
Chapter 17: NASA’s Cover-Ups


NASA’s constant cover-ups and reluctance to talk about alien life provides many controversies among people. Their attitude led many to believe that there are alien creatures that wonder the soil of Earth and space sometimes. These people also believe that NASA knows more than it admits.

We already mentioned their unwillingness to share with the public the complete experience of Neil Armstrong and Apollo 11 crew, so it is no surprise that later NASA missions were also not fully reported back to the public.

The Apollo 14 mission of 1971 saw astronaut Dr. Mitchell being launched to space, or more precisely to the moon. Mitchell, himself stated that he had encountered aliens’ multiple times, but NASA would always keep it to themselves. According to Mitchell, he was not the only one, but that also other NASA space employees witnessed seeing an unusual creature here and then as well. The aliens they saw were small and looked nothing like people.

Many praised their technology, which is superior to human inventions according to testimonials. The Roswell alien story of 1947 is also believed to be real, but exactly because of the technology, the USA government decided not to talk about the event in real terms, hoping to get a technological advantage over the then-enemy Soviet Union. The two world powers, caught in the Cold War, were constantly competing against each other in all aspects, military development, technological inventions, the space race, etc.

Dr. Mitchell’s statements were denounced by NASA, which modestly stated not to be tracking foreign objects and aliens and that they do not keep anything secret. If this is true, can anyone explain why the live feed of the International Space Station is cut off when objects are roaming in space? This is yet another hint that the NASA might be playing games with people’s minds trying to divert them from the path of the truth.



The Men in Black

The Men in Black, as he has become to be known, is a silencer of UFO and alien witnesses. One of the most astonishing stories is when he paid a visit to the hobby-UFO expert Dr. Hopkins, a well-reputed physician who reported being visited by this mysterious figure. According to the physician’s story, he studied a UFO phenomenon in 1976, when he was given a call from a man allegedly from the UFO organization, who suddenly appeared at his home immediately after the phone call. He simply appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room, without knocking, wearing a black hat and black tie. The man was also described as bold, short of eyelashes and eyebrows.

The man ordered him with a machine voice to end his UFO study and get rid of all evidence he gathered. The man left afterward by saying that his energy was running low. The very bizarre event is not the only one; other people have also reported strange visitor similarly dressed who threatened them. The threats led many to believe that there is a big secret being hidden from the global population and that alien existence is still a puzzle because the government and NASA keep the evidence out of reach and shut down people who talk about it.

The Roswell Incident

Everyone has heard of Roswell and the metal object that became known as UFO that was detected in Roswell in 1947. That was the first incident that would puzzle masses for decades, even today the story remains a big controversy. The story of the government simply does not add up to the facts and what many Roswell inhabitants have seen.

The US military first reported it was a flying disk just to change their story stating it was a weather balloon. The story was revived in the 1970s when the question of alien existence was raised again. Various conspiracy theories rose to fame which made the world doubt the government and NASA. Statistics has also shown that over 70% of people believe that the government conspired to hide true evidence and the Roswell alien landing on Earth.

Former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Hellyer also once stated that the US Government is using alien technology. He even argued that the government built identical flying saucers. The former minister deeply believes that UFOs are real and that their existence should not be denied.

Donna Hare is yet another individual who came in touch with NASA working as a contractor. She accidently discovered that NASA pictures are being “brushed up” before shown to the public. She once was shown a photo of the Earth shot from space where craft shadows were clearly visible and then she was told that the photos were airbrushed before release.

People who have something to say concerning their UFO research or alien experience are being controlled by the Air Force. For example, in 1947, a man shot a strange object with his camera in Arizona. After the photo had been published in the newspapers, the man was confronted by the Air Force which persuaded him to hand over the negatives, which they never returned.

UFO specialist, Keyhole was once a guest on a TV show to talk about UFOs. Well, the ufologist was censored and not allowed to talk freely. Every time he said something that was not approved by the station (read: by the Air Force), the sound was cut. Many believe that Keyhole was about to spill the beans about military studies on UFOs unknown to the public, which indicated that UFOs can move from planet to planet. Nevertheless, Keyhole was told by the TV station to stick to security standards after all.