Abbreviations of the names of ancient authors and their works follow, whenever possible, the practice of the Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th edition (2012). Otherwise, Greek authors and titles are abbreviated as in Liddell and Scott, Greek–English Lexicon, 9th edition, revised by H. Stuart Jones and supplemented by various scholars (1968), referred to as LSJ. Latin authors and titles are abbreviated as in the Oxford Latin Dictionary (1982), commonly cited as OLD. Names of authors or works in square brackets [—] indicate spurious or questionable attributions. Numbers in superscript following a title indicate the number of an edition (e.g., OCD4). Abbreviations and descriptions of works of secondary scholarship are also usually taken from OCD4.
ad loc. | ad locum, at the placed being discussed in the commentary |
ap. | apud, within, indicating a quotation contained in another author |
c. | circa, about or approximately |
cf. | compare |
ch. | chapter |
ff. | following pages |
fig., figs. | figure, figures |
fl. | flourished |
fr., frr. | fragment, fragments |
ibid. | ibidem, in the same work cited above |
inv. | inventory number |
n., nn. | note, notes |
pass. | passim, throughout |
pl. | plural |
pr. | preface |
Ael. | Aelian |
VH | Varia Historia |
Aeschin. | Aeschines |
Andoc. | Andocides |
Anth. Pal. | Palatine Anthology |
Antiph. | Antiphon |
Ap. Rhod. Argon. | Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica |
Ar. | Aristophanes |
Ach. | Acharnians |
Eccl. | Assemblywomen |
Eq. | Knights |
Lys. | Lysistrata |
Ran. | Frogs |
Thesm. | Women at the Thesmophoria |
Arist. | Aristotle |
[Ath. pol.] | Constitution of the Athenians |
Eth. Eud. | Eudemian Ethics |
Eth. Nic. | Nichomachean Ethics |
Gen. an. | On the Generation of Animals |
Metaph. | Metaphysics |
[Oec.] | On Household Management |
Pol. | Politics |
[Pr.] | Problemata |
Rh. | Rhetoric |
Arr. | Arrian, Anabasis of Alexander |
Artem. | Artemidorus, Oneirokritika |
Ath. | Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae |
Callim. | Callimachus |
Aet. | Aetia |
Hymn 5 | Hymn to Athena |
Cass. Dio | Cassius Dio |
Dem. | Demosthenes |
Din. | Dinarchus |
Diod. Sic. | Diodorus Siculus |
Diog. Laert. | Diogenes Laertius |
Epict. | Epictetus |
Disc. | Discourses |
Epicurus | Epicurus |
RS | Principal Doctrines |
Sent. Vat. | Vatican Sayings |
Eub. | Eubulus |
Eur. | Euripides |
Alc. | Alcestis |
Hipp. | Hippolytus |
Gal. | Galen |
Ars med. | Art of Medicine |
Libr. propr. | On My Own Books |
PHP | On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato |
UP | On the Use of the Parts of the Body |
Hdt. | Herodotus |
Hermesian. | Hermesianax |
Hes. | Hesiod |
Op. | Works and Days |
Theog. | Theogony |
Hipp. Haer. | Hippolytus, Refutation of All Heresies |
[Hippoc.] | Hippocrates |
Genit. | On Generation |
Loc. Hom. | Places in Man |
Mul. | Diseases of Women |
Nat. Hom. | On the Nature of the Human Being |
Hom. | Homer |
Il. | Iliad |
Od. | Odyssey |
Hymn. Hom. Ap. | Homeric Hymn to Apollo |
Cer. | Homeric Hymn to Demeter |
Ven. | Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite |
Hyp. | Hyperides |
Iambl. VP | Iamblichus, Life of Pythagoras |
Isae. | Isaeus |
Isoc. | Isocrates |
[Longinus] Subl. | [Longinus], On the Sublime |
[Luc.] Am. | [Lucian], Affairs of the Heart |
Lucian Eun. | Lucian, The Eunuch |
Lucill. | Lucillius |
Lys. | Lysias |
Men. | Menander |
Sam. | Samia |
Muson. | Musonius Rufus |
Nic. | Nicander |
NT | New Testament (Authorized Version) |
1 Cor. | First Epistle to the Corinthians |
Rom. | Epistle to the Romans |
OT | Old Testament (Authorized Version) |
Lev. | Leviticus |
Parth. Amat. narr. | Parthenius, Sufferings in Love |
Paus. | Pausanias, Description of Greece |
Philostr. | Philostratus |
VS | Vitae sophistarum (Lives of the Sophists) |
Pind. | Pindar |
Ol. | Olympian Odes |
Pl. | Plato |
Criti. | Critias |
Leg. | Laws |
Men. | Meno |
Min. | Minos |
Phdr. | Phaedrus |
Prot. | Protagoras |
Resp. | Republic |
Symp. | Symposium |
Ti. | Timaeus |
Plut. | Plutarch |
Alex. | Life of Alexander |
Amat. | Dialogue on Love |
Caes. | Life of Caesar |
Cat. Mai. | Life of the Elder Cato |
Cic. | Life of Cicero |
Crass. | Life of Crassus |
De cupid. divit. | On the Desire for Riches |
De Is. | On Isis and Osiris |
De mul. vir. | On the Virtues of Women |
Lyc. | Life of Lycurgus |
Mor. | Moralia |
Per. | Life of Pericles |
Pomp. | Life of Pompey |
Sol. | Life of Solon |
Polyb. | Polybius |
Porph. Abst. | Porphyry, On Abstinence |
Pythag. Ep. | Letters of Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans |
Sor. Gyn. | Soranus, Gynecology |
Stob. | Stobaeus |
Str. | Strabo |
Theoc. Id. | Theocritus, Idylls |
Theophr. | Theophrastus |
Char. | Characters |
Thuc. | Thucydides |
Xen. | Xenophon |
[Ath. pol.] | Constitution of the Athenians |
Lac. | Constitution of the Spartans |
Mem. | Recollections of Socrates |
Oec. | On Household Management |
Symp. | Symposium |
Apul. | Apuleius |
Apol. | Apologia |
Fl. | Florida |
Met. | Metamorphoses |
Aug. RG | Augustus, Res Gestae (Things Accomplished) |
August. | Augustine |
Conf. | Confessions |
De civ. D. | City of God |
Aur. Vict. Caes. | Aurelius Victor, Lives of the Caesars |
Cael. Aur. Morb. Chron. | Caelius Aurelianus, On Chronic Diseases |
Catul. | Catullus |
Cic. | Cicero |
Att. | Letters to Atticus |
Cael. | On Behalf of Caelius |
Dom. | On his House |
Fam. | Letters to his Friends |
Fin. | On the Supreme Good and Evil |
Inv. rhet. | On Devising a Speech |
Marcell. | On Behalf of Marcellus |
Nat. D. | On the Nature of the Gods |
Off. | On Duties |
Phil. | Philippics |
Planc. | On Behalf of Plancius |
Rosc. Am. | On Behalf of Sextus Roscius of Ameria |
Top. | Topica |
Tusc. | Tusculan Disputations |
Columella, Rust. | Columella, On Agriculture |
Curt. | Q. Curtius Rufus, History of Alexander |
Dig. | Digest of Roman Law |
Gai. Inst. | Gaius, Institutes |
Gell. NA | Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights |
Hor. | Horace |
Carm. | Odes |
Sat. | Satires |
Jer. Adv. Iovinian. | Jerome, Against Jovinian |
Just. Epit. | Justin, Epitome (of Trogus) |
Just. Inst. | Justinian, Institutes |
Juv. | Juvenal |
Liv. | Livy |
Lucr. DRN | Lucretius, On the Nature of Things |
Macrob. Sat. | Macrobius, Saturnalia |
Mart. | Martial |
Nep. | Cornelius Nepos |
NT | New Testament |
1 Cor. | First Epistle to the Corinthians |
Rom. | Epistle to the Romans |
OT | Old Testament |
Lev. | Leviticus |
Ov. | Ovid |
Am. | Amores |
Ars am. | Art of Love |
Fast. | Fasti |
Her. | Heroides |
Met. | Metamorphoses |
Pont. | Letters from Pontus |
Tr. | Tristia |
Passio Perp. | The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity |
Paulus Sent. | Iulius Paulus, Sententiae |
Petron. | Petronius |
Sat. | Satyricon |
Plaut. | Plautus |
Aul. | The Pot of Gold |
Plin. HN | Pliny (the Elder), Natural History |
Plin. Ep. | Pliny (the Younger), Letters |
Prop. | Propertius |
Quint. Inst. | Quintilian, Institutes of Oratory |
Sall. | Sallust |
Cat. | Catiline |
Sen. | Seneca (the Elder) |
Controv. | Controversiae |
Sen. | Seneca (the Younger) |
Ep. | Moral Epistles |
Helv. | Letter to Helvia |
Q Nat. | Natural Questions |
SHA | Scriptores Historiae Augustae (Lives of the Later Emperors) |
Alex. Sev. | Severus Alexander |
Hadr. | Hadrian |
Heliogab. | Heliogabalus |
Suet. | Suetonius |
Div. Aug. | Life of the Deified Augustus |
Calig. | Life of Caligula |
Div. Claud. | Life of the Deified Claudius |
Dom. | Life of Domitian |
Galb. | Life of Galba |
Div. Iul. | Life of the Deified Julius |
Ner. | Life of Nero |
Tib. | Life of Tiberius |
Tac. | Tacitus |
Agr. | Agricola |
Ann. | Annals |
Hist. | Historiae |
Tert. | Tertullian |
Apol. | Apology |
De praescr. haeret. | Prescription against Heretics |
Tib. | Tibullus |
Ulp. | Ulpian |
Varro, Rust. | Varro, On Agriculture |
Verg. | Vergil |
Aen. | Aeneid |
G. | Georgics |
ABV | J. D. Beazley, Attic Black-figure Vase Painters (1956) |
AE | L’Année Épigraphique, published in Revue Archéologique and separately (1888– ) |
ARV2 | J. D. Beazley, Attic Red-figure Vase Painters, 2nd edn. (1963) |
Coll. Alex. | J. U. Powell (ed.), Collectanea Alexandrina (1925) |
CIG | A. Boeckh (ed.), Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (1828–77) |
CIL | Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (1863– ) |
CLE | F. Bücheler and E. Lommatzsch (eds.), Carmina Latina Epigraphica (1895–1926) |
CR Acad. Inscr. | Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres |
DK | H. Diels and W. Kranz (eds.), Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 6th edn (Berlin, 1952) |
FGrH | F. Jacoby (ed.), Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (1923– ) |
Gow | A. S. F. Gow (ed.), Machon: The Fragments (1965) |
GP | A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page (eds.), The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, 2 vols. (1965) |
IG | Inscriptiones Graecae (1873– ) |
IL Jug | Inscriptiones Latinae quae in Iugoslavia …. repertae et editae sunt (Ljubljana 1963–86) |
ILS | H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae (1892–1916) |
Kock | T. Kock, Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta (1880–8) |
Kühn | K. G. Kühn, Medicorum Graecorum Opera |
Littré | E. Littré,Oeuvres complètes d’Hippocrate, 10 vols. (1839–61) |
Lutz | C. E. Lutz, Musonius Rufus: “The Roman Socrates” (1947) |
Marx | F. Marx, C. Lucilii Carminum Reliquiae (1904–5) |
Nauck2 | A. Nauck (ed.), Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, 2nd edn. (1889) |
Pack | R. A. Pack (ed.), Artemidori Daldiani onirocriticon libri V (1963) |
PColon. | Kölner Papyri (1976–) |
PDidot. | Papyrus Firmin-Didot, H. Weil, Un Papyrus Inédit (1879) |
Pf. | R. Pfeiffer (ed.), Callimachus, 2 vols (1949–53) |
PKöln | Kölner Papyri XI (2007) |
PMG | D. L. Page (ed.), Poetae Melici Graeci (1962) |
POxy. | Oxyrhynchus Papyri (1898– ) |
PSI | Papiri Greci e Latini, Pubblicazioni della Società italiana per la recerca dei papiro greci e latini in Egitto (1912– ) |
S-M | B. Snell and H. Maehler (eds.), Pindari carmina cum fragmentis (1987–8) |
Suppl. Hell. | H. Lloyd-Jones and P. Parsons (eds.), Supplementum Hellenisticum, Texte und Kommentare no. 11 (1983) |
Suppl. Mag. | R. W. Daniel and F. Maltomini (eds.), Supplementum Magicum, Papyrologica Coloniensia 16/1–2, 2 vols. (1989–91) |
SVF | H. von Arnim, (ed.), Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta (1903– ) |
Us. | H. Usener (ed.), Epicurea (1887) |
V | E.-M. Voigt (ed.), Sappho et Alcaeus: Fragmenta (1971) |
van der Horst | P. W. van der Horst, Chaeremon: Egyptian Priest and Stoic Philosopher (1984) |
West2 | M. L. West (ed.), Iambi et Elegi, 2nd edn. (1989) |
Wimmer | F. Wimmer (ed.), Theophrasti Eresii opera (1931) |