Cody was dreaming. A Blackhawk III chopper with a medevac team was landing near them. The pilot smiled warmly at him. It was Toni. She told him not to worry and then she put a cold compress on his burning forehead.

The medics were attempting to put him on a stretcher but his shoulder was so sore that the slightest movement sent pain jolting through his body.

Something wet and slimy licked his chin. His eyes fluttered open and he saw Mike’s big, furry, concerned face.

The dog barked and Rachel ran to his side. “How are you feeling?”

“I … think I’ve felt better. My mouth tastes like cotton. Could I have some water?”

“Water is one thing we have plenty of—we’re camped beside a river. Be right back.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Cody couldn’t remember when he’d felt so awful, unless it was the time Sidoron had burned him with his cigar and then beaten him senseless.

Rachel brought a canteen and held it to his lips. “Here you go. Take it easy.” She tipped it up and waited for him to swallow. “You talk in your sleep. Did you know that?”

Cody moved his head. “Thanks for the water.”

“No problem. Who’s Toni? Your girlfriend?”

“She’s a friend. Where did you say we were?”

“I’ve hidden the buggy in some trees. It’s out of fuel. If my geography serves me right, we’re camped by the Gila River.”

Cody tried to sit up but he was too weak.

“You shouldn’t move. You took a bullet in the shoulder. I washed it and did the best I could with it, but frankly it looks pretty bad.”

“Thanks for the encouraging words.”

“I’m just trying to be honest. By the way, I’m sorry about your friends at the warehouse. It sounded awful.”

“Is there anything I didn’t talk about while I was out?”

“Nope, I think you about covered everything.”

“How long have we been here?”

“A night and a day. I found this place just before dark yesterday.”

“Get me up, Rachel. We can’t stay here. After that bit with the laser gun, the CCR isn’t just going to forget about us.”

“You’re staying right where you are. Do you know how long it took me to stop the bleeding in your shoulder? Besides, if you’re bent on killing yourself anyway, why not do it here?”

Cody moaned in agony. “Help me, Rachel. I can’t do it by myself.”

Rachel put a restraining hand on his arm. “I know you’re a big tough guy but …”

He had half risen but he was too weak and fell back, his eyes only half-open, and Rachel smiled as she watched him drift back to sleep.