Research assistants Kate Aguirre and Anna-Claire Stinebring both worked on this project for an extended period and contributed enormously to its completion. Alex Marraccini and Nancy Thebaut also provided excellent research assistance. For expert advice, we are grateful to Suzanne Preston Blier, Claudia Brittenham, Julia Cohen, Holly Edwards, William Etter, Robert S. Nelson and Brian Robinson. We thank the many rights holders who furnished images for the book with efficiency. We also thank Williams College and its graduate programme in Art History, the Williams College Library and the Clark Art Institute Library for providing pleasant surroundings and abundant resources for the work on this book.
This book would have been finished more quickly, and without so many delightful distractions, had Jesse Oliver Zorach-Phillips not entered our lives in 2012. This book is dedicated to him, in the hope that he will grow up in a world in which peace and justice are valued more than gold.