Our rebuilding team in tsunami-ravaged Aceh had to start somewhere. We distributed symbolic sacks containing a shovel, a hammer, a saw, and a box of nails to devastated families picking through the rubble of their homes. The first family we approached had nothing left except the coconuts on their palms. One of the men climbed a palm and cut down several young coconuts, which he offered us. We were thirsty and gratefully accepted. Theirs was the greater offering, for they gave from what little they had. I would like to acknowledge that family, and the many other Acehnese I met, gracious and hospitable and persevering even as they grieved. They made my stint as a volunteer aide worker one of the best things I’ve ever done, and to them I say teurimeng geunaseh.
I’m grateful to Samaritan’s Purse, who took me in and put me to work.
Thanks to my agent Scott Miller, who encouraged me to write this story, and to my editor David Gale, who trusted me to do so.
Kristie Cutter, Susan Henderson, and Hannah Holborn read an early draft of the novel and made invaluable suggestions. Ramesh Avadhani stepped in at a crucial time and lent his wise and encouraging voice. I am grateful to Judith Beck, who provided advice as both doctor and writer. I thank as well the online writing community of Zoetrope. com and the colleagues there who read and commented on various excerpts.