Well, I hope your experience last night drove home why you shouldn’t be getting involved in homicide investigations,” Andrew said, flipping his notepad shut and tucking it back into his breast pocket. “When we’re hanging out at your apartment, I’d rather it not be for the purposes of taking your statement.”

Kat rested her head against the back of the sofa. “I didn’t even consider Professor Bluefield to be a suspect until he got that call from his wife.”

Andrew fingered the edge of the couch, not saying anything. She could tell from the energy buzzing around him that he was still recovering from her close call the day before.

She couldn’t blame him. She was still recovering herself.

Do you have to go back to the station now?” she asked.

Yeah.” Andrew didn’t sound any happier about that than Kat felt.

Kat pulled Matty into her lap and massaged the cat’s ears. “You can stay for another minute though, can’t you?”

I suppose.” His lips thinned. “But don’t think me sitting here means I’m not still mad at you for putting yourself in danger.”

You were the one who told me to email Professor Bluefield,” she reminded him.

He grimaced. “I guess neither one of us suspected him. But you could still do a better job of staying out of police business.”

Kat kept her mouth shut. She wasn’t about to make any promises she couldn’t keep. Ever since she had moved back to Cherry Hills, trouble seemed to have a way of finding her.

And, she had to admit, it certainly made life interesting.

Tom came out of the kitchen. He sat down on the carpet and licked one paw before swiping it over his face.

He looks content,” Andrew commented.

He’s been munching on treats,” Kat replied. “After those officers took Professor Bluefield away, I filled his bowl to the brim. I gave him so many I doubt he’ll be able to finish them all before the week is over.”

After everything he did for you, I can’t say he doesn’t deserve it.”

I’m lucky he’s such an attention hog that he’ll chase down anyone for a belly rub, even murderers.”

Kat’s cell phone rang. Andrew plucked it off of the coffee table and handed it to her.

She connected the call, not recognizing the local number that appeared on the caller ID. “Hello?”

Hello,” a female voice said. “I’m looking for Katherine Harper.”

That’s me.”

This is Maura O’Malley from DataRightly. We understand you were interested in the programmer analyst position.”

I was,” Kat concurred, scratching Matty’s ribs.

Are you still interested?”

Kat sat up a little straighter. Was Maura O’Malley offering her the job? After humiliating herself during her interview with Leo, she figured she had blown her chance.

From the notes Leo made before his unfortunate incident, I gather he felt you were the most qualified candidate,” Maura continued.

Kat’s hand slipped off of Matty. “Really?”

Matty stared at Kat’s unmoving hand, her tail twitching as though she were silently lamenting the lack of good help at her beck and call.

If you’re still interested, I’d like to meet with you myself to discuss our expectations,” Maura said.

Oh.” Kat gathered herself together. She was supposed to be doing her best to make a good impression, and that meant coming up with responses that were more than one or two words long. “Okay. I mean, yes. I’m definitely still interested, Ms. O’Malley.”

Call me Maura, please. We’re a casual office.”

Okay, Maura.” Kat started stroking Matty again, this time with more vigor. “When would you like to meet?”

I have an hour free at two o’clock this afternoon. Does that work for you?”

Kat looked at the clock. “That’s perfect. I’ll be there.”

Good. I’m looking forward to meeting you, Katherine.”

Kat,” Kat corrected her.

See you at two, Kat.”

Kat disconnected in a daze, letting the phone drop to her side. She fell back against the couch, still struggling to process what had just happened.

Who was that?” Andrew asked.

Somebody from DataRightly. She wants to meet with me at two to discuss the programming job. Can you believe it?”

Well, yeah. They obviously know you’re more than qualified and would work your butt off for them.”

I haven’t gotten the job yet,” she reminded him.

Andrew draped his arm around her shoulders. “You will.”

She eyed him. “You sound awfully confident.”

I know you, Kat.” He kissed her forehead. “Great things are in your future.”

She smiled. At that moment, she could believe it.