Shao Yung (1011–1077) grew up in Yaohsien in Honan province. Instead of pursuing a career as an official, he devoted himself to neo-Confucian studies and lived as a farmer-recluse on Mount Sumen outside his home town. He later moved to Loyang and was repeatedly offered positions at court in Kaifeng, all of which he refused, preferring to spend his time in the company of friends such as Ssu-ma Kuang. During the Sung, men wore their hair long and in a bun, and officials were required to wear hats. Hence, only those who were without a position or retired could afford to wear a few flowers for fun.
The flowers on my head shine in my cup
my cup contains beautiful flowers
I’ve seen two generations of peaceful days
and witnessed four reigns of prosperous times
then too my body is more or less sound
also the season is at the height of its bloom
my cup glows red with flower reflections
how can I face them and not go home drunk