Cody drew a picture in the dirt of the prison camp layout. “The main gate is here. There are two lookout towers on either side with armed guards. They have orders to shoot first and ask questions later. There will also be guards at the gate.”

“Where will they be holding Trisha?” Matt asked.

Cody hesitated. “You guys should know that the chances of Trisha’s still being alive are pretty slim. When Sidoron gets a prisoner he needs information from he doesn’t care what he has to do to get it.”

Nick frowned. “You didn’t mention anything about his earlier—”

“It’s not Cody’s fault Trisha was captured,” Jake interrupted. “If she’s alive we’ll get her out. For now let’s stick to business. We’ve got to learn where everything is in the camp while we still have daylight.” He looked at Cody. “Where do they keep the prisoners?”

“In these barracks.” Cody tapped a spot on the dirt with his stick. “The one on the end is where the kids stay. The rest are adults. Prisoners like Trisha and anyone else the CCR considers useful are put in cages in the ground behind the main headquarters until they’re finally shot or beaten to death. That’s where they’ll take me.”

“What’s he talking about, Major?” Matt asked. “Why would the CCR take Cody anywhere?”

Jake scratched his head uncomfortably. “Well … it was Cody’s idea. He believes the best way to get into the camp is right through the front gate. I’m taking him in as a way to gain favor.”