dentist.” Esther shook her head. “What do you need Naomi for?”
“I don’t need her.” Lizzie opened her mouth, twisting it from side to side, and miraculously, the teeth seemed to find their place. “I just wanted to make sure she was all right. I haven’t seen Thomas here. I asked around, but not even his closest kin know if he’s coming today.”
“I feel sure it’s best for Naomi if he doesn’t show up.” Esther had worried about the possibility. “This has to be a hard day for her. Seeing Thomas would be very upsetting. That boy hurt Naomi badly, and I don’t think a reconciliation would be a gut thing. I think he would hurt her again.”
Lizzie’s eyes had drifted away, and she was grinning. “You’re right. And maybe there is another prospect on the horizon.” She nodded to where Naomi and Amos were standing beside each other in the living room. The panels separating the den and dining room had already been removed and relocated. Most of the furniture had also been hauled to the bedrooms to make room for everyone in attendance. It was going to be a tight squeeze, likely with a few dozen folks standing. Some homes simply weren’t big enough to hold the service, and weddings would be held in the barn or beneath the tents. Suzanne’s house was just barely making an indoor wedding possible.
“They look cozy,” Lizzie added, a perfectly straight smile lighting up her expression.
Esther smiled. “I have to agree with you. He’s such a handsome man and seems so nice. But he doesn’t live nearby, and he and Anna Mae are leaving Sunday.”
“That’s three days away.” Lizzie nudged Esther and giggled. “Besides, there’s always the basement.”
Esther narrowed her eyebrows into a frown. “Don’t you ever do anything like that again. What if there had been a fire? If I had been home, I never would have allowed you to lock Naomi and that man in the basement.”
Lizzie waved her off. “I was in the kitchen reading a book the entire time. They were never in danger.”
“Still, it was a line that shouldn’t have been crossed. And from what I recall, there was no chance of them becoming romantically involved after you forced them to spend time together.” She glanced at Naomi and Amos. “But those two do make a beautiful couple, don’t they?”
Lizzie nodded. “Ya, and we’ve got to find a way for him and Anna Mae to stay longer than Sunday.”
“I will think on it.” Esther wanted romance for Naomi. The girl was still healing, though.
“Now let’s just hope Thomas doesn’t show up and mess everything up.”
For once, Esther agreed with her sister.