“What kind of man do you take me for?
A rogue, like Mytchett?”

“Leave him out of it, if you please.”

“Gladly. But answer my question.”

“I cannot!” she retorted, squirming against him. “All I know is that you have your orders and that’s why you’re here. How should I know what kind of a man you are, my lord? You must have heard how skillfully I form opinions in that direction.”

“Yes, I have. Stop struggling and listen to me. This is not what you believe.”

“You will never convince me of that, my lord. If I did not own something you’d been told to get hold of at any cost you would show no more interest in Lord Benistone’s scandalous daughter than in any other widow.”

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Mistress Masquerade
Harlequin® Historical #373—February 2014