Dear Reader,
I hope you enjoyed Eli and Holly’s story. I had a great time creating them and dropping them in the midst of trouble. When I was at the beach, I got a call from my agent saying Steeple Hill wanted me to be one of the authors in this anthology. Needless to say, I jumped at the chance. Right then, I grabbed my writing buddies and we brainstormed the whole story within about an hour. I just think it’s so wonderful how God places people in our lives just when we need them. Eli arrived home in time to protect Holly and help figure out who was after her and her land. At first Holly wasn’t real thrilled that he was there, but thank goodness God can see the big picture. Sometimes in real life, we don’t always like or understand the way things work out, but one thing I’ve learned is that as long as I’m trusting God, He’ll bring me through whatever storm crosses my path. Again, thank you for reading my story. I always love to hear from my readers. You can reach me at
God Bless!