Beth Chatto
The Dry Garden, Dent, 1978
The Damp Garden, Dent, 1982
The Green Tapestry: Perennial Plants for the Garden, Collins, 1989
and Christopher Lloyd, Dear Friend and Gardener: Letters on Life and Gardening, Frances Lincoln, 1998, new edition 2013
Beth Chatto’s Gravel Garden: Drought-Resistant Planting Through the Year, Frances Lincoln, 2000
Beth Chatto’s Woodland Garden: Shade-Loving Plants for Year-Round Interest, Cassell Illustrated, 2002
and Fergus Garrett, A Year in the Life of Beth Chatto’s Gardens, Frances Lincoln, 2011
Helen Dillon
Helen Dillon on Gardening, Town House, 1998
Helen Dillon’s Garden Book, Frances Lincoln, 2007
Margery Fish
We Made a Garden, Collingridge, 1956
An All the Year Garden, Collingridge, 1958
Cottage Garden Flowers, Collingridge, 1961
Gardening in the Shade, Collingridge, 1964
Ground Cover Plants, Collingridge, 1964
A Flower for Every Day, Studio Vista, 1965
Carefree Gardening, Collingridge, 1966
Gardening on Clay and Lime, David & Charles, 1970
Gertrude Jekyll
Wood and Garden, Longmans, 1899
Home and Garden, Longmans, 1900
Lilies for English Gardens: A Guide for Amateurs, Country Life, 1901
Wall and Water Gardens, Country Life, 1901
and Edward Mawley, Roses for English Gardens, Country Life, 1902
Flower Decoration in the House, Country Life, 1907
Children and Gardens, Country Life, 1908
Colour in the Flower Garden, Country Life, 1908
and Sir Lawrence Weaver, Gardens for Small Country Houses, Country Life, 1912
Annuals and Biennials, Country Life, 1916
and Christopher Hussey, Garden Ornament, Country Life, 1918
Mary Keen
The Garden Border Book, Viking, 1987
and Clay Perry, The Glory of the English Garden, Barrie & Jenkins, 1989
Colour Your Garden: A Portfolio of Inventive Planting Schemes, Conran Octopus,1991
Decorate Your Garden: Affordable ideas and Ornaments for Small Gardens, Conran Octopus, 1993
Creating a Garden, Conran Octopus, 1996
Vita Sackville-West
Some Flowers, Cobden-Sanderson, 1937
In Your Garden, Michael Joseph, 1951
In Your Garden Again, Michael Joseph, 1953
More for Your Garden, Michael Joseph, 1955
Even More for Your Garden, Michael Joseph, 1958
Rosemary Verey
and Alvilde Lees-Milne, The Englishwoman’s Garden, Chatto & Windus, 1980
The Scented Garden, Michael Joseph, 1981
and Alvide Lees-Milne, The Englishman’s Garden, Allen Lane/ Penguin Books, 1982
Classic Garden Design: Adapting and Recreating Garden Features of the Past, Viking/Penguin Books, 1984
and Alvide Lees-Milne, The New Englishwoman’s Garden, Chatto & Windus, 1987
The Garden in Winter, Frances Lincoln, 1988
Good Planting, Frances Lincoln, 1990
A Countrywoman’s Notes, Frances Lincoln, 1991
Rosemary Verey’s Garden Plans, Frances Lincoln, 1993
Rosemary Verey’s Making of a Garden, Frances Lincoln, 1995
The English Country Garden, BBC Books, 1996
Rosamund Wallinger
Gertrude Jekyll’s Lost Garden, Garden Art Press, 2000
Gertrude Jekyll: Her Art Restored at Upton Grey, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2013