“Does everyone have his life jacket on?” asked Chris.

“Yes,” the boys answered.

“Okay. Two in a canoe. Andrew and Raj in one. DJ and Ernie in the other,” said Chris. “I’ll bring up the rear.”

DJ climbed into the closest canoe. “You know what, Ernie?” he said. “Last night I heard a humongous splash. I’ll bet it was that giant fish. Maybe it wasn’t eaten by the lake monsters after all.”

Ernie hesitated. “I think I’ll stay on the dock.”

“Ernie, hurry up and get into the canoe,” Chris said. “We’re ready to go.”

“Don’t worry, Ernie,” said DJ. “I’ll protect you. If a big old giant fish attacks us, Power Man will give him a karate chop.”

The boys paddled along the shore until they came to a small bay. The lake’s surface was as smooth as a mirror. DJ looked over the side. “I see the giant fish!” he shouted.

Ernie screeched. A pair of startled fishermen glared at them from their boat.

Chris paddled alongside their canoe. “What’s going on?” he asked DJ.

“There’s a giant fish down there.” DJ pointed. “I think it’s following us.”

Ernie clutched the side of the canoe. “I want to go back to camp,” he said.

Chris stared into the water. “Calm down, Ernie. It’s just an old log.”

Andrew and Raj paddled over. “I see it,” said Raj, pushing his glasses up on his nose. “I think it’s moving.”


“The ripples from your paddle make it look like it’s moving around,” said Chris. “Come on, it’s time to head back.”

Andrew looked at DJ. “Only sissies believe in monsters and giant fish,” he scoffed.

DJ didn’t answer. He stared into the water. Something was down there all right. Something that moved. Something that looked like a giant fish. DJ swallowed but he wasn’t scared. Power Man would never be scared.

“Let’s go, DJ,” said Ernie, snatching up his paddle.

DJ grabbed his own paddle. They were the first ones back to the dock.

That night DJ slept with Sockster again. Just in case Sockster was scared.