“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Jake slowed the jeep. “We could always try to find some other way.”

“This is the best way and we both know it.” Cody looked down the road at the tall barbed-wire fences. “I just hope we can pull it off. You better step on it before the tower guards get suspicious.”

Jake nodded grimly and picked up speed until he pulled to a stop a few yards from the front gate.

A stone-faced guard stepped in front of them and shouted in an impatient voice, “Halt. State your business.”

“I’m a loyalist and I have a prisoner for Colonel Sidoron,” Jake yelled back. “The White Fox.”

The guard cautiously stepped closer and inspected the back of the jeep and looked underneath. A second guard stood ready with his rifle, watching, and he smiled tightly when he recognized Cody. “So, you’re back.”

Cody said nothing.

When the first guard finished his inspection, he stood up and waved to the tower. Then he turned to Jake. “You may enter but you must leave your weapons here.”

Jake wore Cody’s laser gun on his shoulder and his finger was on the trigger of the submachine gun in his lap. Plastic explosives that the guard couldn’t detect were hidden under his clothes.

“I don’t think so, Sergeant. I haven’t survived this long making stupid moves. If Sidoron doesn’t want my little prize, I’ll take him somewhere else. It doesn’t matter to me as long as I get the credit. I’ll be famous either way.”

“Wait here.” The guard whispered something to his comrade and opened the gate. He climbed into the back of the jeep. “You may proceed.”

Cody fought to control his feelings as they drove down the dirt road. Everything looked the same as it had the day he and Toni had escaped. He could almost see Luther’s body hanging from the fence. There were no prisoners in sight but he knew that was because they had to be on their bunks before dark or suffer the consequences.

The jeep stopped in front of the camp commander’s office. Jake stepped out and roughly pulled Cody from the passenger side.

Cody’s hands were tied in front of him and the ropes were burning into his wrists. He had insisted that Jake make it look authentic; otherwise, Sidoron wouldn’t be fooled.

The guard ran up the wooden steps and inside the double doors. In moments the doors burst open and Sidoron strode onto the porch.

Cody stared up at him.

The commander took the steps slowly until he finally stood before them. Without warning he struck Cody across the side of the face.

Cody’s knees buckled from the force of the blow but he managed to stay on his feet.

Sidoron circled behind him and grabbed a handful of Cody’s hair. He jerked the youth’s head back and held a long sharp knife to his throat.

“Hold it right there,” Jake demanded. “No damaging the goods until I get my money.”

Sidoron noticed the major for the first time. He reluctantly lowered the knife. “How dare you speak to me like that? Has no one ever taught you how to address your superiors?”

“I don’t know about that. All I know is you offered a reward on this kid and I want it. He wasn’t exactly easy to catch. I don’t want to kill him until I get credit from the proper authorities for his capture.”

“Shoot this man,” Sidoron ordered.

The guard leveled his rifle at Jake’s head.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Jake drawled.

“And why is that?” Sidoron’s eyes narrowed to tiny yellow slits.

Jake opened the palm of his hand and revealed a round metal object. “Ever see one of these before, Colonel? It’s a photon detonator. All it takes is one tiny little push on this button and this whole camp will blow sky-high.”

“Disregard that order, Sergeant.” Sidoron moved around Cody and stood on the bottom step studying Jake. “I like you, bounty hunter. You have a good head on your shoulders.”

“Do we have a deal, then?” Jake asked.

Sidoron smiled. A quick flash of teeth; then the smile was gone. “Of course we do. Unfortunately it may take some time to collect your money. I’ll have to wire headquarters.”

“How long will that take?”

“Three, perhaps four days. These things must go through channels. In the meantime, may we offer you some of the comforts of our humble camp?”

“What comforts would they be?”

“What is your name?”

“Christmas. Jake Christmas. Remember that name, Colonel. You’ll be hearing it again.”

“Guard, take Mr. Christmas to the VIP guest quarters and see to it that he is made comfortable. And under no circumstance is he to be left alone.”

Jake hesitated. “What are you going to do with the kid?”

Sidoron licked his puffy lips. “Don’t worry about him, Mr. Christmas. The White Fox and I are old friends. We have a lot of catching up to do.”