Many people across the United States believe that their government is aware of the existence of extraterrestrials; that they are more than just aware of their existence, but in fact, have interacted with them in one way or another. Some even believe the US government has signed agreements or treaties with otherworldly individuals. This, of course, would involve leaders of the country, particularly the United States presidents who have come and gone into office over the years; though some of these individuals had strange encounters or experiences well before serving their terms.
For the skeptic, consider this: is it not a striking coincidence that multiple presidents have reported various kinds of encounters with unidentified flying objects and possible “aliens?” These people are entrusted with the wellbeing of the country and occupy positions of not just power but also great responsibility. Coming forth with this kind of information could be viewed as “crazy” or “unstable;” or simply discredit their ability to perform as needed for the United States. Why volunteer this information in view of such large associated risk? Coincidence or not, it certainly is interesting and thought-provoking, as well as curious and shrouded in mystery.
Before his presidential reign, Jimmy Carter had a notable encounter in Georgia, which he recounted to an audience on Larry King Live. In the year of ‘69 during his presidential campaign (as governor) he, along with approximately 25 other men, witnessed a strange object in the sky. He described it as a strange, round light appearing in the Western sky and headed towards the group of men. It grew closer and closer, stopping and hovering just above some towering pine trees, where it began to change color, switching from blue, to red, then white. It stayed in this state for a while (though a specific length of time was not disclosed) and then disappeared. According to Mr. Carter, everyone who witnessed the event was “aghast”. There is an official documented report on this incident that has also been corroborated by over 10 other individuals who witnessed the scene.
President Carter said he initially never thought of it as an alien-inhabited unidentified flying object, as he simply didn’t think it was possible for aliens to visit Earth from other planets. He did request NASA, though, to investigate unidentified flying objects during his presidency in the year 1977. He also announced to the public that should he be elected as president of the United States, he would make available to the public all information possessed by the US about unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrials. He later said that he was certain unidentified flying objects exist because he had, in fact, seen one (referencing this event). It was unfortunate, however, that despite the request for an investigation from the United States president, which is regarded as the highest form of power and service in office, NASA still declined.
The 1970’s seem to be a significant decade for unidentified flying objects and possible extraterrestrial encounters. In 1977, President Ronald Reagan may have had a visual encounter with an alien craft. This encounter was narrated by Mr. Reagan’s companion at that time, a pilot by the name of Bill Paynter. The pilot narrated that he was flying with Ronald Reagan aboard (as well as other individuals that were unnamed) when they suddenly saw a large light following behind their plane. The light then quickly accelerated with great speed; and after following it for a few minutes, they saw it ascend upwards until it was completely gone. The pilot did not file an official report but has been quoted by certain publications as saying that he and President Ronald Reagan often discussed the unidentified flying objects encounter.
Another striking possible encounter was reported to President Thomas Jefferson in the year 1813. This was long before the other reported incidences when technology was even more limited, and thus, flying objects were a rarity. This report was made to President Jefferson via a letter written by two men, one of whom was a carpenter. The letter revealed details about an encounter they had in Portsmouth, Virginia; describing a large object that seemingly looked like a ball of fire, surrounded by smoke that was being emitted from itself. The object was then concealed for several minutes by this very same smoke. When it was visible again, it appeared to change shape, shifting from a round form to that of a more elongated oblong or “turtle” outline. The object continually fluctuated about in the sky, all the while emitting enormous amounts of smoke. It was seen descending downward, and then reascending up to its previous height. There is no feasible explanation as to what this may have been, especially during that time. There is no feasible explanation as to what this may have been, especially during that time period. The possibilities are very limited, and as such, it was truly an unidentified flying object.
President John F. Kennedy was famous for a lot of things; though you probably did not know that he is closely intertwined with unidentified flying object sightings and the possible existence of extraterrestrials. An author by the name of William Lester says he discovered a top-secret memo from President John Kennedy to the CIA that had just recently been declassified and made available to the public. In his book, he disclosed the details of this memo, stating that it was a request from the President for the CIA to organize all of their files regarding unidentified flying objects and to debrief him on all these unknown occurrences. Said memo, Lester said, was dated November 12th of the year 1962. This would put such request by JFK just 10 days before his tragic death. The authenticity of this top-secret memo, however, is under question, as it has not been located anywhere outside of Lester’s own records and his book. Was it deleted to hide a trail that could lead to ground-breaking information on Earth’s encounters with extraterrestrials? Or was it entirely fabricated by an author to substantiate his own claims?
There are numerous conspiracy theories that involve President John Kennedy, but no concrete evidence has been found to support these theories and claims. There is, however, a report of a certain letter sent to JFK by a woman, detailing her own personal encounter with what may have been an alien-piloted unidentified flying object that she had seen through a bedroom window in her home located in Ashland, Wisconsin. Though the file does not contain the original letter to Mr. Kennedy, it does have other documents, such as the report of an official letter sent to the woman printed on a Department of the Air Force letterhead. In this letter, which was dated July 23 of the year 1962, it was stated that the presidential office had asked the US Air Force to reply to her with regards to the “unidentified serial lighting” seen from her bedroom window. This response to the woman included a letter and a questionnaire from Lt. Colonel William J. Lockadoo, United States Air Force, for the woman to fill out and return. Unfortunately, the questionnaire was filled in with pencil and the print is no longer readable on the copies found on file. Many people suspect that the original letter written by the woman to President Kennedy, as well as his response to her, was purposely removed from the file. Is it possible that these missing documents contained some shocking information?
Whether you were (or would have been) on board with President Richard M. Nixon and his particular brand of leadership, he is perhaps the first president to publicly acknowledge that he was being briefed on the subject of extraterrestrial unidentified flying objects. However, he also said he was “not at liberty to discuss” any government knowledge of such things.
At the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure held by the National Press Club in 2013, a former CIA and Army employee volunteered information in which he confirmed that Richard Nixon and another president (Dwight Eisenhower) both knew that alien spacecraft was being secretly held in New Mexico, all the way back since the 1950’s. This former employee also stated that both he and his CIA superior were told by President Eisenhower and then Vice-President Richard Nixon to work for confirmation that the stories surrounding Area 51 were more than just rumors and were, in fact, accurate.
What is drastically more intriguing than the possibility of witnessing alien spacecraft is the possibility of actually seeing the lifeless remains of extraterrestrials from the Roswell crash. This is another reportedly true event experienced by President Richard Nixon and his friend, Jackie Gleason. This incident was recounted by Beverly Gleason Mckittrick, Mr. Gleason’s former wife. Beverly stated, on several occasions during interviews, that Jackie Gleason had come home late one night in the year 1973, seeming to be quite shaken-up about something. He reportedly told her that he had been taken to see Mr. Nixon, who escorted him to Homestead Air Force base. He then proceeded to show Gleason the deceased bodies of small aliens that were being housed there. This same story, with the same information, was retold by Beverly in an interview as recently as 2003, during which she also added that she took him at his word because he had been very serious about the incident when he recounted it to her. She also said that releasing the information had put quite a strain on their marriage, as he was very angry with her for doing so. It is widely known that Mr. Nixon and Mr. Gleason were good friends, and they were often seen golfing together. Is this why President Nixon entrusted Jackie Gleason with this sensitive sight and information?