Dear Lots-o-Fun Journal,

Whew, no more spider attacks last night. It was raining when we got up this morning. So I had to wear my Power Man jacket. And guess what? At breakfast, everyone was talking about the tarantula I caught last night. Mike told them it wasn’t a tarantula. It was just a fishing spider. No one believed him.

Today is our last day at Camp Lots-o-Fun. We’re all going home tomorrow. Today is Lots-o-Fun Day. We’ve had races and games and a whole bunch of fun stuff. Guess what else? Cabin Six got the most points. We each got a Camp Lots-o-Fun T-shirt. Fan-tabulous!

We’re supposed to be resting now. I told Chris that Power Man never needs to rest. Chris told me sometimes he needs a rest from Power Man. I think that was a joke. Chris has a weird sense of humor sometimes.

I think everyone has rested by now. Got to go—it’s time for our nature scavenger hunt.

Scavengely yours,
DJ, a.k.a. Power Man!


Chris handed Raj and DJ each a piece of paper. “This is a list of the things you have to find,” he said. “You’ll work in pairs. Raj, you work with Ernie. DJ, you work with Andrew.”

DJ and Andrew stared at each other. Andrew frowned. DJ frowned too. Before either of them could protest, Chris gave them their instructions.

“This is a nature scavenger hunt,” Chris said. “Only things you find in nature count.” He grinned. “Get busy, guys, and good luck.”
